Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong カットソー in Kansai

42 apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong カットソー in Kansai. A free bulk ask is useful to get a lump-sum quote from カットソー OEM companies.

Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers specializing in カットソー in Kansai.

1 to 20 of 42


    1261-84 Toyokura-cho, Kasai City, Hyogo, Japan

    • sewingfactory
    • lingerie
    • innerwear

    We have many years of experience in the production of innerwear, lingerie, sportswear, supporters, and beaded cushions.

    We are a sewing manufacturer specializing in innerwear, lingerie, sportswear, and supporters in Hyogo Prefecture. With our advanced technology and proactive approach to everything, we have been taking on OEM, ODM, and joint development production for many companies, and our sewing technology cultivated through our business dealings is highly evaluated in the industry. We have our own sewing factories in Japan, China, and Vietnam, and we divide our product awareness into four segments: domestic in-house production for high-grade products, cooperative factories in Japan for delivery-oriented products, factories in China for price-oriented products, and factories in Vietnam for low-priced products. We have earned a high reputation for our ability to meet the needs of our customers while utilizing the same sewing technology. We have been involved in the development of production equipment (including patented equipment) for innerwear, which is our greatest strength, and with stable quality and productivity, we have been receiving orders and gaining trust for many years as a leading company in the sewing industry. We have introduced the T.S.S. Toyota Production System from the very beginning of our business, and have embodied this epoch-making system by integrating it with our own improvement equipment. In particular, our self-developed inspection and shipping system has achieved "zero" distribution errors through the development and introduction of error-proof improvement equipment with the goal of achieving "zero" human error. In the sewing process, we aim for the same quality of products produced by all operators to achieve both quality and productivity, and we have achieved cost reductions by reducing the time required for sewing by one second. We also have specialized equipment such as flat seamer and no-sew machines. Product line: (men's, ladies', kids', and seniors') inner wear / cut and sewn / sportswear / interior goods / beaded cushions / medical supporters / medical gowns / cloth masks / hygiene caps / workwear / cleaning goods / outdoor goods We will start from planning and proposal.

    • 授乳ブラ&ショーツ
    • リサイクルTシャツ
    • メリノウールインナーTシャツ
    • 機能性ボクサーパンツ
    • ナイトブラ
    • 特許ボクサーパンツ
    • ナイトブラ
    • 大きいサイズのブラ
    • 骨盤矯正ガードル
  • カスガアパレル(株)


    • カットソー
    • 刺繍
    • レディース


    レディースカットソーの縫製メーカーです。 ミセスカットソー向けの生地を常時500反在庫積んでおり、短サイクルでの生産対応が可能です。 ミニマムロットは、1反~ 工場は、 泉大津自社工場 和歌山・奈良・滋賀・鳥取・佐賀の協力工場を自社生産100%で稼働しています。 月産15000枚の生産キャパです。 お気軽にお問い合わせください。


    #506 7-12-5 Nishinakajima Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu Japan

    • レディース
    • アパレル
    • 小ロット


    弊社は通販事業主様を主力取引先とさせて頂いていて 大阪にあるレディースアパレルをメインにOEM/ODMを行っています。 少人数の会社ですがデザイナー及びパタンナーも在籍しています。 ・生産背景は中国がメインですが、バングラディッシュも可能。 ・カットソーは国内生産可能です。 ・レディースウェア全般からちょっとした雑貨迄の実績があります。 ・機能素材、プリント、刺繍、レースなど小ロットでの対応も可能です。 ※ニットは専門のニッターさんへご依頼頂く方が御社のメリットがあると思います。 ご相談やご質問などお気軽にお声かけ下さい。


    2F, 1-8-2, Hakuromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

    • ladies
    • knit
    • smalllot

    We undertake all OEM of ladies' apparel products.

    We are a ladies' apparel company established over 40 years ago and headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We are engaged in OEM of various products, mainly knitwear, but also cut, woven, and docking products, etc. We have many affiliated factories not only in Japan but also overseas (China and Korea). We have many affiliated factories not only in Japan but also overseas (China and Korea). We have many planning staff in-house, which enables us to offer high quality proposals, and we can also provide consultation from web images and rough sketches. We can provide a wide range of services from planning to production and delivery according to the customer's phase, requirements, and budget.

  • Tocotti StyleTech Solutions Co.,Ltd.

    1-32-23, Shoudai Nakamachi, Hirakata City, Osaka

    • sportswear
    • innerwear
    • material

    Specialized OEM/ODM for High-Performance Activewear and Sportswear

    Tocotti StyleTech Solutions Co., Ltd. specializes in OEM/ODM manufacturing of activewear and sportswear, focusing on comfort and functionality. With cutting-edge production facilities and technology both domestically and internationally, we offer an extensive range of products including jerseys, high-performance T-shirts, yoga wear, and ballet attire. Our use of sustainable materials results in eco-friendly products that are ideal not only for sports enthusiasts but also for anyone leading an active lifestyle. Our Expertise in Materials: Recycled Polyester High-Stretch Fabrics Advanced Active Materials We provide customized solutions leveraging these materials to meet the specific needs of our clients. From incorporating the latest fashion trends in our design proposals to ensuring meticulous quality control, our commitment is to deliver consistently high-quality services.

  • マックエンタープライズ株式会社


    • メンズ
    • カットソー
    • レディース


    大阪市内にあるカットソーをメインに縫製生産する工場を運営しています。 今では、設置台数も少なくなってきているフラットシーマミシン(ヤマト)を7台所有しフル稼働させています。また、裾引きミシン、二重環縫ミシン、カバーステッチミシンと色々なカットソー製品を縫製できます。 CAD(島精機、東レ)、CAM(島精機)も稼働していますのでデータでのスムーズなやり取りも可能です。 バルダンの刺繍機も稼働しており、こちらは特注でサガラ刺繍(チェーン刺繍、ループ刺繍)、サテン刺繍(タタミ刺繍,振り刺繍)の4種類の刺繍に対応しています。こちらは最新機でデジタルデータでの対応になります。(ベクターデータがスムーズですが、その他は応相談での対応になります。 ポリエステル専用の昇華生地プリンターがありますのでポリエステル生地に総柄プリントの対応もできます。インクジェットプリンターも保有していますので多色プリントも対応可能です。 生地関しても日本国内、中国からの手配が可能です。 コンベアタイプの検針機もあり安全性の確認も万全です。 社内にはデザイナーパタンナーが在中しており、ODM、OEMに迅速に対応できます。ミニマム200枚から対応可能ですが応相談とさせてください。カットソーの月間生産力は20000枚あり内容によりますが幅広い対応ができる縫製工場です。

  • 株式会社ディーライズ 

    大阪市浪速区難波中3-6-3 T4BLDG.OSAKA8F

    • カットソー
    • フォーマルウェア
    • インナー


    弊社は、独自の「アイデア」「機能性」を加えた衣服、インナー、健康商品、日用雑貨品を製造しています。 工場は宮崎県都城市にあり、小ロットから対応しております。 🔹40年以上のアパレル生産経験を持っている工場でオリジナルアパレルのOEM/ODMまでご協力しております。生地、商材、副材の提案とご紹介もスピーディーに対応しています。 🔹カテゴリーとしてレディース・メンズのインナー含む衣類全般、白衣等のユニフォーム、スポーツウェア、サウナスーツ、フォーマルウェアなど幅広いオリジナルアパレル、「あったらいいな」と思う便利な日用雑貨を製造しています。 🔹小ロットで高品質、安心を提供が当社の特徴で1デザインでサイズ色込み1枚から対応しております。

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  • 株式会社ふじや


    • ベビー
    • キッズ
    • カットソー


    創業50年設立35年になる(株)ふじやは島根県出雲市の自社工場を中心に大阪の本社でもサンプルもできる体制をとっています。ベビーだけでなく、キッズ、レディースも手掛けています。ここ最近では大阪の村尾ベビー様からエプロン やスタイの内職さんと技術を引き継がせていただき、バインダー加工での縫製をするアイテムにも力を入れています。少子化と縫製の職人さんの高齢化は日本製子供服業界の大きな課題ではありますが、これからもずっと日本製のベビー子供服、ベビー雑貨を残すために、当社は何ができるのか、何をしなくてはいけないか、と考え日々努力しているところです。


    4-5-9, Hakuromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • knit
    • cutsew
    • smalllot

    Planning of knitwear and cut and sewn garments, OEM production overseas

    Apparel OEM support company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture Small lot production is available. Strong support by staff in charge from material selection to sample proposals and importing according to the brand concept.

  • Mascarass jam

    1207-3 Iwahashi, Wakayama City, Wakayama, Japan

    • cutsew
    • casual
    • smalllot

    Specializes in cut and sewn products, including small-lot production, domestic production, and casual wear.

    We are engaged in the apparel OEM business with a focus on cut-and-sew garments. We are committed to "MADE IN JAPAN" and work hard every day to provide our customers with the best quality products. We are committed to the quality of our products, and we are committed to providing the best quality products. Each and every one of our staff members takes responsibility and pride in their work. We accept a wide range of lot sizes from "1 piece sample" to "mass production". We look forward to working with you.

  • Oak

    2-12-13, Ohgiri, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • smalllot
    • pattern

    OEM production of cut-and-sew clothing

    We can accommodate from small lots. We can accept the entire process of cut-and-sew from pattern to sample production and manufacturing. We have been producing ladies' cut-and-sew garments in Higashiyodogawa, Osaka for 50 years. Please feel free to contact us.


    2-13-26 Uchidai-cho, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • apparel
    • mens

    OEM production of cut-and-sew outerwear products

    Tatsuno Corporation is a long-established cut and sewn manufacturer in Osaka, established 120 years ago. The company is mainly engaged in OEM production of cut-and-sew products. We can arrange all materials for manufacturing products, from fabrics and accessories to embroidery and printing. All products are made in Japan and of high quality. We can provide a wide range of products from sporty, casual to elegant items.

  • flow

    801, 2-1-10 Uchiawajicho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • ladies
    • cutsew
    • apparel

    From Osaka to the whole country. A fashion apparel OEM company that achieves high quality and low cost.

    Based in Osaka, we handle OEM and ODM products for select stores nationwide and have a showroom in Tokyo. Our production factories are based not in Japan but in Asia, mainly in China and Korea. We do not consider it necessary to manufacture our products in Japan, where production costs are high, because our affiliated factories are among the best in Asia. We can also provide quick delivery and small-lot production. We are committed to providing planning proposals and support based on our many years of experience. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems in making clothes.


    3-14-9 Omidou, Higashiosaka-shi, Osaka

    • cutsew
    • woven
    • urgent

    Sewing and repair of all items, we'll take care of it!

    We are a sewing factory that respects the ideals and aspirations of our customers. We believe that quality is the key to meeting our customers' needs, so we have our own sewing training system and are working to develop human resources and original jigs so that we can sew to meet the needs of our customers. We have our own sewing factory in Osaka (head office), Tokyo (office), Hyogo (cut and sewn factory), and China (two in-house factories), and offer services from sample sewing to mass production (small lots to more than 10,000 pieces) and repairs. Shirts, dresses, slacks, pants (except denim) Cut and sewn fabrics in general Jackets, coats, and other heavy clothing Bags such as tote bags (we do not handle leather) Pet clothing Miscellaneous goods Medical supplies such as isolation gowns and supporters Outdoor goods such as tarps General repairs We have various achievements and know-how. If you have any sewing problems, please contact us. We believe that our corporate culture of respecting each other's vocation and aspirations and creating a friendly rivalry among employees leads to the daily challenge of sewing that our customers demand. We aim to be a sewing factory that can respond to a wide range of customer needs by taking advantage of our unique strengths. If you are in need of urgent mass production sewing, repairs, or sample sewing, please contact us immediately. We will respond smoothly even during the busy season, New Year's and Chinese New Year.

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  • Plaisir Co., Ltd.

    NPC Building 4F, 2-1-2 Kitakyuhoji-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka

    • apparel
    • knit
    • cutsew

    Osaka Apparel maker Knit, cut and sewn, woven

    We are an apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We can produce a wide range of products from knit and cut to woven products. We also have a branch in Tokyo. We can produce at our partner factories in China, Korea, Japan, and other countries. Please contact us for more information. We look forward to working with you.


    1-22-1 Jokoji, Amagasaki City, Hyogo

    • sewingfactory
    • cutsew
    • knit

    High-quality domestic in-house sewing factory production

    An apparel OEM company located in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture. It also has an office in Tokyo. The Amagasaki head office has its own sewing factory, and high-quality OEM production is one of its strengths. The company is also able to control production lines, making it possible to meet short delivery times and small lot orders. The company also has partner factories throughout China, where it provides low-cost, high-quality products with thorough quality control.

  • Noah

    507, 1-1-10 Honjo Higashi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • shirts
    • pants

    We make our products in Japan, where they are rarely seen.

    (1) We strive for quality control and cost reduction through integrated production from textile to processing, sewing, finishing, and shipping. 2) With the motto of "Careful and careful", we consider manufacturing with the president and staff of the factory on a daily basis. (3) We work daily with the goal of creating products that pursue customer satisfaction. (4)Noah pursues Japan quality.

  • Antai Knitting Co,.Ltd.

    1-2-22 Nakamiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • cutsew
    • madeinjapan
    • mens

    We are good at OEM and ODM in cut and sewn with domestic production.

    We are a factory specializing in cut and sewn products. We can handle small to large lots. Our sewing machine facilities are very well-equipped and can accommodate various specifications. The factory is also capable of handling the entire process from fabric arrangement, pattern making, specification drawing, cutting, to product delivery. We have 6 factories including group companies in Tottori prefecture, and we have various factories with standing sewing machines and sitting sewing machines. We are operating with know-how cultivated over many years, depending on the item.


    3-2-8 Azuchi-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • apparel
    • woven
    • cutsew

    We are a trading company specializing in the wholesale and distribution of textiles

    Founded in 1927, Watanabe-Ya is a trading company specializing in textile wholesale and sales that celebrates its 95th anniversary this year. In order to adapt to the changing times and provide products that meet the needs of our customers, we handle all kinds of fabrics, focusing on fabrics from famous production areas throughout Japan, such as lace from Hokuriku, denim from Okayama, wool from Bishu, cut and sewn from Wakayama, and yarn-dyed from Nishiwaki and Niigata. In addition to fabrics from famous production areas throughout Japan, we also handle many products from major textile trading companies in Japan, and we are proud to have one of the best product lines in the industry. If you are interested in our products Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you.


    7F, 1-6-12 Minami-Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan

    • denim
    • tshirts
    • cutsew

    We are a small lot production company in Bangladesh

    Since January 2011, we are a company specializing in Bangladeshi apparel OEM and ladies' in-house design and wholesale since January 2011. Our company is unique in that we specialize in Bangladesh. We do not do any production in China or Korea, so we are limited in the materials we can handle, but if Bangladesh is our specialty, we are confident that we can compete with others. Basically, we produce fabrics on a buy-order basis, which requires a longer delivery time than companies that produce fabrics on the market, but I believe that the quality of the materials is stable. We are able to handle small-lot production in Bangladesh, with minimum lot sizes of 500 pcs/model for denim and 300 pcs/color for cut and sewn garments. For ladies' casual wear, we plan and produce woven, cut, and knit fabrics in-house, and we keep free stock in Japan, so we can do business from a single piece. We are available for meetings in person, via ZOOM, GOOGLE MEETS, etc. Contact: Yamaguchi or Takeshita