Page 5 - [KANSAI] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai

Here are 398 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

121 to 150 of 398

  • KUBO

    2-6-1 Kitakyuhoji-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • bottoms
    • pants

    OEM ODM proposal type specializing in ladies' pants

    We are a company that has a factory specializing in women's pants in Wakayama Prefecture, and we are engaged in OEM proposal sales. (It is a J∞QUALITY certified factory.) We have been manufacturing and selling pleated pants for more than 15 years, which have a center crease line that does not disappear even after washing. The company has been manufacturing and selling "Pleated pants that do not lose the center crease line of pants even after washing" for more than 15 years. We have patented the label. We have started to propose "anti-virus processed material" as a new trial. (Until a little while ago, "antivirus-processed materials" were only available in cotton and could only be used for work clothes, but now that we are able to process polyester and wool for fashionable clothes, we have started to offer "antivirus-processed materials" as a new trial. We are now able to process polyester and wool for fashionable clothes, so we propose processing and sewing.)

  • oomi style

    296-3 Shimohirobe, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga, Japan

    • ladies
    • bag
    • sewingfactory

    Ladies' apparel OEM, from cutting to sewing

    The company manufactures ladies' apparel and high value-added products (Japanese bags, purses, and pouches) produced domestically. Automatic cutting machines are installed to handle everything from cutting to sewing.

  • Season Forum

    5-11-14 Shin-Imazato, Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • shoes
    • ladiesshoes
    • シューズ

    Ladies' Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Ikuno Ward, Osaka City. Mainly handles women's shoes and women's chemical shoes. Can handle a wide variety of products and small lots.

  • Reef co.,ltd.

    2-2 Tokui-cho Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka

    • ladies
    • denim
    • bottoms

    Specialists in bottoms, mainly denim, can provide wholesale sales and planning and production of ladies' bottoms and other products.

    An apparel OEM and ODM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. Its denim and other detail-oriented design techniques are well-received. Also offers original products under its own brand.


    8F, 1-9-5 Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • mens
    • cutsew
    • apparel

    An OEM/ODM company of mens apparel.

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, with an office in Tokyo. Focusing on mens apparel, the company can handle material development, item proposals, graphics, and more.

  • NACKS Co.,Ltd.

    4-10 Kasuga-cho, Izumiotsu-shi, Osaka

    • ladies
    • mens
    • kids

    We manufacture over 10,000,000 garments per year. We are good at manufacturing low-priced, high-quality, quick-delivery, large-lot production.

    An apparel OEM company located in Izumiotsu City, Osaka Prefecture. The company specializes in large-lot OEM production and does not accept sample-only production. The company is highly price-competitive due to its stable orders to its overseas partner factories.

  • オーノ・ニット株式会社

    兵庫県伊丹市西台1丁目5-21 304号

    • カットソー
    • メンズ
    • レディース


    オーノ・ニット株式会社は兵庫県伊丹市にある縫製工場です。 カットソー製品全般の製造をしており、メンズから、レディース、キッズアパレルまで幅広く取り扱っております。また、機能素材スポーツ衣料の製造対応も可能です。

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  • Long Yong Japan Corporation

    Esaka Sansei Bldg., 3F 9-28 Hiroshiba-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-0052 Japan

    • sportswear
    • uniform
    • football

    One-of-a-kind OEM company for sports apparel and uniforms

    An apparel OEM company headquartered in Osaka. It also has sales offices in Tokyo, China, and Asia. Specializing in sports apparel, the company has a large number of sportswear and uniforms for sports apparel companies. The company has its own factories in China and Asia, and also performs secondary processing in-house in order to meet the needs of high-mix low-volume QR production.


    218 Noguchi, Yamatotakada-shi, Nara

    • Socks
    • Leggings
    • Innerwear

    Manufacture of socks, leg care products, innerwear, etc.

    Kawamura Textile Co., Ltd. is a sewing company with its own factory in Nara Prefecture. The company manufactures leg care products, tights, leggings, stockings, etc.


    137 Muro, Gosho City, Nara Prefecture

    • Swimwear
    • TrainingWear
    • 体操着

    Manufacture of gym uniforms, swimsuits, etc. for school sales

    NANWA SENI KOGYO CO.,LTD. is a sewing company located in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture. The company manufactures gym uniforms for school use, swimsuits, and training wear for teachers.

  • NISHIDA Co.,Ltd.

    Daiichi Marui Building 2F, 1-22-12 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • Schoolbags
    • Leather
    • バッグ

    Planning and manufacturing of school bags

    Nishida Co., Ltd. is a bag manufacturer located in Osaka City. Our bags are processed by dedicated bag craftsmen at our own factory in Japan, and our strength lies in our reliable sewing technology and quality control.

  • 株式会社 light style luxs

    大阪府大阪市南船場4-7-21 オーガニックビル503

    • レディース
    • シャツ
    • ワンピース


    株式会社 light style luxsは大阪市に位置するアパレル会社です。 自社ブランドの企画、製造、販売を行いながらアパレルメーカーからのODM/OEM生産なども行っています。

  • セラビ株式会社

    大阪市中央区南船場4-13-10 南船場OCAビル4F

    • ドレス
    • バッグ
    • フォーマル


    株式会社セラビでは、パーティーシーン、セレモニーシーンで使用するアイテムを軸に、パーティードレス・パーティーバッグ・アクセサリーなどの小物雑貨をトータルでデザインしております。 自社工場や協力工場を起用し、マーケットやアパレルメーカーから求められる高品質・高付加価値の製品を提案・生産しております。

  • 株式会社 パボ

    大阪市中央区博労町2-4-11 中博ビル7F 702号

    • ODM
    • ヤング
    • カジュアル


    株式会社 パボは大阪市に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 創業40年以上の実績を持ち、ヤングカジュアルを中心にしたラインナップでのOEM提供、ODM生産を行っています。

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  • 有限会社ネスパ


    • レザー
    • バッグ
    • 革小物


    有限会社ネスパは兵庫県豊岡市に位置する縫製工場です。 鞄、袋物、ハンドバッグ、革小物を製造しており、扱い材料は革・化繊・帆布・ナイロンと多岐にわたって生産可能です。

  • ラ・ヴェッタ株式会社


    • レザー
    • 財布
    • 雑貨


    ラ・ヴェッタ株式会社は兵庫県豊岡市に位置する縫製会社です。 自社ブランドの製造の傍ら、OEM生産も請け負っております。

  • マツナガニット株式会社


    • ニット
    • カットソー
    • レディース


    マツナガニット株式会社は大阪に会社を構え、大阪の自社内で編地から製造しているOEM/ODMニットメーカ―です。 12Gなどハイゲージニットづくりを得意としており、最適な編み方、糸などこれまで培ってきたノウハウを活かし、生産までワンストップで作り上げております。

  • 野村貿易株式会社


    • ユニフォーム
    • シャツ
    • スクールシャツ


    野村貿易株式会社は、企業ユニフォーム、ドレスシャツ、寝具を主軸に生地生産からデザイン、加工、販売まで一貫して事業展開をしています。 ベトナム北部にて、自社縫製工場2拠点を運営しており、日本向け商品として求められる高い品質とサービスを提供、顧客の皆様から高い評価を受けております。

  • 合同会社オーリス


    • Tシャツ
    • パーカー
    • 小ロット


    合同会社オーリスは兵庫県神戸市に位置するアパレル会社です。 製造できる品目としてTシャツ・パーカー・カットソー・パンツ・ワンピースなどの洋服類をはじめ、スポーツウェア、肌着、さらにはバッグ・財布などのファッション雑貨・小物などがございます。

  • 株式会社 播


    • ストール
    • ノベルティ
    • 自社工場


    PR・販促用としてのノベルティ、雑貨などのOEMを行っております。 生地生産から縫製まで全て国内で行っており、日本製にこだわった高い品質の製品が魅力です。


    10F Honmachi Takeda Building, 3-1-29 Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • womens
    • mens
    • woven

    They offer a human sensibility that is woven into everyday clothing.

    Apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka MADE IN JAPAN quality is their strength. They offer clothing that allows women to express their individuality more freely.

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  • monodesignoffice


    • 小ロット
    • デザイン
    • 生産

    mono design office

    事業内容: 服飾デザインの企画・製作・製造を行う企業で、レディース衣料、メンズ衣料、服飾雑貨(バッグ、ソックス、帽子など)やその他雑貨を取り扱っています。 サービス 企画・デザイン: 新ブランド立ち上げ時のブランディング、マーケティング分析、ECサイトの新規立ち上げサポートなどを提供。クライアントの要望に沿った高品質な商品を企画し、素材開発・収集も行います。 OEM・ODM: アパレル製品全般にわたり、企画から生産管理まで対応。 中国をはじめとする各国の工場との連携により対応可能です。 生産プロセス 提案: クライアントの要望やアイデアをヒアリングし、具体的な素材やデザイン案を提案。仕様書を作成し、サンプルの作成とチェックを行います。 本発注・生産管理: サンプルチェック後、最終仕様書を作成し、本生産に移行。工場との綿密な打ち合わせにより、品質と生産管理を徹底します。 中国、ASEANからの生産が可能で、日本の技術と海外の技法を組み合わせた提案を行います。


    5F, 1-10-14, Tachiaurihori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • hat
    • mens
    • huntingcap

    Produces own-brand hats with high design quality, such as hunting, work caps, and mid-century hats.

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Based on design plans requested by brand manufacturers, the company takes care of all processes, from the preparation of production instructions, arrangement of fabrics and accessories, sample production, factory production management, inspection, bagging, and shipping. Recommended for those who want to produce hats with a high design quality, such as hunting, work caps, and mid-cut hats.

  • Charis Plus

    283 Fukusu, Shingu-cho, Tatsuno City, Hyogo, Japan

    • womens
    • mens
    • apparel

    In business for 50 years. Responding to a wide range of requests from individuals to major apparel manufacturers.

    An apparel OEM company located in Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The company handles a wide range of requests from individuals to major apparel manufacturers, regardless of the type of garment or size. In addition to sewing, they offer one-stop services from fabric and subsidiary material procurement to pattern making, finishing, and inspection. With over 50 years of experience in the industry, they can make your ideal garment through planning and proposals.


    17F, 1-7-31, Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • casual
    • womens
    • swimwear

    Full total support from planning to production

    An apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. The company handles OEM of apparel items made of stretch fabrics, mainly swimwear, from planning to production. They offer new proposals that meet the needs of the market at a satisfactory cost.

  • MIXING Co., Ltd.

    2F, 1-3-21 Minami-Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • knit
    • woven

    Cut and sewn knitwear, woven fabrics, sundries and accessories

    Osaka-based Mixing Co., Ltd. provides OEM and ODM services mainly for women's and ladies' apparel. The company provides total support from planning to delivery. The company also operates its own brand and own brand store.

  • I.B.R CO.,LTD.

    8F, 2-6-7, Hakuromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • ladies
    • apparel
    • レディース

    Total support from planning to production. A comprehensive OEM/ODM company for ladies' apparel.

    Apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. Three thorough controls for fabric procurement, factory management, and enhanced inspection. Capable of producing full items for ladies, and has a wide range of experience from casual to elegant tastes.


    7-4-3, Nishi-Ishikiri-cho, Higashiosaka City, Osaka

    • schooluniform
    • uniform
    • 学生服

    Student uniform and school uniform manufacturer

    An apparel manufacturer located in Higashi Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Specializes in custom-made student uniforms and school uniform manufacturers.

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    76-1, Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan

    • petwear
    • dogwear
    • ペット

    Offering an abundance of pet supplies in general

    An apparel OEM company located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The company handles a variety of pet goods for dogs and cats, including collars, toys, clothes, raincoats, tableware, kennels, cushions, indoor circles, carry bags, and nail clippers. They offer consistent proposals from planning to design.

  • LLP Co.,Ltd.

    10-7, Minami-Koshigiwa-cho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo, Japan

    • petwear
    • dogwear
    • ペット

    Total support from development to sales promotion with abundant know-how of pet products

    An apparel OEM company located in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. In addition to OEM production of dog clothing, the company has a variety of expertise in pet goods, including the operation of trimming salons, sales of select goods, dog treats, and dog and cat food, and can provide total support from development to sales promotion. Their semi-automatic couture clothes are also popular.