Page 2 - [KANSAI] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai

Here are 398 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

31 to 60 of 398



    • goods
    • hat
    • stole

    OEM of apparel accessories (fashion goods)

    JIStyle offers OEM production of apparel accessories (fashion goods). We handle a wide range of apparel accessories such as hats, scarves, scarves, stoles, gloves, socks, umbrellas/parasols, rain boots, and raincoats. We produce at our affiliated factories in Japan, Italy, Germany, Ecuador, Peru, India, Inner Mongolia, China, and other countries around the world.

  • Mitsuba, Ltd.

    579 Fukurai, Maizuru City, Kyoto, Japan

    • embroidery
    • badge
    • 刺繍加工

    From one to 10,000 pieces, made in Japan! We accept all kinds of embroidery processing!

    We are an embroidery factory that embroiders all kinds of apparel, hats, and small goods. With a 50-year history as an embroidery factory, we are capable of producing patches and embroidering directly on products such as bags and T-shirts. We can handle everything from data preparation, fabric selection, sample, and mass embroidery processing in-house, and can also handle mass production of minimal 1 piece to 10,000 pieces at our domestic factory. Embroidery of logos for famous sports brands and mass production of embroidery for baby items Embroidery on small goods such as handbags, pouches, handkerchiefs, and Japanese goods Embroidery on polo shirts, towels, hats, etc. We offer a wide range of quick embroidery services, including the following We also offer a wide range of embroidery design and data creation consultation services, so if you have any questions about embroidery, please feel free to contact us for even the smallest detail. We have many young staff in their 20s and 30s, and we very often work with them because they like our lively atmosphere. We have many customers who want to start with a consultation or a sample. We also operate our own e-commerce store where we manufacture and sell patches, T-shirts with names, caps, etc., so we can also produce small quantities. Please feel free to contact us.

  • 株式会社セカンドオリーブ


    • アクセサリー
    • 雑貨
    • ジュエリー


    シンプルでありながら個性的。そんな物作りを目指しております。 雑貨やアクセサリー、ノベルティ品などを企画・製造しております。 大手アパレルブランド数社と既に15年以上お取引頂いております。 天然石、貝、水牛の角、漆などの天然素材の風合いや色を取り入れた商品を中心に、 お客様のご希望にお応えできるよう、素材選びから協議いたします。 オリジナルのメタルパーツなども豊富な経験からアドバイスさせてもらいます。 オリジナルキャストやプレスでの製造も可能です。 またオリジナルのアクリル製品などもご相談ください。 キーホルダーなどのノベルティや店舗什器などもご相談ください。 数量が多い場合でも対応可能な提携海外工場もございます。 海外生産も品質・価格の安定など妥協の無い協議を重ね、 品質の良い生産体制を整えるよう努力しております。 「こんなの作れるのかな?」 ふらっと気軽にご連絡ください。 自社でもブランドを保有し、 全国の百貨店にてポップアップを数多く展開しております。 (オリジナルブランド製品の卸事業も承っております) 作り手だけではなく、売り手の気持ちも痛いほど分かります。 納品して終わりではなく、その先も沢山お話ししてお手伝いさせてもらえたら光栄です。 小さな会社ですが、小回りの利く丁寧なモノづくりをして参ります。


    Room902 Gendai-shinsaibashi Bldg,4-12-24 Minamisenba Chuo-ku,Osaka-City,Osaka,Japan

    • スリッパ
    • サンダル
    • シューズ

    OEM support for footwear in general, including slippers, sandals, and shoes

    FRONTIER is a footwear manufacturer that designs, plans, imports, and sells shoes and footwear in general. We produce our own brand products at our partner factory in China, and use their production line for OEM production. We have experience in many PB and OEM requests from retailers, hotels, novelty stores, etc. In addition to original product development, original specifications (changes in materials, colors, logos, etc.) of FRONTIER products are available.

  • 合同会社PROEMB


    • 刺繍
    • ワッペン
    • 小ロット


    ウェアやレザー生地などへ刺繍加工しております。 刺繍は1989年創業の刺繍専門の工房で対応しており、 データ作成〜加工まで一貫生産のため、高品質での納品が可能です。 自社製造商品として、 刺繍スマホケースがございますので、OEM対応が可能です。 --------------------- 【事業内容】 刺繍加工全般・ワッペン作成 刺繍データ作成(パンチング) オンライン刺繍オーダー / 刺繍ブランド「ShiiShu」 <得意分野> 皮革・レザーへの刺繍 ペット系・ロゴなどのデザイン 写真からの刺繍OK 刺繍データ作成 数量1~ロット生産まで対応。 <設備> 多頭式刺繍機(6頭、4頭、2頭、2頭) 油圧裁断機クリッカー 熱圧着プレス機  HP: --------------------- 些細なことから、お気軽にお問い合わせください。



    • 鞄OEM
    • スーツケースOEM
    • ファッションOEM



  • 株式会社e-コンシェル

    大阪市西区西本町 1-15-6 西本町ビル302

    • レディース
    • インナー
    • カジュアル


    弊社は創業より、 1.OEM及び卸事業 (インティメイトアパレルの企画・製造・販売) 2.Eコマース事業  の二本柱を中心に事業運営を行い、美と健康に貢献してまいりました。 クライアント様のほとんどがEコマース向けということもあり、そのトレンドを的確に把握し多様化するニーズにお応えした企画・開発が可能です。 そのため、50種類以上のアイテムを開発し100万枚を超えるような商品を生み出し、安定した販売実績をご提供することができております。 創業から日が浅くはありますが、クライアント様やスタッフにも恵まれ、今日まで順調に業績を伸ばしてくることができました。 しかし我々はこの現状に甘える事なく、これからも皆様の「良きコンシェルジュ」であり続けるためにチャレンジし続ける企業でありたいと常に考えております。 その足掛かりとして海外進出に乗り出し、まずはアジアマーケットでの足場固めから始め、将来的には世界規模へと展開する長期計画を遂行中であり、これまで以上に世界中の方々の美と健康にフォーカスし、更なる価値を提供するとともに一層の飛躍を目指してまいります。 これまでのお客様も、そしてこれからのお客様も 今後とも、e-コンシェルを何卒よろしくお願い致します。

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  • 株式会社ディーライズ 

    大阪市浪速区難波中3-6-3 T4BLDG.OSAKA8F

    • カットソー
    • フォーマルウェア
    • インナー


    弊社は、独自の「アイデア」「機能性」を加えた衣服、インナー、健康商品、日用雑貨品を製造しています。 工場は宮崎県都城市にあり、小ロットから対応しております。 🔹40年以上のアパレル生産経験を持っている工場でオリジナルアパレルのOEM/ODMまでご協力しております。生地、商材、副材の提案とご紹介もスピーディーに対応しています。 🔹カテゴリーとしてレディース・メンズのインナー含む衣類全般、白衣等のユニフォーム、スポーツウェア、サウナスーツ、フォーマルウェアなど幅広いオリジナルアパレル、「あったらいいな」と思う便利な日用雑貨を製造しています。 🔹小ロットで高品質、安心を提供が当社の特徴で1デザインでサイズ色込み1枚から対応しております。

  • 有限会社シバタ

    大阪市中央区南船場1-5-21 大日南船場ビル6F

    • レディース
    • ワンピース
    • オケージョンドレス

    ①オケージョンドレスに特化したOEMメーカー +プラス Second team

    海外(中国)での生産体制による、小ロット、ローコスト、短サイクル生産体制を確立しています ①オケージョンドレス専門の熟練されたスタッフチームです 取り扱いブランド formforma (東京ソワール)LAISSEPASSE (ルック)Rire Fete (YAMADAYA) WILLSELECTION, AndCouture、Swingle(バーンデストローズ) ②それらの繊細な素材(シフォン、ジョーゼット、サテン、レース、チュール、オーガンジーなど)を使用したドレスを 長年生産してきた実績と豊富な経験を活かした単品アイテムを専門に生産する第2スタッフチームがあります

  • HIT

    2-4-11 Minami-kyuhoji-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • hat
    • smalllot
    • sauna

    We can take care of all your hat needs. We undertake OEM business by utilizing our network of domestic and overseas factories. We are developing sauna-related business as a new business.

    We are a clothing and sundry goods company established over 80 years ago and headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We are engaged in OEM of various products such as hats, coats, bags, etc. We have many affiliated factories not only in Japan but also overseas (China and Korea). We have many affiliated factories not only in Japan but also overseas (China and Korea). We can make high quality proposals that meet the needs of our customers, and we can consult with customers from web images and rough sketches. We can provide detailed services from planning to production and delivery according to the customer's phase, requests, and budget. Please feel free to consult with us.

  • FashionMade


    • デニム
    • レザー
    • シューズ


    初めまして、Fashion Madeです🙇‍♂️ 今縫製工場などお探しでは無いですか?? 弊社はアパレルOEMの会社で洋服のオリジナルボディーの製作などをしている会社です。 アクセサリー、スニーカーなども対応してます🔥 アパレル全般の製作が可能なのでロット数やコストの相談、他に気になる事などがありましたらご連絡下さい。


    3-4-1 Shimomatsu-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ニット
    • 小ロット
    • 高品質

    Small lot production of high quality items

    Small-lot, high-mix, high-quality, quick-delivery production made in China. (Molds/80 pieces ~) We are an apparel OEM company located in Senshu, Osaka. We can consult with you on small-lot, high-mix, high-difficulty, quick-delivery production. If you are interested in small lot production using high quality yarn, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can meet with you in person or via ZOOM. We are available for meetings either in person or via ZOOM. Please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to discuss various aspects of manufacturing with you.

  • High Bridge company

    Hyogo, Kobe-shi, Chuo-ku, Miyuki-dori, 2-chōme-1-6 Jailmina Kobe Sannomiya 302

    • シューズ
    • スニーカー
    • スポーツシューズ

    Founded in 1995, High Bridge Co., Ltd. supports a variety of shoes such as kids, men's, women's, sports, and outdoor shoes.

    Thank you for asking ‼ 29 years since our founding We would like to combine various experiences and knowledge and work together to create shoes that our customers want. We make a wide range of shoes such as kids, men's, women's, sports, and outdoor shoes on an OEM basis. Our strength is that we make various types of shoes as described above, so we are familiar with shoes and materials, etc., and can flexibly respond to customer requests. If you have an idea, but the lot doesn't fit, the price doesn't match, or you have various problems! We would like you to express your feelings to us once. We will do our best to work with our customers so that we can enjoy the excitement and joy of a pair created by overcoming problems such as price, lot, quality, etc. We look forward to hearing from you. We have our shoes on the URL, so we would appreciate it if you could take a look.

  • oceanwin

    1-9-20 Nakagawa Higashi, Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture

    • シューズ
    • サンダル

    A unique manufacturing system that is fast, cheap, and efficient.

    [A unique manufacturing system that realizes fast, cheap, and efficient products] We have built a unique OEM manufacturing system that includes everything from research to incorporate overseas trends, planning and design tailored to Japanese customers, sample creation using Japanese last, and manufacturing by skilled craftsmen. After strict technical guidance, we were able to create a mass production system for women's shoes that maintains Japanese standards of perfection. 01 Sample creation We create and provide samples using Japanese last and blueprints according to customer requests. 02 Manufacturing After receiving the order, we will begin production. We will manufacture based on the final specifications. Each pair is carefully made by trained craftsmen. 03 Strict inspection system to maintain perfection according to Japanese standards After strict technical guidance, we were able to create a mass production system for women's shoes that maintains Japanese standards of perfection. We export our products under a very strict inspection system, so there are almost no defective products or returns. We develop any type of shoes in consultation with our customers, and if the conditions are met, we can produce and wholesale from a few hundred pairs to tens of thousands of pairs as requested.

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  • Ishikawa giken

    71-3 Jizo-cho, Hikone City, Shiga

    • sewingfactory
    • goods
    • smalllot

    A wide variety of outerwear, cut and sewn, accessories, etc.

    We are a sewing factory located in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture. We produce outerwear, cut-and-sewn, woven shirts, pants, etc. for both mens and ladies. We also handle requests from companies in other industries for small items. What we can do Fabric arrangement Arrangement of materials Pattern making (depending on the item) Planning and proposal of organic cotton products Sewing and processing We respond to our customer's requests.

  • ton Co., Ltd.

    Umedaogimachitoribiru6F 9-13 Nozakicho Kita-ku,Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 530-0055 Japan

    • バッグ
    • 財布
    • 雑貨

    OEM/ODM proposed by a fashion goods planning company specializing in "bags" and "wallets"

    Led by an owner designer with over 30 years of experience in planning and designing bags and wallets. A fashion goods planning company specializing in bags and wallets located in Kita Ward, Osaka City. We have a track record of planning, designing, and OEM/ODM for various client companies. We handle a wide range of materials and can handle everything from small batches with a focus on domestic production to mass production overseas. In addition to planning and production, we also handle planning, design contracts, and branding. First, we will ask you about your desired image. (Materials, design, price, purchase price, quantity, delivery date, sales channel, etc.) Before we start sampling, we will give you an idea of ​​a possible plan. We have a lot of experience and track record, so we can make some suggestions at the time of the hearing! “I want to create something good!” Even if you can empathize with it in words, What does the client envision as a “good thing”? Before you incur the time and expense of recutting samples over and over again. You can match your images with bags, bags, bags, wallets, and accessories. Our strength is that we are a planning and design company with production plants both domestically and internationally. We have received good reviews for you to decide whether or not you would like to make a request to us before making a formal request. Please feel free to contact us. OEM/ODM track record examples (titles omitted) Department store license, major apparel, major select shop, major stationery store, TV shopping, talent bags, mail order, support for launching own brand, etc.

  • 株式会社ふじや


    • ベビー
    • キッズ
    • カットソー


    創業50年設立35年になる(株)ふじやは島根県出雲市の自社工場を中心に大阪の本社でもサンプルもできる体制をとっています。ベビーだけでなく、キッズ、レディースも手掛けています。ここ最近では大阪の村尾ベビー様からエプロン やスタイの内職さんと技術を引き継がせていただき、バインダー加工での縫製をするアイテムにも力を入れています。少子化と縫製の職人さんの高齢化は日本製子供服業界の大きな課題ではありますが、これからもずっと日本製のベビー子供服、ベビー雑貨を残すために、当社は何ができるのか、何をしなくてはいけないか、と考え日々努力しているところです。

  • 株式会社Zoing


    • 4E
    • 5E
    • 本革シューズ


    本革シューズ、本革バッグともメンズ、レディース両方取り扱わさせていただいております。 中間会社、エージェントを一切省いておりますので、製品についての問い合わせ、確認、依頼とうに関しましては即ご返事できる体制を取っております。


    506, 1-8-9 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • shoes
    • ladiesshoes
    • mensshoes

    Osaka/Tokyo Ladies/Mens OEM Shoes Shoes Sneakers Small lot Low cost

    Shoe OEM company operating in Osaka (head office) and Tokyo (sales office). We have multiple production plants/ We have many production records for major apparel makers and specialty store products. We handle a wide range of products from very small lots, low cost, injection, vulcanized method, pigment/transfer printing, knockdown, sandals, etc. We also accept orders from individuals. We also accept orders from individuals. Please feel free to contact us.


    318 Nakagin, Toyooka, Hyogo, Japan

    • oem
    • bag
    • proposal

    OEM bag manufacturer established in 1940

    Matsushita Luggage Co., Ltd. accepts original products and special orders for bags, cases, and accessories. We have many years of experience in OEM production, and we handle planning, development, design, sample production, and production of a wide variety of items. Please contact us if you have any idea of what you would like to have, regardless of the type of business. Even if you only have a rough design or concept, we will discuss it with you in detail until you are satisfied with our services and let's materialize your image. Also, white sample collections developed in-house and well-received at exhibitions can be ordered as they are, and OEM production based on the collections is also possible. We will also add a "design archive" for design image reference as needed. We will be happy to consult with you on cost and quantity, both domestic and international, so please contact us from the upper right corner of our website. We are currently exhibiting at the 94th Tokyo International Gift Show 22 Fall!

  • Pure Planet


    • アパレル全般
    • メンズ
    • レディース


    私たちPure Planetは2023年4月に現役ファッションデザイナーたちの熱意とクリエイティビティが息づく環境から生まれたOEM生産サービスでございます。 当社は世界的に有名なブランドとの取引実績を誇る工場と連携し、小ロットかつ低コストでの生産を実現し、生産のリスクを減らすことにより、お客様が新しいアイデアやデザインの実験が行えるようサポートさせていただきます。 また連携工場から届いた商品を再度検品しお客様の元へ納品させていただきますのでロスの少ない高品質な商品を消費者様の方々へご提供できます。

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    • OEM
    • レディース
    • メンズ

    TWO NINE (Apparel OEM/ODM)

    TWO NINE is based in Kansai and is developing business mainly for OEM/ODM of apparel. We consistently handle design and material planning, pattern making, sample production, final production, and delivery. We manufacture at the most suitable factories in Japan and overseas according to the design, budget, lot, and delivery date desired by the customer. We have sales and planning staff with over 20 years of experience in the apparel industry. We have worked on many department store brands and influencer brands. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed by our knowledgeable and highly skilled team. Please feel free to contact us first.

  • Bance Import

    HYogo Amgasaki-shi Minamimukonoso 3-20-19

    • テーブルクロス
    • ファブリック
    • テキスタイル

    A company that sources materials and existing products from France.

    We directly source various products, including kitchen fabric goods, from materials in the South of France. We also provide fabric to companies that operate in the retail sector, offering original products in their stores. Furthermore, we hope to establish partnerships with businesses that focus on sustainable activities and SDGs, utilizing our fabric scraps. Thank you for considering our proposal.


    3-34-7 Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka City, Osaka, Japan

    • bag
    • leatherbag
    • novelty

    Available in small lots

    In domestic production, we can handle a wide range of materials from leather to textiles. For overseas production, we can handle a wide range of products from low unit price novelty items to business backpacks and carry cases. We can handle a wide range of materials, from leather to textiles. Mainly, we produce in Vietnam or China.

  • 株式会社ティーラックコーポレーション

    大阪府大阪市中央区内淡路町2丁目2番8号 CCTビル9F

    • 国内縫製
    • 小ロット
    • 最短サンプル


    国内縫製を中心のOEM企業。 協力工場30社以上各分野のプロの集結ですので、どんなご要望にも柔軟に対応のできる技術、機械を用意 することにより、お客様に満足いただけるように努めております。 もっと高品質の製品が欲しい、他ではうまく縫えなかった、生地が難しい、納期が間に合わない、コストを抑えたい 緊急でサンプルが必要。量産用サンプルが必要。思うようなサンプルが出来上がらない等 可能な限り打合せを重ねベストなご提案をさせていただきます。 HPからでもお気軽にお問合せください。

  • L&H

    2F-3, 2-14 Shinmachi, Ikeda-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • smalllot
    • apparel

    We can accommodate from small lots. We can provide a full range of services from planning to manufacturing of apparel products.

    We are an apparel OEM, marketing, and consulting company located in Hokusetsu, Osaka. We specialize in all items including shirts, cut-and-sewns, pants, and dresses, which are produced mainly at our partner factories in Japan and Korea. Our strength lies in our meticulous attention to detail and careful craftsmanship while accurately grasping the needs of the market. We also plan and sell our own original brands. Originally, we started out as a wholesaler, grasping the trends while working in New York, U.S.A. We later expanded our business to women's wear. After that, we started to specialize in ladies' wear. Our strength also lies in our PR capabilities. We make full use of SNS and marketing, which have recently become popular. We also conduct PR to the target audience that we want to reach. Our company's management policy is based on the principle of "Proactively, Fairly, and Faithfully. We are working with local sewing factories and department stores to revitalize local communities and provide support to underprivileged children around the world.

  • Atelier Okada Co., ltd.

    2-3-36, Kagura-cho, Nagata-ku, Kobe, Hyogo

    • shoes
    • ladiesshoes
    • mensshoes

    Shoes OEM. fashion and comfort.

    A shoe manufacturer located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. We plan and manufacture women's and men's shoes with the theme of making shoes that are comfortable to walk in and easy on the feet without causing fatigue. We also have several brands of our own, and we can propose ideas for products based on our experience and know-how.

  • Oak

    2-12-13, Ohgiri, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • smalllot
    • pattern

    OEM production of cut-and-sew clothing

    We can accommodate from small lots. We can accept the entire process of cut-and-sew from pattern to sample production and manufacturing. We have been producing ladies' cut-and-sew garments in Higashiyodogawa, Osaka for 50 years. Please feel free to contact us.

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  • Kitatsugi Co., Ltd.

    15-7 Ichibancho, Kadoma City, Osaka, Japan

    • sewingfactory
    • bag
    • 縫製工場

    Sewing factory for bags, pouches and other cloth goods

    The company specializes in cloth goods such as bags, pouches, and sacks. With integrated production in Japan, the company handles a wide range of products from clothing accessories to interior accessories. Production is available from small to large lots.


    2-13-26 Uchidai-cho, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • apparel
    • mens

    OEM production of cut-and-sew outerwear products

    Tatsuno Corporation is a long-established cut and sewn manufacturer in Osaka, established 120 years ago. The company is mainly engaged in OEM production of cut-and-sew products. We can arrange all materials for manufacturing products, from fabrics and accessories to embroidery and printing. All products are made in Japan and of high quality. We can provide a wide range of products from sporty, casual to elegant items.