【Osaka】靴下 Manufacturers

Here are 7 靴下 manufacturers and factories in Osaka.

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1 to 7 of 7

  • monodesignoffice monodesignoffice

    【靴下 in Osaka】


    事業内容: 服飾デザインの企画・製作・製造を行う企業で、レディース衣料、メンズ衣料、服飾雑貨(バッグ、ソックス、帽子など)やその他雑貨を取り扱っています。 企画・デザイン: 新ブランド立ち上げ時のブ...

  • Aytug Japan Aytug Japan

    【靴下 in Osaka】

    Sewing factory specializing in OEM/ODM socks in Turkey since 1957

    We are a Turkish company specializing in socks and underwear called Aytug. We are sending you this email to introduce ourselves and make a business offer that we believe your company will benefit from

  • Square Square

    【靴下 in Osaka】

    OEM/ODM of original socks, specializing in socks and legwear

    An apparel OEM company located in Higashinari-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. As a sock OEM business, we plan and manufacture socks for apparel brands and fashion accessory retailers. Our major st


    【靴下 in Osaka】

    As a manufacturer of socks, innerwear, neck warmers, etc., we produce a variety of items

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. In addition to original brands that focus on yarns, materials, and comfort, the company also offers licensed brands that make use of th

  • 株式会社ダイセン 株式会社ダイセン

    【靴下 in Osaka】


    株式会社ダイセンは大阪府大阪市中央区本町にある繊維製造会社です。 インナーからアウター、布団、マリンスポーツ用品などを取り扱っており、国内に製造拠点があります。 小ロットから大量生産など可能な限り...

  • Advancing Inc. Advancing Inc.

    【靴下 in Osaka】

    Specializing in functional innerwear and supporters, we are confident in our unique planning capabilities and sales promotion plans.

    We specialize in the planning and production of functional underwear, supporters, and socks. We not only develop and produce products in accordance with our clients' requests, but also provide origin

  • 株式会社KZN 株式会社KZN

    【靴下 in Osaka】


    株式会社KZNは大阪市中央区にあるアパレル会社です。 中国に連携工場を持ち、多品種・小ロット・短納期対応を可能にしております。