Costume Manufacturers

Here are 15 Costume manufacturers and factories.

1 to 15 of 15

  • Vixen Aim Co., Ltd. Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.

    【Costume in Japan】

    OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available

    Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff

    • モーションキャプチャースーツを作るなら、是非弊社へお任せください!お気軽にご連絡、お待ちしております!
    • モーションスーツを制作したいなら弊社へお任せください。経験豊富なスタッフが細かくお話を聞かせていただきます!こちらは手の動きをキャプチャーする手の部分のスーツです。
    • Vtuber事務所様にもご好評いただいております!VixenAimのモーションスーツです!こちらは手の部分になります。
    • モーションスーツを作れるのはVixenAim株式会社です!お気軽にご連絡ください。こちらは下半身の動きをキャプチャするパンツ部分です。
    • モーションスーツ 足の部分!足の動きもしっかりキャプチャーできますよ。弊社ならオリジナルのキャプチャスーツも制作できます!
    • Vtuber事務所のモーションスーツを弊社で制作させていただいています!こちらは上着部分、上半身のもーしょんをキャプチャできます!
    • 全身のモーションキャプチャスーツ、弊社なら作れます!これは頭部の動きをキャプチャする帽子です♪
    • Vtuberさん御用達!モーションスーツ、VixenAimなら作れます!!
    • 細かな製品を作るのが得意なのでもちろんヒトのお洋服やバッグなんかもなんでも作れますよ!VixenAimにお任せください!
    • ハイクオリティをとことん追求したいなら弊社へお任せください!わんちゃんのお洋服!得意です!
    • 他社でできないと言われたことも弊社ならきっとできます!ペットの服ならお任せください!
    • タグもお任せください!ロゴのデザインもデータ起こしからできます!

    【Costume in Japan】

    I have over 20 years of sewing experience, including other OEMs such as cosplay costumes, maid costumes, and doll costumes.

    ipping according to your wishes. We are especially good at small-lot or one-off orders for cosplay costumes and maid costumes. We have over 20 years of experience in production, and we have also been


    【Costume in Japan】

    We undertake all OEM of ladies' apparel products.

    We are a ladies' apparel company established over 40 years ago and headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We are engaged in OEM of various products, mainly knitwear, but also cut, woven, and docking prod

  • MS Corporation MS Corporation

    【Costume in Japan】


    神奈川県横浜市にあるアパレルOEM企業。 ユニフォームの専門メーカーで、企画デザイン及び製造販売やカタログ販売、ユニフォームレンタルを手がける。 代理店を経由しない販売でリーズナブルプライスで提供して...

  • New Masuda New Masuda

    【Costume in Japan】


    埼玉県羽生市にあるアパレルメーカー。 マーチングバンド衣装や、幼稚園・保育園の園児服、各種ユニフォームをフルオーダーで製造販売している。

  • wearwell CO., Ltd. wearwell CO., Ltd.

    【Costume in Japan】

    We respond to a wide range of customer requests from planning OEM, apparel ODM, sample creation (planning, patterns) to custom-made and costumes.

    We are an apparel company that started out in the pattern business. We have a wide range of products for men, women and kids, not only woven fabrics but also cut and sewn fabrics and special materi

  • CottonTime CottonTime

    【Costume in Japan】

    We can flexibly handle a wide range of orders, from one-off orders to sample production and OEM mass production.

    From one-of-a-kind custom dresses and stage costumes to ladies' apparel and sundries! We are able to respond flexibly with a sense of speed that only a small company can provide. We can meet with yo

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  • Green Line HOMME. Green Line HOMME.

    【Costume in Japan】

    OEM of household goods, accessories, clothing, etc.

    efecture. The company deals mainly in household goods, accessories, and clothing. They also offer costumes such as yosakoi costumes and festival costumes.

  • zee-max zee-max

    【Costume in Japan】

    Dancewear is specialty.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Sakado City, Saitama Prefecture. The company produces a wide range of products from dancewear to ladies' young casual wear and children's clothing and accessories.

  • Suzy Parkar Suzy Parkar

    【Costume in Japan】

    Yosakoi costumes, festival costumes, event costumes, etc.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Sapporo, Hokkaido. A costume manufacturer specializing in producing a variety of costumes such as yosakoi costumes, festival costumes, and event costumes. We provi

  • Arregro Co., Ltd. Arregro Co., Ltd.

    【Costume in Japan】

    Production of one-of-a-kind items such as character figures and stuffed animals

    The company produces one-of-a-kind items such as character figures and stuffed animals. The company specializes in sewing special stitches and thick fabrics.

  • Coordination Co,. Ltd. Coordination Co,. Ltd.

    【Costume in Japan】

    OEM for cheerleading, idol costumes, cosplay costumes, etc.

    Coordination Co,. Ltd. is a costume production company that handles all aspects of original planning and production for events, commercials, cheerleading costumes, idols, cosplay, etc. We also design

  • saito shoji co., ltd. saito shoji co., ltd.

    【Costume in Japan】

    General trading company of uniforms, uniforms and event wear

    General apparel trading company located in Fujimi, Saitama. Specializes in event wear, office uniforms, uniforms, work uniforms, restaurant uniforms, and lab coats. The company provides full support


    【Costume in Japan】

    OEM of original uniforms

    Daiichi Co. is a uniform manufacturer located in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. We plan and manufacture a variety of uniforms, with a focus on office uniforms.

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    【Costume in Japan】

    Specializes in uniforms. Hotel, restaurant, parlor costumes, etc.

    forms and offers a wide range of products including hotel uniforms, restaurant uniforms, and parlor costumes.