【Kansai】Babywear Manufacturers

Here are 5 Baby, toddler manufacturers and factories in Kansai.

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1 to 5 of 5

  • APM Japan APM Japan

    【Baby in Osaka】

    OEM/ODM of baby and children's clothing

    APM Japan is an OEM/ODM manufacturer of baby and children's clothing. Our production items include newborn baby clothes, baby clothes, and children's clothes in general (cut and sewn, woven fabrics,

  • Murakami Meriyasu Murakami Meriyasu

    【Baby in Nara】


    村上メリヤスは明治初期に創業されたニット、オーガニックコットン製品を扱う縫製工場です。 衣類やストール、ベビー用品、タオルや寝具等のアイテムを取り扱っており、原材料の調達から企画・商品化までご相談...


    【Baby in Hyogo】

    Manufacture and wholesale of baby and children's clothing, OEM/ODM

    DIL (DREAM IN LOVE) is engaged in manufacturing, wholesale, and OEM/ODM of baby and children's clothing. We are also developing our own brand, and based on this track record and experience, we are de

  • la.ampleur Co.,Ltd. la.ampleur Co.,Ltd.

    【Baby in Kyoto】

    Manufacture and sale of baby and children's clothing and sundry goods

    la.ampleur, located in Yamashina-ku, Kyoto, manufactures and sells original baby and children's clothing and accessories. Utilizing its own sewing factory, la.ampleur offers services ranging from app

  • Maruta Fuhaku Co., Ltd. Maruta Fuhaku Co., Ltd.

    【Baby in Osaka】

    OEM/ODM of children's and baby clothes

    dquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka, Malta Fuhaku Co., Ltd. is a producer and wholesaler of children's and baby clothes. We have over 50 years of experience in the production of children's and baby clothes,