1 to 28 of 28
5F Tskaki Square, 661 Nicho-Hanshiki-cho, Futsumo-ji-agaru, Karasuma-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
- bra
- innerwear
- lingerie
We have been manufacturing and selling corrective underwear for about 45 years in Kyoto, Japan. 45 years of know-how gained from manufacturing underwear is utilized for OEM production.
Ltd. has been manufacturing and selling corrective underwear in Kyoto, Japan for about 45 years under the concept of "Endlessly Comfortable and Beautiful". The company has acquired many patents an...
172 Motokitakoji-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- silk
- innerwear
- ladies
シルク(絹)については創業以来、原料から生地・最終製品・流通まで【絹のプロフェッショナル】として一貫した品質管理と生産管理をしております。 OEM/ODMでのオリジナル商品の生産実績と蓄積されたノウハウに...
503 Shimoyamada, Yosano-cho, Yosagun, Kyoto, Japan
- ladies
- mens
- apparel
臼井織物は一大織物産地・京都府北部の丹後で合繊織物に特化した織元として、通常は数社間にまたがる工程を内製化し、自社一貫製繊だからできる独自製品を安定品質、柔軟な対応力、高い再現性で製造しています。 ...
- ラメ糸
- 婦人用下着
- カーテン
Manufacturer of lame yarn in Kyoto.
We are LAMETEX, a lamé yarn manufacturer in Kyoto, Japan. The company designs and produces lamé yarn for lace products such as women's underwear and curtains, mainly using the latest elastic lamé ...
- 韓国素材
- 二次加工生地
- テキスタイル
Women’s clothing planning,manufacturing and sales
We plan, manufacture, and sell fabric for women’s clothing with a single goal: to develop unprecedented fabrics for women’s clothing. We procure distinctive fabrics mainly from Korea and re-process...
Mitsuba, Ltd.
579 Fukurai, Maizuru City, Kyoto, Japan
- embroidery
- badge
- 刺繍加工
From one to 10,000 pieces, made in Japan! We accept all kinds of embroidery processing!
We are an embroidery factory that embroiders all kinds of apparel, hats, and small goods. With a 50-year history as an embroidery factory, we are capable of producing patches and embroidering dire...
8-3 Kashihara Sugihara-cho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- hat
- smalllot
- sewingfactory
Hat production including caps, hunting hats, and caskets
A factory specializing in caps, hunting hats, hats, etc. The company offers OEM services for a wide variety of hats in small quantities. The company's strength lies in its ability to produce high...
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SHOKO Co., Ltd.
13-6 Maeda, Miyashiro-cho, Ayabe City, Kyoto, Japan
- sewingfactory
- ladies
- 縫製工場
Available in ultra-thin to thick thicknesses
We have a long track record of sewing and processing pantyhose and tights, etc. as a cooperative factory for a major underwear manufacturer. Currently, in addition to pantyhose and tights, we cut ...
Lamb mode
33 Nakajima-maeyama-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- ladies
- bag
- mrs
Long-established women's fashion bag manufacturer in Kyoto for over 30 years
We deal with apparel and retail stores nationwide, focusing on the planning and sales of original products, and we also offer OEM services according to customer needs. We have showrooms in Kyoto a...
44-4, Hinooka Ishizuka-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
- bag
- handbag
- かばん
がま口商品を中心とした和装袋物の製造卸、OEMを行っている。 メイドインジャパンで豊富ながま口の型を取り揃えている。
111 Hachioji-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- leather
- fur
- glove
Leather, fur and mouton material OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto. The company handles a wide range of leather goods, including leather jackets, leather coats, mouton outerwear, fur outerwear, fur scarves, gl...
Cravat Ueda
7-14, Kisshoin Kurumamido-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- tie
- uniform
- nishijin
necktie OEM
Necktie manufacturer located in Kyoto, Japan. The company offers high-end ties made in Japan, mainly Nishijin brocade. The company has been in business for over 30 years and has a wide range of p...
245 Yakushi-cho, Omiya-dori Imadegawa-sagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- silkyarn
- silk
- smalllot
Domestic production (made in Japan), from small-lot production to overseas mass production of silk products on special order
An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. We have expertise in quality control and delivery management, and can provide integrated planning proposals from raw materials to pr...
85-1 Mikura-cho, Sanjo-dori Karasuma-nishi-iru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto.
- bag
- hat
- korea
OEM/ODM of bags and hats, Korean procurement
Up to Supply International Co., Ltd. in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, provides OEM/ODM services for bags, hats, etc. In addition, we provide buying support and import agency services at Namd...
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Active inc.
79 Minami-Hirocho, Umezu, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
- tshirts
- dyeing
Apparel OEM manufacturer with strong capabilities in subsidiary materials and printing. Flexibility is our strong selling point, short delivery times, and attention to detail.
An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto, Japan. It is an apparel OEM manufacturer with strong capabilities in subsidiary materials and printing, and specializes in OEM T-shirts. Under the motto o...
la.ampleur Co.,Ltd.
63-45, Nishino Otori-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- baby
- kids
- goods
Manufacture and sale of baby and children's clothing and sundry goods
la.ampleur, located in Yamashina-ku, Kyoto, manufactures and sells original baby and children's clothing and accessories. Utilizing its own sewing factory, la.ampleur offers services ranging from ...
7, Kitashirakawa Kamibetsudo-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- oem
- odm
- apparel
FREAKS, located in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, is an apparel OEM and ODM company. We have experience and a proven track record in the production and sewing of a variety of items regardless of genre.
RaiseLab Co.,Ltd.
501, 1-13, Nishikyogoku Nakazawa-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- ladies
- mens
- kids
One-stop service for brand growth from planning and design to production
An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto, Japan. We provide OEM services for men's, women's, and children's apparel. They provide one-stop support for your production needs, such as "We want to rev...
8 Nishikyogoku Hatada-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- goods
- rainwear
- 雑貨
Creating products that provide "fun" and "enrichment" to people's lives, dealing in sundries, rainwear, etc.
An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto, Japan. The company also has its own brand. The company's strength lies in the development of products that enrich people's lives through "sundries".
D.K.Japan Corporation.
1-7, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Souraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan
- luminescence
- totebag
- glove
OEM production of luminescent tote bags, gloves, mattresses, cushions, miscellaneous goods, etc.
D.K. Japan is an apparel OEM company that manufactures luminescent tote bags, gloves, mattresses, cushions, and miscellaneous goods. The company cooperates with factories throughout China for prod...
200-31, Kuse-Higashi-Tsuchikawa-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
- ladies
- bottoms
- skirt
Sewing factory producing mainly women's pants and skirts
Daieiseni, located in Minami-ku, Kyoto, is a sewing factory producing mainly women's pants and skirts. Both mens' and ladies' wear can be produced. The company handles everything from small-lot t...
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38-1 Kizunaramichi, Kizugawa, Kyoto, Japan
- womens
- cutandsewn
- sewingfactory
Manufacture and sale of women's clothing (cut & sew products)
KAMATE TEXTILE, located in Kizugawa, Kyoto, is a sewing factory that manufactures and sells cut and sewn women's clothing products. The company is engaged in OEM and ODM business with its main dom...
- 雑貨
- 染色
- Tシャツ
株式会社前田染工は京都府京都市にあるメーカー兼縫製工場です。 お土産やキャラクターグッズなど和雑貨の製造を得意にしています。
- カットソー
- Tシャツ
- 染色
京都府京都市にある染工場。 染工場内の職人にしかできない技術を生かし、通常スクリーンでは表現できない多彩に取り揃えられたオリジナルの特殊加工が強み。
京都府京都市下京区五条通河原町西入本覚寺前町830番地 京都エクセルヒューマンビル2F
- インナー
- ボディースーツ
- ガードル
株式会社カドリールニシダはレディースボディウェア全般の製造を専門とするアパレルメーカーです。 「快適性」「フィット性」「運動性」を兼ね備えた、独自のパターン理論を用いて高品質なボディウェアを製造し...
Dokoh Shoji Co.,Ltd.
3F Rokkaku Building, 617 Manjo-ya-cho, Rokkaku-agaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
- Silk
- Womens
- CutandSewn
OEM of various items, mainly women's wear
Douko Shoji Co., Ltd. is an apparel manufacturer that develops products using silk materials. We can meet diverse needs at our own and affiliated factories in Japan and overseas.
- コート
- ジャケット
- ワンピース
スリーライク株式会社は京都府宇治市に位置する縫製工場です。 レディースアパレルを中心に製造しており、ドレッシーからカジュアルまで様々なアイテムに対応しております。
- カットソー
- ブラウス
- カジュアル
有限会社シャルムエイトは京都府舞鶴市にある縫製工場です。 カジュアルウェアを中心に製造を行っております。