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Vixen Aim Co., Ltd.
【Kids in Kanto】
OEM,ODM company specializing in pet clothes / Ladies' wear also available
Hello !! we are Vixen Aim <What we can make> All Pet Supplies All human apparel All Children's Apparel All apparel sundries <Our Characteristics/Specialize > We have English speaking staff
【Kids in Kanto】
東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷にあるバッグメーカー。 キッズバッグ、スポーツブランド、レディースバッグ、ビジネスバッグなどを扱っている。 有名ブランドやキャラクターグッズなど実績多数。
【Kids in Kanto】
We will give speedy shape to your requests by the best means.
ent production team to meet your needs. We produce mainly cut and sewn ladies' wear, sportswear, kids' wear in general, and babies' wear as well as sundries and bedding-related products.
GRADE-ONE Co., ltd.
【Kids in Kansai】
大阪府大阪市中央区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 バングラデシュを生産拠点にすることで労働コストの削減を達成。 バングラデシュでの生産をはじめ様々なオファーに対応してくれる。
Ogura Meriyasu Seizousyo
【Kids in Kanto】
東京都墨田区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 ベビー服・子供服のアパレルOEM生産を中心にレディース・ミセス・メンズウェアー・ドックウェアー等を生産。 国内と海外に自社縫製工場を持ち、生地の提案から資材手配...
Hermitage Co.,Ltd.
【Kids in Kanto】
レディース キッズ ベビー メンズ 雑貨
東京都墨田区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 カットソーを中心に、レディース、キッズ、ベビー、メンズ、雑貨など幅広く対応している。 生地開発も行っており、要望に合わせた素材/企画/グラフィックなども提案する。
【Kids in Chubu】
愛知県あま市にあるアパレルOEM対応企業。 最新のトレンドをふまえ、これまでにも大ヒット商品を数多く企画。 「納期的メリット」「コストメリット」も問題なし。
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Rusai International Co., Ltd.
【Kids in Chubu】
High quality apparel made in Bangladesh
e several affiliated factories in Bangladesh and offer a wide range of garments for men, women, and children. From a few items to bulk orders, we can meet the diverse needs of our customers. We invite
【Kids in Kanto】
【Kids in Kansai】
大阪府大阪市中央区にあるアパレルOEM企業。 子供服(ベビー・トドラー・スクール)からレディース、メンズ、服飾小物(鞄・帽子など)までいろんなジャンルでの完全オーダーメイドでの作成が可能。 高度な技術...
Dainan Co., Ltd.
【Kids in Kyushu】
株式会社ダイナンは、日本の大分県に製造工場を構えるアパレルOEM企業です。 パターンから裁断、二次加工、縫製、検品、出荷まで自社一貫体制で展開しています。 ベビー・子ども服、スポーツウェア、カジュアル...
Kono Knit
【Kids in Kanto】
埼玉県鴻巣市の有限会社河野ニットは、レディース、メンズ、子供服のカットソー縫製工場です。 大量生産から小ロットでの制作まで対応しています。 50年以上の豊富な経験とノウハウがり、低価格で高品質の生産...
Atelier Asuka
【Kids in Kansai】
奈良県生駒市の有限会社アトリエアスカは、婦人服オールアイテム、子供服オールアイテム、紳士服カジュアルなどのOEM生産を行っています。 布帛、カットソー、布帛とカットソーのミックス、ジャージ、ニットのオ...
【Kids in Chubu】
Baby and children's clothing manufacturer
We are a general apparel trading company based in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture that handles planning, design, production management, importing, and sales in-house. By handling our own factories in C
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Men's Amakusa
【Kids in Kyushu】
熊本県上天草市の有限会社メンズ天草は、婦人服、子供服、アンダーウエアの製造を行っている縫製工場です。 サニタリー(失禁)ショーツやトランクスなどの製造も行っています。 学生体操服等の製造も行ってい...
Lady Core
【Kids in Kyushu】
大分県玖珠郡の株式会社レディーコアは、婦人服、子供服、紳士カットソー、インナー、スポーツ等の製造を行う縫製工場です。 婦人服、子供服、紳士服、インナー、スポーツなどパターン作成から、主、副資材等の...
APM Japan
【Kids in Kansai】
OEM/ODM of baby and children's clothing
APM Japan is an OEM/ODM manufacturer of baby and children's clothing. Our production items include newborn baby clothes, baby clothes, and children's clothes in general (cut and sewn, woven fabrics,
【Kids in Kansai】
Men's Shoes OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. The company offers men's shoes and children's shoes.
【Kids in Kanto】
Ladies' shoes, kids' shoes, wedding shoes, etc.
A shoe manufacturer located in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company offers ladies' shoes, kids' shoes, wedding shoes, etc. Depending on cost and delivery time, the company can produce both domestic
【Kids in Chugoku】
Denim Products for Kids and Babies
urer located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The company specializes in denim products for kids, baby clothes, and menswear. The company manufactures its products at its own factory and cutt
Yamazaki Hifuku Kougyou
【Kids in Kanto】
A manufacturer specializing in mens bottoms and kids bottoms with low cost advantage
el OEM company located in Hanyu, Saitama. An apparel manufacturer specializing in mens bottoms and kids' bottoms, featuring low-cost production in Myanmar and China. The company also accepts orders
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【Kids in Kanto】
Dancewear is specialty.
ure. The company produces a wide range of products from dancewear to ladies' young casual wear and children's clothing and accessories. With its own factory in China, the company is able to reduce c
【Kids in Chubu】
Specialized manufacturer of school uniforms and children's clothing and uniforms
pparel manufacturer located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. Specializing in school uniforms, children's clothing, and uniforms, the company also handles sailor uniforms, pleated skirts, and wor
Mind matsui
【Kids in Chubu】
Organic Clothing OEM
An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. They produce mainly ladies' suits, skirts, pants, jackets, blouses, dresses, etc. They can also handle small-lot sewing from
【Kids in Kansai】
Women's and children's shoes OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Nagata-ku, Kobe. The company focuses on women's and children's shoes made of natural and man-made leather, with an emphasis on made in Japan. Pumps, ballet shoes, sand
NIWA baby co., ltd.
【Kids in Chubu】
All products are manufactured in Japan
Apparel OEM support company located in Iwakura City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Niwa Baby plays the role of coordinator for textile-related factories. The company's designer and pattern maker can respo
【Kids in Kansai】
OEM of casual shoes
We make proposals that incorporate the information we have gathered with the client's needs (product image, timing of product launch, brand concept, etc.). We will carefully respond to your needs up
【Kids in Tohoku】
We have several factories in Asia, and we provide OEM and other services ranging from daily necessities and household goods to apparel.
We do not use any unnecessary intermediaries, but negotiate directly with our own and affiliated factories to provide high quality products at low cost. We also have our headquarters in Shanghai, Chin
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【Kids in Kansai】
Manufacture and wholesale of baby and children's clothing, OEM/ODM
DIL (DREAM IN LOVE) is engaged in manufacturing, wholesale, and OEM/ODM of baby and children's clothing. We are also developing our own brand, and based on this track record and experience, we are de
Marconi holdings Co., Ltd.
【Kids in Kanto】
Wholesale of women's and children's clothing
Marconi holdings is an apparel company engaged in the wholesale of women's and children's clothing.
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