Womenswear Manufacturers

Here are 556 Womens, ladies, mrs manufacturers and factories.

1 to 30 of 556

  • NEHA co.ltd. NEHA co.ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】

    We can handle even small lots. Since we have pattern makers and designers, we can handle everything from apparel product planning to manufacturing.

    planning a major apparel brand, and then specializing in making things for fast fashion, kids, and ladies. It is possible to analyze Japanese apparel trends from multiple angles. The company's mana

    • In-house ladies' brand NEHA
    • In-house ladies' brand NEHA
    • In-house men's brand Daiko
    • In-house ladies' brand NEHA
  • Trim Planning Trim Planning

    【Womens in Japan】


    岐阜県岐阜市にあるトリムプランニングは、主にレディースアパレルのOEM・ODMを行っています。 レディースアパレルを中心に、布帛・カットソー・ニット・小物などを扱っています。 MDからデザイン・パターン・...

  • Yoshinaka sen-i. co.,Ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】


    奈良県北葛城郡の芳仲繊維株式会社は、レディスファッション、レッグウェアを中心にインナーウェア、子供服などを生産するOEM・ODM生産メーカーです。 商品企画から素材提案、パターン作成、生産、検品、...


    【Womens in Japan】

    We can provide a full range of services from pattern making and sample making to mass production.

    Our strength is that we have a pattern maker on staff who can handle the entire process from pattern making and sample making to mass production. We can also propose and arrange for the selection and

  • Koron, Inc Koron, Inc

    【Womens in Japan】

    Outsourced patterns, sample sewing, mass production/sewing, OEM for apparel, dresses, etc. from small batches of one item | 3 minutes walk from JR Meguro Station

    【オフィス所在地】 東京都 JR目黒駅徒歩3分 【営業時間】 平日 10:00~19:00まで 【お問い合わせ方法】 こちらのお問い合わせフォーム または当社ウェブサイトの問い合わせフォーム・お電話・メー...

    • Sewing process
    • blouse pattern
    • casual dress
    • wedding dress
    • colored dress
    • Sailor style dress
    • colored pants
    • loofah collar jacket

    【Womens in Korea】


    日本向けのアパレルOEM生産でお客様のニーズにお応えいたします。 当社は100%日本語でのコミュニケーションが可能です。 日本市場における厳しい品質基準や流行に合致した生産管理を提供するため、日本でデザ...

  • mid,inc. mid,inc.

    【Womens in Japan】


    ジャンプスーツを中心としたワークウェア・ユニフォームブランドを自社ブランドで運営しており、OEMも行っている。 実用服でファッション性が高いデザインが特徴。 その他、店舗やオフィスのオリジナルユニフォ...

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    【Womens in Korea】

    General apparel, dog clothing OEM production, apparel purchasing

    Based in Korea, we are engaged in OEM production in Korea and China. We can produce ladies', men's, and dog wear from cut and sewn to woven fabrics in small to large lots. If you are in Korea, we can


    【Womens in Japan】

    We undertake all OEM of ladies' apparel products.

    We are a ladies' apparel company established over 40 years ago and headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We are engaged in OEM of various products, mainly knitwear, but also cut, woven, and docking prod


    【Womens in Japan】

    We can handle anything from apparel OEM, small-lot production, all items, cut and sewn to down jackets, and no sewing.

    By entrusting GALASSIA with your apparel needs, you can produce your own original brand, even if you have no experience in apparel. All you need to do is to tell us your image, and GALASSIA will prov

    • The blanket and its storage bag are sewn by a factory specializing in sewing woven bags.
    • Blanket with storage bag.
    • Left rear single ball-rimmed pocket with zipper.
    • We delivered half pants despite the short delivery time during the busy season.

    【Womens in Japan】

    Apparel OEM/ODM planning, production and sales operations, planning and production of sales promotion products, brand business, etc.

    We have an office in Yoyogi Uehara and are engaged in the planning, manufacturing, sales, and wholesale of fashion apparel products. We also deal in the wholesale of vintage watches, vintage accessor


    【Womens in Japan】

    Shoes planning and manufacturing company, OEM and ODM available.

    We are a shoe manufacturer that can start with 100 pairs of shoes. We know that there are many people who think, "I want to create the design I envisioned, but I don't know how to do it," or "It seems

  • Loop Co.

    【Womens in Japan】


    東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷の株式会社ループは、ニット以外のアイテム(重衣料含む)ミセスからメンズまで受けているOEM企業です。 創業:1973年浅草橋にてプリーツ工場パリオ       株式会社設立    2006...

  • CONX.co.,ltd. CONX.co.,ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】


    大阪府大阪市城東区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 アパレルCADの導入で、サイズ展開や自動マーキングによりコスト相談も可能。 小ロットから大量生産まで、デザインや仕様によって適正な縫製工場で生産ラインを設定...

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  • Misaki Misaki

    【Womens in Japan】

    From small lots to large orders! This factory specializes in cut and sewn products.

    NOLLYS, and others. We have the capacity to sew 10,000 simple T-shirts per month. My specialty is ladies' T-shirts, dresses, and skirts, but I can also sew mens' and kids' products. We do everythin


    【Womens in Japan】

    Sewing factory for domestic production and small-lot production

    We are a sewing factory for domestic production and small lot orders. We can handle all items of woven fabrics and cut and sewn fabrics. We have our own factory in Chuo-ku, Osaka, and several other c

  • Apparel Ai co.,ltd. Apparel Ai co.,ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】


    広島県福山市にあるアパレルメーカー。 レディースボトムを中心に扱っている。 福山市の備後地域で生産している安心・安全のジャパンクオリティー製品。

  • ProsPer ProsPer

    【Womens in Japan】

    Apparel Overseas Production OEM

    sentative of ProsPer. Our company is an overseas OEM production operation (China/Korea) mainly for ladies' light and medium-sized garments. (China/Korea), mainly in ladies' light and medium We are a

  • G Fire G Fire

    【Womens in Japan】

    China and Korea production, quick response from fabric proposal to production.

    Responding to current market needs (small-lot production and timely delivery) Planning and proposal of cutting-edge trend materials (small-lot production and speedy delivery in spring, summer, fall,

  • LbeRoad LbeRoad

    【Womens in Japan】

    Low cost, small lot, process subdivision available

    Our company has been in business for 17 years as a manufacturer and retailer of inner wear products for bust make-up. In recent years, the number of individuals opening stores on the Internet has incr


    【Womens in China】

    A professional trading company in China, specializing in the development, production, and export of knitwear.

    easide city in the eastern part of Shandong Peninsula, China. We deal in a wide range of items for ladies, mens, and kids. Small lot orders are available.

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    【Womens in Japan】

    Fashion brand & gallery management

    We have several Instagrammer brands, including original brands. COMMUSE, RYO TAKASHIMA, SEASON, etc. We also accept OEM and ODM for fabrics, cut-and-sews, and knits. Currently, we are dealing with w


    【Womens in Japan】

    Knit manufacturer in Gosen-shi, Niigata

    Business Description Saifuku mainly manufactures ladies' knitwear in Gosen-shi, Niigata Prefecture, the center of knitwear production. We produce a wide range of brands for a wide range of age groups

  • mifa mifa

    【Womens in Japan】

    We can respond to details and will reply on the same day.

    I am an individual ODM/OEM correspondence mainly for Japanese production. I have the advantage that I know everything about design, patterns, and production by myself. If you have any questions, I wi


    【Womens in Japan】

    We will give speedy shape to your requests by the best means.

    e the best and most efficient production team to meet your needs. We produce mainly cut and sewn ladies' wear, sportswear, kids' wear in general, and babies' wear as well as sundries and bedding-re

  • Grid co., ltd. Grid co., ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】


    岡山県倉敷市のアパレルメーカー。 レディースデニムに特化したOEMを行っており、レディース向けの素材、シルエット、加工が強み。 加工は製品染め、ユーズド加工等どんなニーズにも対応可能。

  • UStrad Co., Ltd. UStrad Co., Ltd.

    【Womens in Japan】


    東京都目黒区に拠点を置き、素材から作るusというブランドを展開する会社です。 高級Tシャツを作りたい方はぜひお問合せください。 Made in JAPAN の素材xMade in Tokyoの技術力で、最高級のTシャツを紡ぎま...


    【Womens in China】

    Sewing company with more than 30 years OEM experience of knit products

    We have our own factory and have more than 30 years OEM/ODM experience of knit products. We produce and export high quality knitwear and clothing, not only Knit OEM production but also various styl

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    【Womens in Japan】


    シルク(絹)については創業以来、原料から生地・最終製品・流通まで【絹のプロフェッショナル】として一貫した品質管理と生産管理をしております。 OEM/ODMでのオリジナル商品の生産実績と蓄積されたノウハウに...

  • Kasuga Apparel Co. Kasuga Apparel Co.

    【Womens in Japan】

    Long-established OEM manufacturer of cut and sewn products since 1892

    ufacturer of women's cut-and-sew garments. We always have an inventory of 500 rolls of fabrics for ladies' cut-and-sew garments, which enables us to respond to production in a short cycle. Minimum l

Latest bulk of Asks that include “womens”

  • Ask for product planning of Womens wear.

    We are a individual doing business in North America. We are looking for a consultant for product planning for Womens wear. Quantity is Small, budget is not yet determined, and schedule is not urgent. We would like to be contacted by Any area companies. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Ask for production of Womens wear.

    We are a establishing company doing business in Japan. We are looking for a manufacturer to develop our Womens wear line. Quantity is Small, budget is not yet determined, and schedule is not urgent. We would like to be contacted by Japan companies. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Ask for sample production of Womens wear, Mens wear, Unisex wear, Sports wear, Jeans, Shoes.

    We are a company doing business in North America. We are looking for a factory to sample production of Womens wear, Mens wear, Unisex wear, Sports wear, Jeans, Shoes. Quantity is not yet determined, budget is not yet determined, and schedule is urgent. We would like to be contacted by Any area companies. We look forward to hearing from you.

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