[FUKUI] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Fukui

Here are 15 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Fukui. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

1 to 15 of 15

  • e-GATE Co.,Ltd. e-GATE Co.,Ltd.

    40-10, Kawai Washizuka-cho, Fukui-shi, Fukui, Japan

    • underwear
    • lingerie
    • foundation

    OEM and ODM of underwear, lingerie and foundation

    We have established partnerships with major underwear manufacturers to manufacture planned products. The company has been manufacturing apparel for more than 50 years since the days of Fukui Keizok...

  • KATSUMI Sewing KATSUMI Sewing

    65-12-1 Miyazaki, Takahama-cho, Oi-gun, Fukui, Japan

    • ladies
    • mens
    • sewingfactory

    Trend-setting apparel company

    KATSUMI Sewing is an apparel company that stays ahead of the trends. We make products using quality cut products and sewing machines that match the sewing specifications and fabrics.

  • North World. North World.

    1-6-13 Toyooka, Fukui-shi, Fukui, Japan

    • sportswear
    • casual
    • sewingfactory

    From OEM production to sales of sports and casual wear

    North World, located in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, is a sewing factory that produces sports and casual wear on an OEM basis. We provide made-to-order uniforms designed in Japan at low prices. ...


    1-218 Takinami-cho, Katsuyama City, Fukui, Japan

    • ladies
    • mens
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing factory in Katsuyama City, Fukui

    LACORME is a sewing factory located in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture. For ladies, LACORME handles carrier, select store, and golf brands, while for mens, the company specializes in bottom produ...

  • 株式会社アイケー 株式会社アイケー


    • レディース
    • インナー
    • 雑貨


    株式会社アイケーは福井県大野市にある縫製工場です。 主にレディースインナーの製造を行っており、仕入れから出荷までを自社の工場で行うことができます。

  • 株式会社エーリンクサービス 株式会社エーリンクサービス


    • バッグ
    • エプロン
    • 雑貨


    株式会社エーリンクサービスは福井県鯖江市に本社を置く、アパレル会社です。 日本製生地を使った商品の企画・製造をしており、バッグやエプロンなど様々なアイテムを取り扱っております。

  • 株式会社ベスト工房 株式会社ベスト工房


    • レディース
    • スポーツウェア
    • カットソー


    株式会社ベスト工房は福井県大野市に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 婦人服やスポーツウェアなどの一般衣料品の縫製以外にも、タオルや雑貨などの縫製にも対応しております。

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    5-1-6 Kamikawabatamachi, Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture

    • Loungewear
    • Knit
    • Dyeing

    Total support from planning and design to shipping

    FUJI TATEAMI CO.,LTD. is a sewing company located in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture. We accept OEM orders for loungewear and office uniforms.

  • MATSUMI - Fukui Head Office MATSUMI - Fukui Head Office

    10-22 Keya, Fukui-shi, Fukui

    • mrs
    • apparel
    • ladies

    We propose value-added products based on our product development capabilities and extensive network established over 60 years in business.

    An apparel OEM company located in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. The company specializes in the planning and development of fabrics for women's apparel, and its strength lies in product development...

  • Galax Co.,Ltd. Galax Co.,Ltd.

    1-12-22 Hiraide, Echizen City, Fukui, Japan

    • sportswear
    • uniform
    • casual

    OEM production of sportswear, casual wear and uniforms

    Headquartered in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture, Gallex Co., Ltd. engages in OEM production of sportswear, casual wear, and uniforms. In addition to manufacturing-only OEM production, the company ...

  • Omaki hosei Omaki hosei

    5-9-1 Imafuku, Maruokamachi, Sakai City, Fukui

    • skirt
    • ladies
    • pants

    Women's skirts and pants OEM

    An apparel manufacturer located in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture. Specializing in pleated skirts, the company handles everything from planning to manufacturing and sales.

  • Fine mode Fine mode

    17-3-2 Gyomatsu-cho, Echizen City, Fukui

    • cutsew
    • mens
    • womens

    Good at T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of products, including ladies', mens', and children's clothing, T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, s...


    4-36 Horikawa-cho, Echizen City, Fukui

    • ladies
    • apparel
    • sewingfactory

    Specializes in cut and sewn clothing for ladies

    An apparel manufacturer located in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture. The company specializes in cut and sewn products, mainly ladies' wear. Menswear is also available.


    4-13-1 Minori, Fukui-shi, Fukui

    • sportswear
    • innerwear
    • uniform

    Specializes in innerwear and sportswear

    福井県福井市にあるアパレルメーカー。 インナーウェア、スポーツウェアを得意としている。 テキスタイル事業も行っており、アパレル事業とテキスタイル事業の双方の歴史と強みを生かした『一貫生産体制』で高...

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  • Hiro

    3-1-40 Showa-machi, Katsuyama City, Fukui, Japan

    • ladies
    • mens
    • sewingfactory

    Planning and OEM production of ladies' and men's wear

    Hiro, located in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture, is a sewing factory that plans and manufactures ladies' and men's wear on an OEM basis. Specializing in small-lot production, the company produce...