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【染色 in Kanto】
CraftShips is a "production platform" that allows you to create products that utilize the skills of Japanese craftsmen (Supporting apparel and goods brands from launch to product production)
We have a lot of experience in launching new brands for both individuals and corporations (approximately 30 brands per year). We can also consult with those with no experience in apparel, those lookin
Daisen Co., Ltd.
【染色 in Kanto】
大染は東京墨田区向島、スカイツリーから約3分の場所で、60年以上営業している製品染めを主に行っている会社です。 反応・硫化・ピグメント・特殊染めや、洗い加工・ボールウォッシュ・バイオ・縮絨など様々...
【染色 in Kansai】
Tie-dye factory for domestic dyeing operated by an apparel brand that specializes in dyeing
We offer original brands, companies as well as individuals, according to your budget. All of our fabrics are dyed in Japan. We use our own technology to prevent color fading, so we can produce ite
AsahiSenshoku. Co.,Ltd.
【染色 in Kanto】
Production of hand printed fabrics and OEM of handkerchiefs
A dye processing and hand printing specialist located in Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. The company produces hand-printed fabrics for apparel companies and handkerchiefs on an OEM basis.
【染色 in Kanto】
One-stop service for clothing, OEM, dyeing/printing, and post-processing
An apparel OEM support company located in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo. The company features high-quality products cultivated from 100 years of history. They provide a full range of services from pattern makin
Chida Creaning, INC.
【染色 in Tohoku】
Jeans processing and sewing product processing
Chida Creaning is engaged in dyeing, printing, special washing, inspection, and needle inspection of sewn products, mainly jeans processing in Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture. Using processing techn
Active inc.
【染色 in Kansai】
Apparel OEM manufacturer with strong capabilities in subsidiary materials and printing. Flexibility is our strong selling point, short delivery times, and attention to detail.
An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto, Japan. It is an apparel OEM manufacturer with strong capabilities in subsidiary materials and printing, and specializes in OEM T-shirts. Under the motto of "
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【染色 in Kansai】
株式会社前田染工は京都府京都市にあるメーカー兼縫製工場です。 お土産やキャラクターグッズなど和雑貨の製造を得意にしています。
【染色 in Kansai】
京都府京都市にある染工場。 染工場内の職人にしかできない技術を生かし、通常スクリーンでは表現できない多彩に取り揃えられたオリジナルの特殊加工が強み。
【染色 in Chugoku】
有限会社ココロは岡山県倉敷市に位置する縫製会社です。 デニムを中心にアパレル製品全般の製造を行っており、小ロット・短納期・クイック・レスポンスなど、お客様のご要望にお応えできるOEM生産体制を整えてお...
【染色 in Kanto】
今井スタイル株式会社は東京都葛飾区にある縫製会社です。 プリント・刺繍・製品染などあらゆる特殊加工を熟知し、お客様に提案することができます。 また、社内にパターンナーが在籍しているため、お客様の依...
【染色 in Chubu】
Total support from planning and design to shipping
FUJI TATEAMI CO.,LTD. is a sewing company located in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture. We accept OEM orders for loungewear and office uniforms.
Kayama Co.
【染色 in Kanto】
OEM of various textile products
Kayama Co. is a sewing company that sews textile products in Yokosuka City. We have our own brand of scarves and stoles, and we also offer OEM services.
Teba Brown.
【染色 in Kyushu】
Amami traditional "Mud Dyeing"
An apparel manufacturer located in Oshima County, Kagoshima Prefecture. They specialize in Amami traditional "mud dyeing". Small-lot production is available.
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