Page 12 - [KANSAI] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai

Here are 398 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kansai. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

331 to 360 of 398

  • 株式会社 ZERO-ONE

    大阪府吹田市泉町2丁目47-8 泉オクノビル6F

    • ぬいぐるみ
    • ストラップ
    • 雑貨


    株式会社 ZERO-ONEはぬいぐるみ、ストラップに特化した縫製会社です。 高品質かつスピーディな納期で対応いただけます。

  • 深喜毛織株式会社


    • ニット
    • カシミヤ
    • 毛織物


    深喜毛織は日本の毛織物メーカーとして唯一、カシミヤ製造業者の国際団体CCMI(カシミヤ及びキャメル製造業者協会)に加盟している。 各種羊毛の他、カシミヤ・アンゴラ・アルパカ等の高級素材を使用した高級紳士・婦人毛織物、ニット生地、紡毛メリヤス糸、およびその他の商品を、原毛から仕上げまで一貫生産し、それぞれの商品は国内の著名アパレルやニッター等の得意先に取り扱いされており、有名百貨店、専門店等において販売されています。

  • クワノ株式会社


    • ニット
    • レディース
    • メンズ


    編地開発及び商品開発の提案を得意とするOEMメーカーです。 国内生産以外に中国の協力工場から輸入も行っています。

  • 株式会社 丸善


    • バッグ
    • 財布
    • アクセサリー


    株式会社丸善は大阪に本社を置くアパレル会社です。 大人の女性に向けたバッグ、財布の自社ブランドをもっており、OEMも行っております。 実用性、デザイン性に長けた提案、製造が強みです。

  • 株式会社シゲマツ


    • 帽子
    • サンプル
    • メンズ


    大阪市に本社を置く帽子メーカーです。 豊富な経験と高い技術力、スピーディーな対応を強みとしており、有名ブランドにも商品提供を行っております。

  • 株式会社山崎


    • レザー
    • ベルト
    • 財布


    株式会社山崎は大阪市平野区にある縫製会社です。 確かな品質の「栃木レザー」を使用した製品のロゴ入れ、オリジナルデザインなどを小ロットから対応可能です。

  • 有限会社久山染工


    • カットソー
    • Tシャツ
    • 染色


    京都府京都市にある染工場。 染工場内の職人にしかできない技術を生かし、通常スクリーンでは表現できない多彩に取り揃えられたオリジナルの特殊加工が強み。

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  • 株式会社ダイセン


    • インナー
    • アウター
    • 靴下


    株式会社ダイセンは大阪府大阪市中央区本町にある繊維製造会社です。 インナーからアウター、布団、マリンスポーツ用品などを取り扱っており、国内に製造拠点があります。 小ロットから大量生産など可能な限りで対応しております。

  • Fred.apparel


    • メンズ
    • レディース
    • ジャケット


    Fred.apparelは大阪府大阪市にあるアパレル会社です。 テーラードジャケットやコート等の重衣料を得意としていますが、スラックスやシャツ、カジュアルパンツ・レディース商品も製造しています。

  • 秀英産業株式会社


    • カットソー
    • フォーマルウェア
    • インナー


    独自の「アイデア」「機能性」を加えた衣服、インナー、健康商品、日用雑貨品を製造しています。 工場は宮崎県都城市にあり、小ロットから対応しております。 🔹弊社は40年以上のアパレル生産経験を持っている工場でオリジナルアパレルのOEM/ODMまでご協力しております。生地、商材、副材の提案とご紹介もスピーディーに対応しています。 🔹カテゴリーとしてレディース・メンズのインナー含む衣類全般、白衣等のユニフォーム、スポーツウェア、サウナスーツ、フォーマルウェアなど幅広いオリジナルアパレル、「あったらいいな」と思う便利な日用雑貨を納品しています。 🔹小ロットで高品質、安心を提供が当社の特徴で1デザインでサイズ色込み1枚から対応しております。

  • 合名会社ラリエ


    • レディース
    • メンズ
    • カットソー


    合名会社ラリエは滋賀県近江市にあり、多種多様なアイテムを製造可能な縫製会社です。 高品質、短納期を強みとしております。

  • 株式会社 Sample工房

    大阪市中央区北久宝寺町3-6-1 本町南ガーデンシティ7F

    • メンズ
    • スーツ
    • パターン


    株式会社 Sample工房は国内に自社工場を持ち、メンズの重衣料を中心にメンズ&レディースのサンプル縫製から、パターンオーダー・イージーオーダーを展開しております。


    90, Kojiya, Naka-ku, Taka-cho, Taka-gun, Hyogo, Japan

    • goods
    • sewingfactory
    • 雑貨

    Original made-in-Japan product manufacturing with a focus on Banshu-ori

    SEWING TAKEUCHI manufactures original products made in Japan with a focus on Banshu-ori. We can produce products with logos, size adjustments, and material changes based on existing products, as well as originally designed products upon request.


    7, Kitashirakawa Kamibetsudo-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan

    • oem
    • odm
    • apparel

    Apparel OEM/ODM FREAKS

    FREAKS, located in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, is an apparel OEM and ODM company. We have experience and a proven track record in the production and sewing of a variety of items regardless of genre.

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  • AQUA

    8-31 Kikutani-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan

    • ladies
    • sample
    • smalllot

    Sewing of women's clothing. Sample making, small lot to mass production.

    AQUA, located in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, is a sewing factory that sews and processes women's clothing. We offer services ranging from planning sample creation, exhibition sample creation, and small lot to mass production sewing. We handle a wide range of items such as blouses, cut-and-sew, dresses, and bottoms.


    378 Oaza-Miyado, Gosho City, Nara, Japan

    • protectivegown
    • hospitalgown
    • sewingfactory

    Manufacture and sewing of hospital protective gowns and hospital patient gowns

    KIMURA, located in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture, is a sewing factory that manufactures and sews hospital protective gowns and hospital patient gowns. With over 40 years of experience in manufacturing since its establishment, its strength lies in its ability to respond to a variety of styles and patterns.

  • Nissin Kogyo

    901-3 Kuriyama, Hidaka-cho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo, Japan

    • underwear
    • innerwear
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing of men's and ladies' innerwear, etc.

    Nissin Kogyo in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, is a sewing factory that mainly sews innerwear for men and ladies. The company handles the entire process from cutting, sewing, inspection, and finishing.

  • Daieiseni

    200-31, Kuse-Higashi-Tsuchikawa-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan

    • ladies
    • bottoms
    • skirt

    Sewing factory producing mainly women's pants and skirts

    Daieiseni, located in Minami-ku, Kyoto, is a sewing factory producing mainly women's pants and skirts. Both mens' and ladies' wear can be produced. The company handles everything from small-lot to mass production, and has a flexible system to accommodate customers' needs, including cost and delivery time. We also offer products in line with the times, such as protective clothing and masks that have attracted attention due to the Corona disaster.


    1-4-12, Taiheiji, Higashiosaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • smalllot
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory for women's clothing, focusing on small-lot production

    TOYO SEWING, located in Nishinari-ku, Osaka, is a sewing factory for women's clothing, focusing on small-lot production. Consultation is available for even one garment. Items such as T-shirts, blouses, dresses, and pants are available.

  • Sunward Ltd.

    2F, 2-3, Ikutama-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • bag
    • sewingfactory
    • バッグ

    Planning, manufacturing and sales of bags and sacks

    Sunward, located in Tennoji-ku, Osaka, is a sewing factory that mainly produces bags and sacks on an OEM basis. The company has its own sewing factory in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, and has sample sewers and designers in its headquarters.

  • Kimura-meriyasu Co.,Ltd.

    1687 Kokogawa, Kinokawa City, Wakayama, Japan

    • innerwear
    • underwear
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory producing high quality Japanese underwear

    Kimura-meriyasu, located in Kinokawa City, Wakayama Prefecture, is a sewing factory that produces high-quality Japanese underwear. The company produces a variety of famous brand underwear sold in department stores and select stores. Our strength lies in our flat seamer technology.

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  • Morita Sewing

    4-9-41 Kamikosaka, Higashiosaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • apparel
    • bag
    • sewingfactory

    General sewing of clothing such as shirts, jackets, pants, skirts, etc.

    Morita Sewing, located in Higashiosaka City, is a sewing factory that handles all aspects of clothing sewing, including shirts, jackets, pants, and skirts. We also sew bags such as tote bags and clothes for pets. We can also handle OEM orders from small lots.

  • TAKAOKA & Co.

    3-4-16 Awaji-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • mens
    • suits
    • メンズ

    Apparel company focusing on suits and other men's clothing fabrics

    TAKAOKA, located in Chuo-ku, Osaka, is a wholesaler of men's clothing fabrics, including suits, women's clothing fabrics, textile products, and sundries, and also sells materials and products to apparel manufacturers, department stores, and retail stores nationwide. We also provide OEM and ODM business to select stores and apparel makers mainly for men's dress casual wear, as well as integrated planning and production from textiles to finished products.

  • Yoshii Fukusou

    2-16-6, Yuzato, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • sewingfactory
    • レディース

    Production and sewing of high-end women's clothing and prêt-à-porter

    Yoshii Fukusou, located in Osaka City, Osaka, is a sewing factory that manufactures and sews high-end women's clothing and prêt-a-porter. We handle full items such as jackets, suits, dresses, blouses, coat pants, skirts, etc.

  • Non Original

    321-8 Wadahigashi, Minami-ku, Sakai City, Osaka, Japan

    • bag
    • pouch
    • 袋物

    Bags such as cosmetic pouches and bags

    Non Original, located in Minami-ku, Sakai, Osaka, manufactures bags such as cosmetic pouches and bags. The company also handles custom orders from companies.


    2-15-7 Honjonishi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • innerwear
    • smalllot

    OEM production of ladies' items and innerwear

    KOSEI MERIYASU, located in Kita-ku, Osaka, is a sewing factory for OEM production of ladies' items and innerwear. Small-lot production is available, and consultation is available for both individuals and corporations.

  • Fukushima Inc.

    3F, 2-1-13 Nakamoto, Higashinari-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • leather
    • leathersewing
    • thicksewing

    Leather and leather sewing, heavy-duty sewing

    Fukushima Inc. is a sewing factory that sews leather/leather and thick fabrics. We specialize in sewing for special sewing, OEM production, and repairs. We are capable of sewing leather, fur, and general clothing fabrics that require particular skills, as well as mass production from one sample piece to medium lots.


    5-2-40 Tomoi, Higashiosaka City, Osaka, Japan

    • sewingfactory
    • inspection
    • repair

    Sewing, inspection, repair, pressing and hanger storage services for all types of imported garments

    SHIZUYA SEISHI is an apparel company that operates from its headquarters in Higashi Osaka, Iga City, Mie Prefecture, Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture, Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture, and four locations in China. The company provides sewing, export packing, inspection, and related repair (sewing, stain removal, etc.), pressing, and hanger storage services, as well as nationwide delivery by hanger truck.

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  • D.K.Japan Corporation.

    1-7, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Souraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan

    • luminescence
    • totebag
    • glove

    OEM production of luminescent tote bags, gloves, mattresses, cushions, miscellaneous goods, etc.

    D.K. Japan is an apparel OEM company that manufactures luminescent tote bags, gloves, mattresses, cushions, and miscellaneous goods. The company cooperates with factories throughout China for production. DK Group has supplied more than 100 Japanese companies with a variety of OEM products such as gloves, mattresses, and other processed and molded products.


    2-8-1, Tsuda Ekimae, Hirakata City, Osaka, Japan

    • knit
    • sweater
    • cashmere

    Planning and production of knitwear, cashmere and sweaters

    DAIICHI KINITTING CO., LTD. in Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture, is engaged in the planning and production of knitwear, cashmere, and sweaters. Daiichi Meriyasu manufactures delicate, high-grade, and valuable made-in-Japan products based on an integrated process system from knitting, sewing, and finishing to product planning based on the raw materials of knitwear.