[For WOMENS] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Mie

Here are 2 "Womens, ladies, mrs" Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Mie

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  • YamamotoKnit co., ltd.

    【Womens in Mie】

    Women's Knit Sweater

    An apparel company located in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture. The company manufactures mainly women's knit sweaters. The company specializes in high gauge products with fine knitting. The company handles everything from pattern making to sample sewing, yarn ordering, manufacturing, and delivery.

  • Nation Sangyo

    【Womens in Mie】

    Women's and children's clothing sewing processing and cloth mask production

    Nation Sangyo, located in Tokai-gun, Mie Prefecture, is a sewing factory that handles women's clothing in general and children's clothing in particular. It also produces and sells masks.