【Asia】Dress Manufacturers

Here are 36 Dress manufacturers and factories in Asia.

Asia × All

1 to 30 of 36

  • Vixen Aim Co., Ltd. Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.

    【Dress in Japan】

    OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available

    Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff

    • キャラクターものの制作経験もございます!
    • 商品制作をトータルサポートいたします!
    • ペットのアパレルなら弊社にお任せください!
    • コラボ商品もお任せください!徹底したクオリティコントロールで素敵な商品を制作します!
    • 版権ものの取扱実績もあります!お気軽にご相談ください!
    • 国産に拘りたい方もご相談ください。素材、工場ともに日本製のものをご案内できます。
    • わんちゃんとオーナー様のリンクコーデも弊社なら実現できます♪
    • レディース、メンズ、キッズ、ベビーのアパレルも弊社へご相談ください!
    • 他社でできないと言われたことも弊社ならきっとできます!ペットの服ならお任せください!
    • オリジナルパーツの制作もお手伝いできます!
    • 細かな製品を作るのが得意なのでもちろんヒトのお洋服やバッグなんかもなんでも作れますよ!VixenAimにお任せください!
    • わんちゃん用お散歩ベスト

    【Dress in China】


    オリジナルニット生産工場で、小ロット10着から生産が可能です。 仕様書或いはデザイン図面などをいただければ生産が可能です。

  • Flex Japan Inc. Flex Japan Inc.

    【Dress in Japan】


    長野県千曲市にあるアパレルメーカー。 ワイシャツを中心として、メンズシャツ、レディスシャツを幅広く扱っている。 国内外に多くの生産拠点を抱える。

  • check and stripes inc. check and stripes inc.

    【Dress in Japan】


    お店の奥で企画生産をし、店頭で販売しています。小売店や通販への卸もしております。 すべて国内の縫製工場で生産し、小ロットも対応可能です。

  • nihonsewing Inc. nihonsewing Inc.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Mens and ladies custom-made sewing factory

    Founded in 1907, we are a sewing factory company specializing in planning and sewing men's, ladies', and custom-made products for the long-established tailor Ginza Yamagata-ya. We are committed to "Ma


    【Dress in Japan】

    We have been engaged in OEM production for more than 20 years. Development of ladies' total clothing line.

    We have been working with women's total fashion products for more than 20 years. In particular, we have assisted various apparel manufacturers in the production of most of their products, including pr


    【Dress in India】


    M/s 16TH JULY は 1999 年に設立されたインドの衣料品メーカーおよび衣料品輸出業者です。 16TH JULY EXPORTS は、織物およびニット製品を製造するプライベート ブランドの衣料品メーカーです。 当社の製品範囲...

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  • Ppf Elements Ltd Ppf Elements Ltd

    【Dress in China】


    Ppf Elements Ltdは、単なる製造業者ではありません。私たちは、ファストファッション業界の一流ブランドの信頼できる製造パートナーです。Nasty GalやBoohooなどの業界リーダーにとって、私たちはカスタムクロー...


    【Dress in Vietnam】

    TLD Apparel - A Sportswear & Activewear Manufacturer & Supplier in Vietnam

    TLD Apparel is a reliable apparel manufacturer & supplier in Vietnam. We can produce a variety of different costumes such as: T shirt, Polo, Pants, Shorts, Jackets, Dresses, Skirts Blazers, Blouses, B

  • Per Promotion Per Promotion

    【Dress in Korea】

    OEM production of clothing in general is possible from small lots to mass production at factories in Korea.

    ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要なお知らせ 弊社は、2024/8/31を持ちまして 日本での受付を終了させていただきます。 ご利用下さり誠にありがとうございました。 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ...

  • BlingBling BlingBling

    【Dress in Korea】

    BlingBling, a company specializing in Korean procurement and apparel OEM for the Japanese market

    BlingBling Inc. is a Japanese-speaking designer and company president. We have a staff of three, who are experienced in factory production management, fabric proposals, and sample production. Our cl

  • Tamura dress

    【Dress in Japan】


    主にレディースのワンピース、ジャケットの縫製を行っている。 小ロットの生産で有れば2週間で対応可能。

  • Artmarry Artmarry

    【Dress in Japan】

    Young ladies apparel OEM/ODM

    in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Focusing on young ladies' apparel, the company handles party dresses, cabaret dresses, bags, shoes, and more. The company aims for low prices, short delivery ti


    【Dress in Japan】

    Ladies' Dresses OEM, Calling Related Products

    An apparel manufacturer located in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture. The company handles ladies' dresses and other related products. The company has its own brand and uses its experience and know-

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  • Top Lady Co. Top Lady Co.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Manufacture of women's formal apparel

    Top Lady Inc. is a sewing company with its own factory in Aomori, specializing in manufacturing ladies' apparel. The company specializes in women's fashion, especially black formal wear, and its stre

  • STREAM Co.,Ltd. STREAM Co.,Ltd.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Ladies OEM

    cated in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture. The company's main products are ladies' apparel, including dresses, blouses, skirts, jackets, and coats.

  • Okuma housei Okuma housei

    【Dress in Japan】

    Women's cut and sewn goods in general

    company offers a wide range of products including women's cut and sewn clothing, pleated products, dresses, rompers, spats, pajamas, sweatshirts, T-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, and maternity belly b

  • FB Co.Ltd. FB Co.Ltd.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Three functions of "sewing factory," "trading company," and "planning and sales" with an excellent sense of balance

    City, Aichi Prefecture. The company handles a wide range of products, mainly for ladies, including dresses, suits, blouses, coats, jackets, skirts, and pants. The company has all three functions of

  • Sta.Dear Sta.Dear

    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing and processing of high-end women's clothing

    Sta.Dear sews and processes high-end women's clothing such as dresses, skirts, and blouses. We continue to provide a stable supply of high-quality products by creating a comfortable working environme

  • Work House co., ltd. Work House co., ltd.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing factory for mens and ladies shirts

    Work House, located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, is a sewing factory for mens and ladies shirts. Made In Tokyo, we continue to produce shirts for many brands.


    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing dress shirts and casual shirts

    OGITA HEMD in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, is a sewing factory that sews dress shirts and casual shirts. In addition to our own brand products, we also manufacture casual OEM products. From recei

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    【Dress in Japan】

    OEM production of shirts including dress shirts and casual shirts

    Kagawa Prefecture, is a sewing factory that produces shirts on an OEM basis. We produce uniforms, dress shirts, casual shirts, jacket tailoring, knitwear, mens, ladies, and all kinds of products. F

  • The Atelier Chiang Mai The Atelier Chiang Mai

    【Dress in Thailand】

    Professional Apparel Manufacturer in Asia

    “The Atelier” is a creative workshop based in Maejo, Chiang mai Province Thailand. We can either produce large quantity clothes production for fashion brands or small quantity clothes production for a

  • Reliance inc. Reliance inc.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Good at blouses, dresses and skirts

    el manufacturer located in Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture. The company specializes in blouses, dresses, and skirts, mainly for ladies. Both woven and cut-and-sewn fabrics are available.


    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing factory for ladies' high-end ladies' formal products

    g factory for ladies' high-class ladies' formal products. We produce high-end ladies' formal wear, dresses, suits, etc. The company has an extensive track record as a major order-taking company for

  • Ichinohe fashion center Ichinohe fashion center

    【Dress in Japan】

    All items of women's clothing, with a focus on blouses and dresses

    Ichinohe fashion center is a sewing factory that handles all items of women's clothing, with a focus on blouses and onesies. We have business relationships with renowned top brands, and our strength


    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing of men's and women's fine dress shirts, casual shirts, and knit shirts

    OKABE HOUSEI is a sewing factory that sews high-end dress shirts, casual shirts, and knit shirts for men and women. Our products are manufactured in factories in Japan, China, and the Philippines.

  • Youfuki International Youfuki International

    【Dress in Japan】

    Sewing factory for women's clothing, dresses and suits

    Youfuki International is a sewing factory for women's clothing, dresses and suits. Our services include sewing, pressing, repairing, and inspection.

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  • koshin dress Co.,Ltd. koshin dress Co.,Ltd.

    【Dress in Japan】

    From formal to casual, tailored to your needs

    koshin dress Co.,Ltd. manufactures a variety of apparel for both men and women, mainly high-end women's wear such as two-piece dresses, jackets, and coats.

  • Tachibana dress Co. Tachibana dress Co.

    【Dress in Japan】

    Apparel OEM with superior design and functionality

    Tachibana dress Co. is a sewing company specializing in ladies' apparel. High-precision digital measurements enable us to achieve not only designs but also beautiful silhouettes and comfortable fit.