【Tokyo】Sportswear Manufacturers

Here are 15 Sportswear, jersey manufacturers and factories in Tokyo.

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1 to 15 of 15

  • Vixen Aim Co., Ltd. Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available

    Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff

    • モーションキャプチャースーツを作るなら、是非弊社へお任せください!お気軽にご連絡、お待ちしております!
    • モーションスーツを制作したいなら弊社へお任せください。経験豊富なスタッフが細かくお話を聞かせていただきます!こちらは手の動きをキャプチャーする手の部分のスーツです。
    • Vtuber事務所様にもご好評いただいております!VixenAimのモーションスーツです!こちらは手の部分になります。
    • モーションスーツを作れるのはVixenAim株式会社です!お気軽にご連絡ください。こちらは下半身の動きをキャプチャするパンツ部分です。
    • モーションスーツ 足の部分!足の動きもしっかりキャプチャーできますよ。弊社ならオリジナルのキャプチャスーツも制作できます!
    • Vtuber事務所のモーションスーツを弊社で制作させていただいています!こちらは上着部分、上半身のもーしょんをキャプチャできます!
    • 全身のモーションキャプチャスーツ、弊社なら作れます!これは頭部の動きをキャプチャする帽子です♪
    • Vtuberさん御用達!モーションスーツ、VixenAimなら作れます!!
    • 細かな製品を作るのが得意なのでもちろんヒトのお洋服やバッグなんかもなんでも作れますよ!VixenAimにお任せください!
    • ハイクオリティをとことん追求したいなら弊社へお任せください!わんちゃんのお洋服!得意です!
    • 他社でできないと言われたことも弊社ならきっとできます!ペットの服ならお任せください!
    • タグもお任せください!ロゴのデザインもデータ起こしからできます!

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    We can provide a full range of services from pattern making and sample making to mass production.

    Our strength is that we have a pattern maker on staff who can handle the entire process from pattern making and sample making to mass production. We can also propose and arrange for the selection and


    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    We are involved in OEM and ODM of apparel products such as outdoor, fishing, golf and other sportswear, casual wear, uniforms, etc.

    Andoh and Co., Ltd is a company dedicated on OEM and ODM of sportswear such as outdoor, fishing, and golf, as well as apparel products such as casual wear and uniforms. We fully support the customer d


    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    We provide support from planning to production and delivery of swimwear. We accept domestic production and small lot OEM orders.

    Our staff of swimwear specialists provide high quality swimsuits with high technology and a wealth of knowledge and experience. Please feel free to consult with us. Our staff members look forward to

    • men's pants
    • men's T-shirts
    • Reference Design Example

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    We will give speedy shape to your requests by the best means.

    most efficient production team to meet your needs. We produce mainly cut and sewn ladies' wear, sportswear, kids' wear in general, and babies' wear as well as sundries and bedding-related products

  • Fules Design Co.,Ltd. Fules Design Co.,Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】


    フレスデザインはインクジェットプリント工場として、プリントデザイン、プリント生地の企画から一括提案をしています。 昇華転写、2way、ポリエステル、プリント、水着プリントなどを行っています。 また、オリ...

  • wearwell CO., Ltd. wearwell CO., Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    We respond to a wide range of customer requests from planning OEM, apparel ODM, sample creation (planning, patterns) to custom-made and costumes.

    We are an apparel company that started out in the pattern business. We have a wide range of products for men, women and kids, not only woven fabrics but also cut and sewn fabrics and special materi

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  • Isamiya Co., Ltd. Isamiya Co., Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    High quality sewing and processing technology of domestic production (made in Japan)

    Isamiya Yoso offers product development and OEM products, focusing on high sewing and processing technology made in Japan. We produce a variety of sewing products for medical and sports use in Japan.

  • D.blue CO.,LTD D.blue CO.,LTD

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    OEM of ladies', mens', children's and sportswear

    uku, Tokyo. Our company is engaged in OEM production of apparel for ladies, mens, children's wear, sportswear, etc. We receive OEM production in China mainly from department store apparel, select st

  • Fueimasu Oguchi Co., Ltd. Fueimasu Oguchi Co., Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    OEM cut and sewn manufacturer with two in-house factories in Japan

    products at high speed. The company offers a wide range of products from ladies' wear to menswear, sportswear, innerwear, and outerwear.


    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    ODM/OEM company specializing in sports apparel and uniforms.

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company specializes in sports apparel and uniforms. With its own production plants in Japan and overseas, the company produces Japanese qualit

  • ifb corporation ifb corporation

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    With production bases in China and Southeast Asia, we can meet a wide range of needs with technology cultivated over many years.

    n for women's clothing in general, men's casual clothing in general, children's clothing, rainwear, sportswear, outdoor clothing, workwear, etc.

  • Style Works Style Works

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    An apparel OEM company specializing in mens apparel. The concept is a fusion of casual and sports.

    An apparel OEM company located in Asakusabashi Station, Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company's concept is a fusion of casual and sports, and it specializes in mens apparel. The company provides total suppor

  • Coordination Co,. Ltd. Coordination Co,. Ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    OEM for cheerleading, idol costumes, cosplay costumes, etc.

    Coordination Co,. Ltd. is a costume production company that handles all aspects of original planning and production for events, commercials, cheerleading costumes, idols, cosplay, etc. We also design

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  • UESUGI Co.,ltd. UESUGI Co.,ltd.

    【Sportswear in Tokyo】

    OEM of items using stretch fabrics for swimwear, yoga, fitness, etc.

    UESUGI Co.,ltd. is a general textile trading company that handles OEM production of items made of stretch fabrics for swimwear, yoga, fitness, etc., as well as golf and casual wear. The company's str