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Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.
【Casual in Japan】
OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available
Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff
【Casual in Japan】
Casual is our specialty. Good footwork.
We are an OEM company in Sendagaya specializing in casual wear, mainly knit and cut. We have factories in China, Korea, Japan, and India. We have factories in China, South Korea, Japan, and India, an
Guangzhou Career Sportswear CO., LTD
【Casual in China】
弊社はアパレル工場です。アパレルOEM/ODM生産を行っています。 中国広州には自社工場を持ち、小ロットからパターン、裁断・縫製・検品・梱包・輸出を一貫して行なっています。 経験豊富なパタンナーと縫製員を...
TOMITA Co., Ltd.
【Casual in Japan】
岡山県倉敷市の株式会社富田は、デニム、ジーンズなどカジュアルウェアの縫製工場です。 国内工場でのサンプル縫製、小ロット縫製から中国工場量産縫製まで、一貫した生産体制をシステム化しています。 ビンテ...
BBS Co.,Ltd.
【Casual in Japan】
Denim-focused fashion for careers in their 30s to 50s
We have been operating an office and sewing factory in Guangzhou for more than 10 years. We can handle all fabrics and accessories as long as they are made in Guangzhou. Currently, we receive many o
【Casual in Japan】
We specialize in small-lot production of casual wear and underwear, as well as rapid sample production.
Casual apparel and underwear We are an OEM manufacturer of casual apparel and underwear. We specialize in small lot production We are good at making products from small lots at a reasonable price.
241 co.
【Casual in Japan】
Denim Wear, Denim and Canvas Goods, Denim Pet Clothing
stablishment in 1994, 241co. has continued to produce a wide range of items, including denim pants, casual clothing, denim and canvas goods, and denim pet clothing, from Kojima, Kurashiki City, Okayam
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【Casual in Japan】
We are involved in OEM and ODM of apparel products such as outdoor, fishing, golf and other sportswear, casual wear, uniforms, etc.
n OEM and ODM of sportswear such as outdoor, fishing, and golf, as well as apparel products such as casual wear and uniforms. We fully support the customer demand upon our know-how cultivated over 100
【Casual in Japan】
大阪府大阪市城東区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 アパレルCADの導入で、サイズ展開や自動マーキングによりコスト相談も可能。 小ロットから大量生産まで、デザインや仕様によって適正な縫製工場で生産ラインを設定...
Mascarass jam
【Casual in Japan】
Specializes in cut and sewn products, including small-lot production, domestic production, and casual wear.
We are engaged in the apparel OEM business with a focus on cut-and-sew garments. We are committed to "MADE IN JAPAN" and work hard every day to provide our customers with the best quality products.
【Casual in China】
烟台洋博服装有限公司は美しい海辺に近い山東省煙台にある会社です。 日本、韓国、中国国内の生産をして13年になります。 我社は原料の手配から縫製、製品加工、貿易まで一貫してできる会社です。 得意とし...
【Casual in China】
Sewing company with more than 30 years OEM experience of knit products
We have our own factory and have more than 30 years OEM/ODM experience of knit products. We produce and export high quality knitwear and clothing, not only Knit OEM production but also various styl
【Casual in Japan】
東京都中央区銀座にあるアパレルOEM企業。 ヤングカジュアルに強く、渋谷系や原宿系などのブランドを手掛けた経験で、適正な素材、デザインの商品をスピーディーに提案。 主に中国の提携工場にてハイクオリティ...
【Casual in Japan】
株式会社エヌ・ビー・アールは、アメリカンカジュアルのOEMをメイン事業として展開している。 小ロットも対応可能。法人に限らず、個人や団体の注文も対応している。 プリント機材があり、チームで使うオリジナ...
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【Casual in Japan】
Daisen Co., Ltd.
【Casual in Japan】
大染は東京墨田区向島、スカイツリーから約3分の場所で、60年以上営業している製品染めを主に行っている会社です。 反応・硫化・ピグメント・特殊染めや、洗い加工・ボールウォッシュ・バイオ・縮絨など様々...
【Casual in China】
山東省威海杜克織物有限会社の担当者董と申します。 当社は服飾関係の貿易会社で主にジーンズとカジュアルパンツとジャケットを扱っています。 当社商品は主に欧米、日韓、国内のブランドに販売しております...
【Casual in Japan】
大阪市内にあるカットソーをメインに縫製生産する工場を運営しています。 今では、設置台数も少なくなってきているフラットシーマミシン(ヤマト)を7台所有しフル稼働させています。また、裾引きミシン、二重環...
Yiwu Beaty Trading Co.,Ltd
【Casual in China】
日本現地駐在員対応可 帽子に特化したOEM製造輸出一体化貿易会社 小ロット 高品質
義烏貝缇貿易有限会社(Yiwu Beaty Trading Co.,Ltd)は2006に設立され、アパレル製品の生産、輸出に特化したOEM生産貿易会社です。自社工場と提携工場とのコネクションで、様々なアイテムの生産を可能にしており...
【Casual in Japan】
Denim Apparel OEM
Denim Apparel OEM Business OEM Business for Apparel Retailers OEM business using denim materials for corporate customers OEM of work wear, novelty goods, etc.
Ragtime Imaginations co.,ltd
【Casual in Japan】
We also accept inquiries for small lots of functional sportswear for outdoor activities, bags, and carefully selected casual wear.
We are an OEM that has planning capabilities and a wide range of products, such as casual wear inspired by vintage clothing and graphic design for T-shirts, while specializing in the functional and co
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Cabinet inc.
【Casual in Japan】
We offer OEM services for casual fashion from material proposals to delivery by domestic production.
Since our establishment in 2003, we have handled a wide range of high quality products made in Japan, mainly woven wear such as jeans, bags and accessories made of Kurashiki Canvas, and cut and sewn T
【Casual in Japan】
Cost-effective new business style with quick response
An apparel OEM company located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. The business style directly linking SPA and factories has enabled the company to create various advantages such as cost reduction. We
Japan Delivery Service Co.,Ltd.
【Casual in Japan】
Casual wear and apparel OEM planning and production
ates trends Japan Delivery Service is engaged in the planning and manufacturing of apparel, mainly casual wear, with a particular specialty in denim. We regularly travel to the U.S., the source of cu
Prop Garments Inc.
【Casual in Japan】
Apparel OEM production, casual clothing and denim products
We fully utilize the merits of our two representative bases in China for denim materials and products! Our ability to handle small-lot production and speed in Guangzhou, stable sewing in Shandong P
【Casual in Japan】
We propose "products that sell" and "sales mechanisms" with our three solutions.
(Mono) Based on our analysis of market trends and our understanding of trends cultivated over our 60 years in business, we propose "products that sell" that are suited to the customer's sales floor.
【Casual in Japan】
We produce mainly bottoms with safe and reliable Japanese production.
Fuchu City in Hiroshima Prefecture is a textile production area and has been in business for over 35 years. We have been pleased to have made products for many brands in the past. We mainly produce b
M&R inc.
【Casual in Japan】
We are your source for denim casual products.
office in Ebisu, Tokyo. We have our own factory in Vietnam and have been producing denim and other casual products for 30 years. We have integrated management from material proposals to sewing pr...
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SAKUEI. inc.
【Casual in Japan】
衣類製品生産・加工、 管理
岐阜県羽島市にあります縫製加工会社です。 主にカジュアルウェア・スポーツウェア・ワークウェア・マリンウェアなどの生産、加工、配送、管理、企画をしております。 縫製加工はすべて、国内の直営・協力工場...
【Casual in China】
Mainly outerwear. Down, fur, wool, casual etc.
Products outerwear: * Down+Puffer+Padding * Faux leather (skirt+pants+dress) * Fur+Sherpa+Shearling * Wool+wool like coats * Casual Wear Our company enjoys a long and good cooperation with ov