Petwear Manufacturers

Here are 18 Petwear, dogwear manufacturers and factories.

1 to 18 of 18

  • Vixen Aim Co., Ltd. Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.

    【Petwear in Japan】

    OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available

    Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff

    • モーションキャプチャースーツを作るなら、是非弊社へお任せください!お気軽にご連絡、お待ちしております!
    • モーションスーツを制作したいなら弊社へお任せください。経験豊富なスタッフが細かくお話を聞かせていただきます!こちらは手の動きをキャプチャーする手の部分のスーツです。
    • Vtuber事務所様にもご好評いただいております!VixenAimのモーションスーツです!こちらは手の部分になります。
    • モーションスーツを作れるのはVixenAim株式会社です!お気軽にご連絡ください。こちらは下半身の動きをキャプチャするパンツ部分です。
    • モーションスーツ 足の部分!足の動きもしっかりキャプチャーできますよ。弊社ならオリジナルのキャプチャスーツも制作できます!
    • Vtuber事務所のモーションスーツを弊社で制作させていただいています!こちらは上着部分、上半身のもーしょんをキャプチャできます!
    • 全身のモーションキャプチャスーツ、弊社なら作れます!これは頭部の動きをキャプチャする帽子です♪
    • Vtuberさん御用達!モーションスーツ、VixenAimなら作れます!!
    • 細かな製品を作るのが得意なのでもちろんヒトのお洋服やバッグなんかもなんでも作れますよ!VixenAimにお任せください!
    • ハイクオリティをとことん追求したいなら弊社へお任せください!わんちゃんのお洋服!得意です!
    • 他社でできないと言われたことも弊社ならきっとできます!ペットの服ならお任せください!
    • タグもお任せください!ロゴのデザインもデータ起こしからできます!
  • Butterfly dogcandy Butterfly dogcandy

    【Petwear in Japan】


    東京都荒川区にあるアパレルOEM対応企業。 中型犬服、大型犬服、小型犬服まで小ロットから受注しており、当ショップからのセミオーダーも可能です。 商品開発やパターンだけ、縫製だけの依頼もお受けしております


    【Petwear in Japan】

    We provide dog wear that will make your dog happy through "uncompromising craftsmanship" by artisans' handiwork.

    An apparel OEM company specializing in dog wear located in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. Right Angle Co., Ltd. has been responsible for cutting apparel in general for 50 years, and has continued

  • Zephyr Inc. Zephyr Inc.

    【Petwear in Japan】


    富山県小矢部市にあるアパレルOEM対応企業。 創業33年の縫製工場を母体とする犬の服・猫用品のペットグッズメーカー「iDog&iCat」運営する会社です。 様々な業種や予算に合わせたノベルティ提案が得意で、企業...


    【Petwear in Japan】


    大阪府八尾市にあるアパレルOEM対応企業。 オリジナルブランドのL'ange(らんじゅ)シリーズや、各種犬具、犬靴・ソックスなどを中心とした犬服のOEMに対応。シンプルで使いやすく、可愛い製品が人気。

  • Isamiya Co., Ltd. Isamiya Co., Ltd.

    【Petwear in Japan】

    High quality sewing and processing technology of domestic production (made in Japan)

    Isamiya Yoso offers product development and OEM products, focusing on high sewing and processing technology made in Japan. We produce a variety of sewing products for medical and sports use in Japan.

  • heshenghk

    【Petwear in China】

    OEM production of pet clothing

    Our company has been producing pet clothes on an OEM basis for about 13 years. We are able to provide Japanese quality at Chinese cost, and we hope you can trust us with your pets' needs. We can p

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  • Muranaka Syugei Muranaka Syugei

    【Petwear in Japan】

    OEM company with a track record of making products for the Imperial Household

    An apparel OEM company located in Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture. We accept small-lot orders for women's clothing for high-end boutiques, even for a single piece. In addition, from an eco-friendly pe

  • Cub Bie Create Cub Bie Create

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Manufacture of dog wear mainly for French bulldogs and pugs

    An apparel OEM support company located in Koto-ku, Tokyo. Manufactures and sells dog wear mainly for French bulldogs and pugs. They can be entrusted with planning, design, production, quality control


    【Petwear in Japan】

    Sewing factory specializing in dog clothes, creating special dog clothes from small lots.

    An apparel OEM support company located in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture. A sewing factory specializing in dog clothes, they create dog clothes from small lots. Even for dog clothes with a large s

  • Special Planning Partner's Special Planning Partner's

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Sewing factory for women's clothing in general, baby/kids' clothing, sports casual clothing, dog clothing, etc.

    Monozukuri Kobo (SPP Co., Ltd.), located in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is a sewing factory that manufactures general ladies' wear, baby and kids' wear, sports casual wear, and dog wear. Sampl

  • Muro Vinyl Muro Vinyl

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Sewing factory for nursing wear, pet wear, men's clothing, raincoats, etc.

    Muro Vinyl is a sewing factory that produces OEM products such as nursing wear, pet wear, and raincoats. The company is capable of producing a wide variety of products in small lots. In addition to


    【Petwear in Japan】

    Offering an abundance of pet supplies in general

    An apparel OEM company located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The company handles a variety of pet goods for dogs and cats, including collars, toys, clothes, raincoats, tableware, kennels, cus

  • LLP Co.,Ltd. LLP Co.,Ltd.

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Total support from development to sales promotion with abundant know-how of pet products

    An apparel OEM company located in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. In addition to OEM production of dog clothing, the company has a variety of expertise in pet goods, including the operation of tr

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  • Rainbow Corporation Rainbow Corporation

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Manufacturer of pet wear and goods

    An apparel OEM-compatible company located in Settsu, Osaka. Manufacturer of pet wear and goods. Designed in Japan and manufactured at its own overseas factories, the company is characterized by its a

  • Burushi Co.,Ltd. Burushi Co.,Ltd.

    【Petwear in Japan】

    Can be used for a variety of pet-related products such as pet clothes, bags, beds, and goods

    An apparel OEM company located in Meguro-ku, Tokyo. They offer pet wear that focuses on comfort and wearability in various wearing situations, such as Puppies & Kitties wearing clothes for the first


    【Petwear in Japan】

    30 years of experience creating mainly children's clothing, but also menswear, ladies' clothing, and pet clothing

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of OEM production, mainly children's wear, but also menswear, ladies' wear, sportswear, pet wear, masks,

  • Notion inc. Notion inc.

    【Petwear in Japan】

    OEM-ready pet clothing company with excellent partner factories throughout China.

    An apparel OEM company located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. In addition to pet clothes, we also offer pet beds, pet mats, pet houses, cat towers, carry bags, tableware, and various other pet good