【Tokyo】水着 Manufacturers

Here are 3 水着, スイムウェア manufacturers and factories in Tokyo.

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    【水着 in Tokyo】

    CraftShips is a "production platform" that allows you to create products that utilize the skills of Japanese craftsmen (Supporting apparel and goods brands from launch to product production)

    We have a lot of experience in launching new brands for both individuals and corporations (approximately 30 brands per year). We can also consult with those with no experience in apparel, those lookin

    • 毛玉になりにくいダンボールニットのパーカー
    • バイカーのためのブレスレットにもなるガーディアンズベルのネックレス
    • 通気性が高く快適に過ごせるドッグウェア
    • サングラスにもなる可視調光レンズの黒縁メガネ
    • お札を二つ折りで入れられるミニマムなフラグメントケース
    • 水をきれいに保ち、土を健康にする炭化焼成の植木鉢
    • ​藍染めによって生まれ変わった抗菌・消臭パーカー
    • 0.1mmの薄い革からできた封筒型のコンパクト革財布
    • 熱しにくく冷めにくい、瀬戸焼の白灰釉マグカップ
    • 手にとったときに滑らず、熱くない千筋椀
    • こどもと共に育つヌメ革のお雛様
    • 手のひらで自由自在に広がる“革オリガミ”小銭入れ

    【水着 in Tokyo】

    We provide support from planning to production and delivery of swimwear. We accept domestic production and small lot OEM orders.

    Our staff of swimwear specialists provide high quality swimsuits with high technology and a wealth of knowledge and experience. Please feel free to consult with us. Our staff members look forward to

    • men's pants
    • men's T-shirts
    • Reference Design Example
  • UESUGI Co.,ltd. UESUGI Co.,ltd.

    【水着 in Tokyo】

    OEM of items using stretch fabrics for swimwear, yoga, fitness, etc.

    UESUGI Co.,ltd. is a general textile trading company that handles OEM production of items made of stretch fabrics for swimwear, yoga, fitness, etc., as well as golf and casual wear. The company's str