【Fukuoka】メンズ服 Manufacturers

Here are 4 メンズ, 紳士服 manufacturers and factories in Fukuoka.

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  • Nihon sewing fukuoka Nihon sewing fukuoka

    【メンズ in Fukuoka】

    We are a men's custom-made suit sewing factory located in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture.

    We are a men's custom-made suit sewing factory located in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Ginza Yamagataya Co., Ltd. which was established in 1907 as a specialty tail


    【メンズ in Fukuoka】

    An apparel OEM company that plans and manufactures mainly women's clothing. Supports small-lot, high-quality production.

    An apparel OEM company located in Fukuoka Prefecture. The company mainly plans and manufactures women's wear including private brands. They can handle a wide range of items from cut-and-sew to blouses

  • 株式会社ヒデトレーディング 株式会社ヒデトレーディング

    【メンズ in Fukuoka】


    帽子やバッグなどを中心などを中心に製造をおこなう総合服飾雑貨メーカーです。 生地の仕入れから生産まで一貫したサポートが可能です。

  • Chikuho Sewing Co. Chikuho Sewing Co.

    【メンズ in Fukuoka】

    Manufacture of men's clothing

    Chikuho Sewing Co. is a sewing company that takes orders from apparel makers and specialty stores throughout Japan, mainly for custom-made suits. Our strength is sewing by experienced staff at our ow