【Tokyo】Tshirts Manufacturers

Here are 15 Tshirts, poloshirts manufacturers and factories in Tokyo.

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1 to 15 of 15

  • Vixen Aim Co., Ltd. Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available

    Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff

    • Yukata can also be made ★
    • You can also make hair accessories (hair ornaments).
    • We can also make kimonos for dogs!
    • ペットのアパレルなら弊社にお任せください!
    • わんちゃんとオーナー様のリンクコーデも弊社なら実現できます♪
    • レディース、メンズ、キッズ、ベビーのアパレルも弊社へご相談ください!
    • 版権ものの取扱実績もあります!お気軽にご相談ください!
    • オンリーワンの商品を作ることができます!
    • 飼い主様&ペットのリンクコーデを作りませんか?
    • ジャケット、ワンピース、スカート、パンツなんでもご相談ください!
    • 世界中から集めた生地でお気に入りの一着を作りましょう!
    • 商品制作をトータルサポートいたします!
  • UStrad Co., Ltd. UStrad Co., Ltd.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】


    東京都目黒区に拠点を置き、素材から作るusというブランドを展開する会社です。 高級Tシャツを作りたい方はぜひお問合せください。 Made in JAPAN の素材xMade in Tokyoの技術力で、最高級のTシャツを紡ぎま...

  • marey co., ltd. marey co., ltd.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    T-shirts and cut-and-sew Shibuya sewing factory offers IP products with no darts and beautiful silhouettes

    We have over 40 years of experience in providing sewing technology at the Paris Collection level, and we can provide our own developed sewing technology such as Marei Lock and Marei ST, or provide int


    【Tshirts in Tokyo】


    東京都台東区にあるアパレルメーカー。 Tシャツやポロシャツ、イベントジャンパー、ナイロンバッグ、ポーチ、エコバッグ、エプロン、クッション、シュシュ、フリースブランケット、ミトン、バンダナなどを扱って...


    【Tshirts in Tokyo】


    アパレルのOEM生産ならお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 レディース、メンズ、カットソー、セーター、布帛シャツ、袋物、オールアイテムを取り扱っております。 特殊加工、プリント、刺繍、製品染め

  • BUR’LY Co.,ltd. BUR’LY Co.,ltd.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】


    有限会社バーリーは、キャラクラーTシャツなど、アパレル、服飾雑貨の企画・製造を行っています。 キャラクラーTシャツでは、外国人に大人気のお土産系からドラえもん、NARUTO、和柄のキティちゃんまで幅広く展...


    【Tshirts in Tokyo】


    株式会社ボンド企画は、東京にある創業50年の縫製工場です。 主にTシャツ、ポロシャツ、ブルゾン、ジャケット、パンツ、スカート、コート(カットソー)を手がけています。 made in Tokyoにこだわりを持ち、早い...

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    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    Specializing in printing, sewing, repairing, pressing, inspecting and stitching

    Our company is engaged in a comprehensive range of businesses, including secondary processing such as printing (silk printing/inkjet/transfer), sewing, inspection, needle inspection, finishing, pressi

  • Isamiya Co., Ltd. Isamiya Co., Ltd.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    High quality sewing and processing technology of domestic production (made in Japan)

    Isamiya Yoso offers product development and OEM products, focusing on high sewing and processing technology made in Japan. We produce a variety of sewing products for medical and sports use in Japan.

  • KANE100 CO.,LTD. KANE100 CO.,LTD.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    For 110 years in Tokyo, we have continued integrated production from planning and knitting of fabrics to finished products!

    Our company was founded in 1913 at the present location of Honjo Ishihara-cho 1-chome, Okawabata, Edo (present-day Tokyo) as a factory for the manufacture of mosaic fabrics and products. Since then, f


    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    Apparel OEM/ODM production specializing in cut and sewn apparel

    An apparel OEM company located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Specializing in cut-and-sew garments, the company provides total support for planning, production, and distribution of cut-and-sew garments. The

  • TOSHO Story Inc. TOSHO Story Inc.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    OEM manufacturer of cut-and-sew clothing with a sewing factory in Odate City, Akita Prefecture

    Tosho Corporation is a cut and sewn OEM manufacturer with a sewing factory in Odate City, Akita Prefecture. We sew many products for major brands in OEM production. Major sewn items include T-shirts

  • U2 CO., LTD. U2 CO., LTD.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    Apparel OEM production in small lots and with short delivery times

    U2 is engaged in OEM production of ladies' wear (blouses, dresses, blousons, jackets, bottoms, pants, skirts, and cut-and-sew garments). By establishing a base in China, the home of garment productio

  • maruichi Inc. maruichi Inc.

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    OEM and sewing factory for men's and ladies' apparel, including Japanese T-shirts

    Maruichi Corporation is an apparel OEM sewing factory with its own factories in Japan and China. We produce products for many high brands. We can handle artists' stage costumes, goods, and anime-rel

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  • SEIKO Corporation SEIKO Corporation

    【Tshirts in Tokyo】

    Strong on cut-and-sew and polo shirts

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company manufactures both men's and ladies' clothing, specializing in cut-and-sew and polo shirts. The company handles polo shirts, T-shirts,