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MASA International Co., Ltd.
3-16-6, Ryukakujidai, Sakae-cho, Inba-, Chiba, Japan
- bag
- leather
- cosmetics
Proposal of beauty and lifestyle OEM that connects people and products
Our company accepts planning and proposal of original products. Our categories are apparel and cosmetics. We can help you with OEM proposals for leather goods, bags, ladies, men, and unisex produ...
Takano Sewing Co., Ltd.
1189-2 Yokone, Asahi-shi, Chiba
- Bags
- goods
- Leather
弊社は、皮革・帆布・ナイロンの鞄製品や小物類等、幅広く手掛け、特に厚物縫いを得意としております。 裁断から縫製まで一貫生産体制の自社生産の縫製工場で、国内生産の強みである、小ロット生産も可能です。 ...
302, 1-11-1 Kitanakazawa, Kamagaya-shi, Chiba, Japan
- sewingfactory
- costume
- smalllot
I have over 20 years of sewing experience, including other OEMs such as cosplay costumes, maid costumes, and doll costumes.
We have a sewing factory in China and take full responsibility from material selection to production and shipping according to your wishes. We are especially good at small-lot or one-off orders fo...
Tateyama Koubou
1353-53 Yokone, Asahi-shi, Chiba, Japan
- bag
- backpack
- sewingfactory
千葉県旭市のたてやま工房は、リュックサックやトートバッグ、ショルダーバッグなど、あらゆるバッグを製造する縫製工場です。 ハイグレードなバッグを数多く提供していることで評判です。
- レディース
- メンズ
- カットソー
- レディース
- 着物リメイク
- 小ロット
千葉県の小さな縫製工場 小ロット サンプル作成 大量生産も可能 短納期
千葉県にある創業2年目の小さな縫製工場です 小ロット生産から大量生産まで対応可能 今までに、大量生産4000個(納期2ヶ月)や小ロットで数個から100個 お遊戯会の衣装製作や法被製作、メンズ下着製作など、様々...
EIWA Trading Co.,LTD.
319, 4-1-16 Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa City, Chiba
- apparel
- mens
- smalllot
千葉県市川市にあるアパレルOEM企業。 自社ブランド、自社店舗を持ち、その経験とノウハウでOEM事業を展開。 スピーディーかつ低価格にて対応。
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CARINO Fair Trade
2-32-5 Maihama, Urayasu City, Chiba, Japan
- Womens
- goods
- apparel
Fair trade and sustainable clothing, bags, stoles, etc.
CARINO produces and sells women's clothing, stoles, bags, and other items of original design and planning CARINO produces and sells women's clothing, stoles, bags, etc., mainly through fair trade. ...
- カットソー
- メンズ
- レディース
カットソー/布帛 OEMメーカー
弊社は、千葉県浦安市に事務所を置くOEMメーカーになります。 カットソー/布帛共に製品受注及び加工受注をしています。 弊社はカットソー/布帛ともに生産背景があり、国内での生産をしています。 原料手配/資...
lustre inc.
4-15-18 Asumigaoka Higashi, Midori-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan
- ladiesshoes
- smalllot
- 婦人靴
We are a planning and manufacturing company of trendy women's shoes mainly for 20's to 30's.
Our company specializes in manufacturing ladies' shoes from sample production to mass production, mainly for people in their 20s and 30s. We have a proven track record of receiving many OEM request...
PURE Planning
4-14-25 Natsumidai, Funabashi, Chiba, Japan
- knit
- ladies
- mens
Planning and OEM of knit products specializing in 100% cashmere
The material for our products is the healthy and precious lamb's wool of cashmere goats that grow freely in the magnificent nature of the Inner Mongolian Khanshan Mountains. The cashmere produced ...
2-20-20, Owada, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, Japan
- oem
- apparel
- smalllot
Apparel and accessories for Internet shopping OEM production procurement concierge business Internet shopping business
A private corporation for internet mail order, apparel and clothing goods OEM production and procurement of procurement, run by a representative with about 20 years of experience as a buyer, DB, MD...
684 Hamano-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
- apparel
- ladies
- mens
Wide range of ladies, mens, kids, bags, etc.
An apparel manufacturer located in Chiba City, Japan. The company handles a wide range of products from ladies' wear, menswear, and kids' wear to bags and other clothing accessories. Also offers ...
EQ japan Inc.
3-1-2 Higashi-Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba, Japan
- bag
- sportsbag
- golfbag
Sports Bags, Golf Bags & Accessories
An apparel company located in Matsudo, Chiba, Japan. The company mainly handles sports bags, golf bags & accessories. The company provides total support from planning and design to delivery and a...
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1580-8 Yamazaki, Noda City, Chiba, japan
- leather
- fur
- bag
Leather wear, leather bag OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture. Specializing in leather, the company offers a wide range of leather items, from ladies' and mens' leather wear to leather bags and a...
2-4-12 Nakayama, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, Japan
- tshirts
- sweatshirts
- smalllot
OEM specialty store for T-shirts and sweatshirts
"KijiKara" located in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, is an OEM company that offers full-order services from sewing to printing, from fabric selection to small lot production. We can produce T-sh...
ASCENT Co., Ltd.
105, 4-15-2, Honnakayama 4-chome, Funabashi-shi, Chiba, Japan
- tshirts
- silkprint
Silk printing factory in Chiba, Japan. Original T-shirts and uniforms.
ASCENT in Chiba Prefecture is a silk printing factory that creates original T-shirts and imprints names on uniforms. In addition to silk printing, transfer printing and inkjet printing are also av...
- オーガニックコットン
- パジャマ
- 雑貨
有限会社マザーズは千葉県銚子市に位置する縫製会社です。 認証機関の認証済みオーガニックコットンを100%使用したクオリティの高い製品を製造することが可能です。
AKURA co.,Ltd
324-1 Makino, Shibayama-cho, Yamato-gun, Chiba
- apparel
- mens
- ladies
Total support from planning to production, international logistics, warehousing of processing operations, and domestic logistics
An apparel company located in Chiba, Japan. With group companies in China and Korea, the company provides total support from production to distribution. Handles all items including men's and wome...
- レディース
- プレタポルテ
- パターン
有限会社ダイトーモードは千葉県市川市に位置する縫製会社です。 婦人服、プレタポルテなどの製造を裁断から検品まで一気通貫で行っております。
Sunleaf Inc.
1484-19 Shinogota, Kashiwa City, Chiba, Japan
- underwear
- innerwear
- ladies
Women's underwear manufacturer
Sunleaf is a manufacturer of women's underwear. The company manufactures bras, panties, maternity and corrective undergarments. The company has a production system for underwear in China.
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Uchibo Subaru Sewing.
48, Kengidani, Minami-Boso-shi, Chiba, Japan
- Womens
- fabric
- sewingfactory
Sewing factory for women's shirts and blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, and mens shirts
Uchibo Subaru Sewing. is a sewing factory for ladies' shirts and blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, and mens' shirts. Our main products are made of natural materials such as cotton, linen, and silk,...
- バッグ
- 財布
- ノベルティ
千葉県船橋市に本社を置くアパレル会社です。 海外の工場と業務提携し、低価格で使いやすさを追求した商品が強みです。
- カットソー
- 刺繍
- パターン
株式会社フジタプランは千葉県市川市にあるアパレル会社です。 国内外のカットソーOEMを中心に約30年の活動をしており、高い技術力と業界トップのクオリティが強みです。
千葉県茂原市茂原342-1 ライオンズマンション101
- ペット
- キッズ
- 雑貨
婦人服、犬服、雑貨などのOEMを行っております。 特に犬服は自社ブランドも展開しており、可愛いだけでなく、快適に過ごせるという点を大切にしております。
Sewing Asahi
9163-39 Kamakazu, Asahi City, Chiba
- Formal
- Jackets
- Skirts
OEM of women's apparel
Sewing Asahi is a sewing factory located in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture. We deal in ladies' apparel, mainly formal items such as suits, dresses, and coats.