1 to 30 of 71
TOMITA Co., Ltd.
815-1 Kojima-Hiedacho, Kurashiki City, Okayama, Japan
- casual
- denim
- jeans
岡山県倉敷市の株式会社富田は、デニム、ジーンズなどカジュアルウェアの縫製工場です。 国内工場でのサンプル縫製、小ロット縫製から中国工場量産縫製まで、一貫した生産体制をシステム化しています。 ビンテ...
- スポーツウェア
- ニット
- カットソー
岡山県倉敷市にある創業160年の老舗縫製工場です。 ニット素材を使った学校向けの体育衣料・スポーツウェアを得意としています。 メイド・イン・ジャパンにこだわり、裁断から仕上げ加工まで一貫生産を行ってい...
450 Shinno Yamagata, Tsuyama City, Okayama, Japan
- sewingfactory
- jeans
- denim
Sewing factory for casual clothing, mainly jeans
A long-established sewing factory established in 1982. Since its establishment, the company has been engaged in OEM with a focus on jeans. We can sew a wide variety of items, and our specialty is c...
241 co.
2-1576-93 Kojima Shimonomachi, Kurashiki City, Okayama, Japan
- denim
- canvas
- casual
Denim Wear, Denim and Canvas Goods, Denim Pet Clothing
Since its establishment in 1994, 241co. has continued to produce a wide range of items, including denim pants, casual clothing, denim and canvas goods, and denim pet clothing, from Kojima, Kurashik...
Grid co., ltd.
2339-2, Hiedacho, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama
- denim
- ladies
- pants
岡山県倉敷市のアパレルメーカー。 レディースデニムに特化したOEMを行っており、レディース向けの素材、シルエット、加工が強み。 加工は製品染め、ユーズド加工等どんなニーズにも対応可能。
272 Morisue, Seto-cho, Higashi-ku, Okayama City, Okayama
- underwear
- foundation
- innerwear
岡山県岡山市にあるアパレルメーカー。 ファンデーションを中心に、ブラジャー、ガードル、ショーツ、ボディースーツ、ランジェリー、補正下着などを扱っている。 その他、布ナプキン、布マスクなど製造 最新...
- カットソー
- Tシャツ
- カジュアル
株式会社グロワールは岡山県倉敷市に本社を置くアパレルメーカーです。 カジュアルシャツを中心としたOEM事業を行っております。
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- レディース
- インナー
- パターン
ビーアイシーコーポレーションが目指すのはパーフェクトなモノづくりです. 私たちはずっとミシンひとすじ。 オーダーメイドの女性用下着(ボディファンデーション)を受注生産し、下着メーカー様やエステサロン様...
- デニム
- メンズ
- カジュアル
2-23-39, Fukutomi Nishi 2-chome, Minami-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
- dogwear
- petwear
- ドッグウェア
We provide dog wear that will make your dog happy through "uncompromising craftsmanship" by artisans' handiwork.
An apparel OEM company specializing in dog wear located in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. Right Angle Co., Ltd. has been responsible for cutting apparel in general for 50 years, and has continu...
1-3-8 Komoike, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama
- sewingfactory
- apparel
- smalllot
岡山県倉敷市児島の縫製工場。 デザイナーブランドや百貨店などの高額衣類の縫製実績が多数あり。 アパレル用の高級衣料からユニフォームまで柔軟に対応可能。
SUNAMI Clothing Co., Ltd.
3-5-5 Kojima Kami-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama, Japan
- jeans
- denim
- pants
角南被服はジーンズの聖地である岡山県倉敷市児島を拠点として、ジーンズを中心としたカジュアルパンツ、スカートの縫製を行っています。 創業100年の豊富な経験と実績があり、実現が難しそうに思えるデザインも...
- デニム
- カジュアル
- テキスタイル
1984年創業以来デニムに代表される厚地織物やチノ、コーデュロイ等のカジュアル素材を企画、開発から始め、現在はOEMでオリジナル製品の作成、製品卸売までお任せいただける会社に成長してまいりました。 2...
Nishiki Co.
7-11-30 Kojima Shimonomachi, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture
- Sportswear
- Golfwear
- SchoolUniform
We can handle a wide range of OEMs from men's, women's, and general merchandise.
Nishiki Co., Ltd.: Sincerely addressing customer needs with technology and passion cultivated in the city of textiles Trend and innovation interwoven, reliable quality and extensive experience ...
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Satoyasu co.
3-5-18 Noda, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
- womens
- apparel
- denim
OEM manufacturer of casual apparel for adult women
As a producer of casual apparel that offers new value to adult women, we not only manufacture and sell clothes, but also identify potential needs, enrich lives through fashion, and fulfill our corp...
Cabinet inc.
120-5 Okaya, Soja City, Okayama, Japan
- jeans
- casual
- tshirts
We offer OEM services for casual fashion from material proposals to delivery by domestic production.
Since our establishment in 2003, we have handled a wide range of high quality products made in Japan, mainly woven wear such as jeans, bags and accessories made of Kurashiki Canvas, and cut and sew...
Shakumotohousei co., ltd.
1333-6 Kuwashita, Tsuyama City, Okayama, Japan
- tie
- handmade
- sewingfactory
necktie OEM
Necktie manufacturer located in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture. They produce high quality ties with a focus on domestically produced silk fabrics and handmade products.
1988-12 Chayamachi, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama, Japan
- shoes
- baseballshoes
- golfshoes
Baseball spike shoes, golf shoes, casual shoes
Shoe manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Has a large number of shoe OEM achievements, including baseball spike shoes, golf shoes, and casual shoes. With its own factories ...
2476-1 Tsurushinden, Renshima-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- denim
- jeans
- casual
Casual jeans, woven products OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Focusing on casual jeans and woven products. Shirts, skirts, pants, bags, coats, jackets, denim key chains, vests, etc.
5-6-30 Kojima Shimonomachi, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- apparel
- goods
- leather
Apparel and sundry OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The company provides total support for apparel and general merchandise from planning to production and sales. They are also ...
5-7, Yuminocho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama
- apparel
- womens
- mens
total production
An apparel manufacturer located in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. With a policy of total production of commercial distribution, logistics, information, and planning, the company handles all kin...
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1-1094-1 Komoike, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama
- denim
- towel
- sewingfactory
Denim OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The company mainly deals in men's and women's denim. Production at the company's own sewing factory allows for meticulous at...
1650-1 Nosujiro, Tsuyama City, Okayama
- innerwear
- cutsew
- knit
Innerwear, cut and sewn OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture. The company handles all knit underwear items, sportswear, and outerwear, with a focus on innerwear and cut and sewn garments.
1135-2 Kojima Yanagida-cho, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- uniform
- sportswear
- workwear
We have everything you need for working wear.
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. The company's main products are working wear, knit shirts, and sportswear.
4034-1 Kojima Amino, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- denim
- jeans
- casual
Denim OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. We mainly deal in denim and woven products, casual pants, skirts, blousons, children's pants, etc. We provide total support ...
547-12 Fukue, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- denim
- jeans
- bottoms
Denim & Jeans OEM
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. It specializes in denim and jeans. The company offers men's and ladies' tops, bottoms, and even dog wear.
2-4-60, Kojima Ogawa, Kurashiki City, Okayama
- schooluniform
- uniform
- sportswear
Specializing in school uniforms
An apparel manufacturer located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Specializing in school uniforms and school uniforms, the company also offers sportswear, cutter shirts, blouses, and corporat...
Shiota Co., ltd.
10-3, Fukuyoshi-cho, Minami-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
- sewingfactory
- fabric
- denim
Okayama-based sewing factory and fabric manufacturing and sales company
A sewing factory and fabric manufacturing and sales company based in Okayama, Japan. The company handles all fabric-related arrangements and production operations. The company operates its own br...
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One Any Co., Ltd.
958-9 Minoshima, Minami-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
- denim
- mens
- casual
Specializes in denim products
The company specializes in OEM/ODM of denim products. Particularly strong in denim products using indigo dyes. Flexible and quick sample to small lot production.
Yamashita Industry
105 Saidaiji-Nakano, Higashi-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
- schoolshirts
- knitshirts
- blouse
Manufacture and sale of school shirts
Yamashita Industry, located in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, is an apparel company focusing on the manufacture and sale of school shirts. There are six affiliated companies in Okayama City, Ka...
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