[EHIME] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Ehime

Here are 15 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Ehime. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

1 to 15 of 15

  • 株式会社エレガンスレップ松山工場


    • レディース
    • ニット
    • インナー


    愛媛県にてニットウエア製品の製造。 材料の仕入れから裁断~縫製~仕上げまで自社一貫体制で、製造にかかる時間も中間コストも削減。 株式会社エレガンスレップ松山工場は 創業48年、OEM生産にて企業様に信用...

  • Omune Shoji Co. Omune Shoji Co.

    1-787-1 Ohira, Yawatahama City, Ehime

    • スポーツウェア
    • ナイトウェア
    • カジュアル


    株式会社 大棟商事は国内外に生産拠点を持ち、体操服、ナイトウェア、寝装から一般衣料まで、さまざまな衣料を扱う縫製会社です。 パターン作成から仕上げまで一貫生産を可能にし、オーガニック製品のような品質...

  • Ibaragi Housei Inc. Ibaragi Housei Inc.

    125-1, Heihei Himi, Saijo City, Ehime, Japan

    • uniform
    • sportswear
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory producing mainly baseball uniform sewing

    Ibaragi Housei in Saijo, Ehime, is a sewing factory that mainly sews baseball uniforms. We handle large-lot, small-lot, and short-run orders. We are also engaged in the no-sew business.

  • Iyo Apparel. Iyo Apparel.

    32-1 Okimura-Otsu, Yoshida-cho, Uwajima City, Ehime

    • denim
    • jeans
    • sewingfactory

    Denim and chino products are our specialty.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture. The company handles denim products such as jeans and jean jackets, chinos such as chinos pants, and lightweight products such as ...

  • Ochimune Co., ltd. Ochimune Co., ltd.

    1-2-12, Kitahiyoshi-cho, Imabari City, Ehime, Japan

    • ladies
    • smalllot
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory for ladies' items, etc.

    Ochimune, located in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory that sews ladies' items and other clothing items. The company supports small-lot production and short delivery times.


    674-1 Shimohataji-ko, Tsushima-cho, Uwajima-shi, Ehime, Japan

    • ladies
    • cutsew
    • tshirts

    Manufacture of cut and sewn clothing, T-shirts, tunics, blouses, and other women's clothing

    M STYLE, located in Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory that manufactures cut-and-sew garments, T-shirts, tunics, blouses, etc. In addition to cut and sewn garments, MSTYLE also pr...

  • Inoue Housei Inoue Housei

    827-1 Hojo Tsuji, Matsuyama City, Ehime, Japan

    • womens
    • shirt
    • blouse

    Sewing factory specializing in ladies shirts and blouses

    Inoue Housei, located in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory specializing in ladies' shirts and blouses. We realize high quality with our own domestic factory and all-Japan syste...

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  • Lafined Lafined

    959-2 Nakadera, Imabari City, Ehime, Japan

    • womens
    • bottoms
    • skirt

    Sewing factory for the manufacture of women's bottoms and skirts

    Lafined, located in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory that manufactures women's bottoms and skirts. We are mainly involved in sewing high-end women's bottoms, and our specialty i...

  • 友澤縫製有限会社 友澤縫製有限会社


    • 布帛
    • レディース
    • ブラウス


    友澤縫製有限会社は愛媛県今治市に位置する縫製工場です。 布帛製品を製造しており、主に婦人ブラウスを取り扱っております。

  • Benir Benir

    456-2 Igarashi-Ko, Imabari City, Ehime, Japan

    • goods
    • babygear
    • accessory

    Sewing of sundries for daily life, baby goods, fashion accessories, etc.

    Benir, located in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, sews sundries for daily life, baby products, fashion accessories, etc. Items include baby products (baby clothes, slobber jackets, baby diapers, e...

  • Takeda Sewing Takeda Sewing

    674-1 Shimohataji-ko, Tsushima-cho, Uwajima-shi, Ehime, Japan

    • ladies
    • cutsew
    • sewingfactory

    OEM production of ladies' apparel

    Takeda Sewing, located in Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory offering OEM production of ladies' apparel with high quality and made-in-Japan quality. We are involved in ladies' fas...


    843-10 Kou, Horie-cho, Matsuyama City, Ehime, Japan

    • ladies
    • bottoms
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory producing ladies pants

    ESK, located in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, is a ladies pants sewing factory specializing in pants for women. The company has two production sites and two factories in Tianjin, China and Vie...


    1-5-22, Nakahiyoshi-cho, Imabari-shi, Ehime, Japan

    • nightwear
    • ladies
    • sportswear

    OEM production of nightwear, sportswear, and women's clothing

    KUSUHASHI, located in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, is a sewing factory that produces nightwear, sportswear, women's clothing, and towel products on an OEM basis. The company produces pajamas fo...

  • 矢野縫製有限会社 矢野縫製有限会社


    • レディース
    • カットソー
    • スポーツウェア


    矢野縫製有限会社は愛媛県今治市に位置する縫製工場です。 創業以来レディースアパレルを得意としており、Tシャツ、ポロシャツなどのカットソー製品をメインに製造しております。

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  • 株式会社アド・コーパレイシャン 株式会社アド・コーパレイシャン

    960 Kou Hiraoka, Uchiko Town, Kita-gun, Ehime Prefecture

    • Cutandsewn
    • womens
    • dress

    Sewing factory specializing in cut-and-sew processing

    We specialize in cut-and-sew processing and have our own brand.