1 to 23 of 23
Yoshinaka sen-i. co.,Ltd.
1-2-17, Oji, Oji-machi, Kitakasugi-gun, Nara, Japan
- womens
- legwear
- sewing
奈良県北葛城郡の芳仲繊維株式会社は、レディスファッション、レッグウェアを中心にインナーウェア、子供服などを生産するOEM・ODM生産メーカーです。 商品企画から素材提案、パターン作成、生産、検品、...
621 Mimuro, Gosho City, Nara, Japan
- swimwear
- jersey
- underwear
奈良県御所市のASUKA株式会社は、スイムウェアを中心に、ジャージや下着など伸縮性のある特殊な縫製を行っている縫製工場です。 小ロットから量産対応まで可能です。
92-2 Nishi-ikejiri-cho, Kashihara City, Nara, Japan
- bag
- sewingfactory
- バッグ
バッグ、袋物、雑貨小物のOEMを行っている。 サンプルから資材調達、量産、検品、包装、出荷まで自社で行っている。 小ロット対応可能。
Valley, Inc.
1-8-5 Sakuragaoka, Kamimaki-machi, Kitakasugi-gun, Nara, Japan
- Womens
- apparel
- sewingfactory
レディースを中心にメンズやキッズの縫製を行っている。 数枚単位の小ロットから大ロットまで対応可能。 品質の高い製品のOEM生産が強み。
Atelier Asuka
1122 Kamimachi, Ikoma City, Nara, Japan
- Womens
- kids
- sewingfactory
奈良県生駒市の有限会社アトリエアスカは、婦人服オールアイテム、子供服オールアイテム、紳士服カジュアルなどのOEM生産を行っています。 布帛、カットソー、布帛とカットソーのミックス、ジャージ、ニットのオ...
507-3 Yao, Tawaramoto-cho, Isogi-gun, Nara
- knit
- Womens
- innerwear
Integrated production in Japan
Our company is characterized by integrated production from knitting to cutting and sewing made in Japan. The use of materials that can stretch freely vertically, horizontally, and crosswise is a...
Sociel Corp.
2140 Kuzira, Gosho City, Nara Prefecture
- Knit
- Textile
- Goods
株式会社ソシアルは奈良県御所市に本社を置くアパレルメーカーです。 小物ブランド「yukurani」、インテリアラグブランド「circusplus」、手芸用編地ブランド「CHOKOTTO」など、さまざまなオリジナルブランドを...
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Murakami Meriyasu
148 De, Yamatotakada City, Nara
- Knit
- OrganicCotton
- Baby
村上メリヤスは明治初期に創業されたニット、オーガニックコットン製品を扱う縫製工場です。 衣類やストール、ベビー用品、タオルや寝具等のアイテムを取り扱っており、原材料の調達から企画・商品化までご相談...
kitajima shoes
402-1 Shinmachi, Yamatokoriyama City, Nara, Japan
- shoes
- mensshoes
- bridalshoes
OEM of high-end leather shoes, specializing in men's bridal shoes.
A shoe manufacturer located in Yamatokoriyama City, Nara Prefecture. The company mainly deals in men's shoes, and is especially good at men's bridal shoes. Other products include business shoes, ...
2475-2 Koizumi-cho, Yamatokoriyama-shi, Nara, Japan
- shoes
- mensshoes
- ladiesshoes
Shoes OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Yamatokoriyama City, Nara Prefecture. They offer a wide range of shoes for men, ladies, and kids. Small lot orders are also available.
662, Oaza-Sakate, Tawaramoto-cho, Isogi-gun, Nara, Japan
- knit
- womens
- mens
Apparel sewing factory mainly handling women's knit products
OKAWA APPAREL, located in Tawaramoto-cho, Isogi-gun, Nara Prefecture, is an apparel sewing factory that mainly handles women's knit products (T-shirts, cut and sewn clothing, etc.). With knit prod...
378 Oaza-Miyado, Gosho City, Nara, Japan
- protectivegown
- hospitalgown
- sewingfactory
Manufacture and sewing of hospital protective gowns and hospital patient gowns
KIMURA, located in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture, is a sewing factory that manufactures and sews hospital protective gowns and hospital patient gowns. With over 40 years of experience in manufacturi...
株式会社 山城屋
- レディース
- インナー
- ノベルティ
株式会社山城屋は奈良県橿原市にあるレディースインナーを主に扱う縫製会社です。 サニタリーショーツの自社ブランドをもち、品質管理、製品設計に優れた点を持っています。
Nakamura Corparation.
1-15-1 Akishino Sanwa-machi, Nara City, Nara, Japan
- cutsew
- innerwear
- foundation
OEM/ODM of cut & sewn, innerwear, foundation, etc.
Nakamura Corparation, located in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, offers OEM/ODM production of cut-and-sew, innerwear, foundation, and molded products as well as accessories (socks, gloves, caps). In a...
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225-1, Nango, Hiroryo Town, Kitakasegi-gun, Nara, Japan
- cutandsewn
- sewingfactory
- カットソー
Cut and sewn factory where RIVER can be sewn.
Nitta is a sewing factory located in Hiroyo-cho, Kitakasegi-gun, Nara Prefecture. We have many years of experience in taking prêt-à-porter orders for all kinds of cut and sewn products and reverse...
61-1 Shindo-cho, Kashihara City, Nara
- knit
- schooluniform
- ladies
Production of school knitwear such as vests, sweaters and cardigans for school uniforms
HORIKAWA KNIT, located in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, produces school knitwear such as vests, sweaters, and cardigans for school uniforms. We offer knitting in multi-gauge, intarsia, molded, ...
507 Otsuka, Hiroyo-cho, Kitakasegi-gun, Nara, japan
- sportswear
- uniform
- sublimationprint
Sublimation printing process in sports apparel
AKURAM, located in Koryo-cho, Kitakasegi-gun, Nara Prefecture, is an OEM factory specializing in sublimation printing for sports apparel. We have facilities that enable integrated production from ...
株式会社 山口
- レザー
- 財布
- バッグ
ナイフケースや財布などの雑貨から、レディースバッグなどの革製品の製造を行っております。 中国工場での小ロットからの対応も可能です。素材は日本からの持ち込み、加工のみを中国で行います。
Mika Textile Co., Ltd.
4-323, Osaka, Kashiba, Nara, Japan
- Knit
- Socks
- Innerwear
OEM of socks and innerwear
Mika Textile Co., Ltd. is a sewing company located in Kashiba City, Nara Prefecture. The company's high proposal ability and high quality products are attractive.
800 Soga-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture
- Womens
- Innerwear
- Sanitary
Planning and development of ladies' innerwear
TAKAGI CO., LTD. is an apparel manufacturer that plans and develops ladies' innerwear. With its own factories both in Japan and overseas, the company is able to perform all processes in-house, fro...
218 Noguchi, Yamatotakada-shi, Nara
- Socks
- Leggings
- Innerwear
Manufacture of socks, leg care products, innerwear, etc.
Kawamura Textile Co., Ltd. is a sewing company with its own factory in Nara Prefecture. The company manufactures leg care products, tights, leggings, stockings, etc.
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137 Muro, Gosho City, Nara Prefecture
- Swimwear
- TrainingWear
- 体操着
Manufacture of gym uniforms, swimsuits, etc. for school sales
NANWA SENI KOGYO CO.,LTD. is a sewing company located in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture. The company manufactures gym uniforms for school use, swimsuits, and training wear for teachers.
18-1 Takeda, Gosho City, Nara, japan
- cutsew
- ladies
- sewingfactory
Sewing factory for women's clothing, cut and sewn clothing, and sportswear
The company specializes in sewing cut and sewn materials for ladies. In addition, the company also handles sportswear.