Page 2 - [KANTO] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kanto

Here are 622 Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers in Kanto. You can find recommended Suppliers by category and genre.

31 to 60 of 622

  • mid,inc.

    201, 5-11-25, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • ladies
    • mens
    • sewingfactory

    Jumpsuits, overalls, workwear

    The company operates its own brand of workwear and uniform brands, mainly jumpsuits, and also offers OEM services. The company's designs are characterized by a high level of fashion in practical clothing. The company also produces original uniforms for stores and offices.

  • Gallery 151

    103, 3-37-8 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • made
    • in
    • China

    f you need help with making things,please contact me first.I will propose sewing in Japan and overseas, and the most suitable place for each.

    当社は、国内と海外の縫製技術を活用し、お客様に最適な製品を提案しています。 国内縫製工場は、東京近郊から東北・北陸地域を中心に製造を行っており、海外の縫製工場では中国・韓国・バングラデシュなどの地域で製造を行っています。納期、生産ロット、単価などを考慮しながら、最適な製品作りの提案を行っています。 また、素材や付属品についても重要視しており、国内の生地や付属品はもちろん、中国市場の生地(社内に生地のカウンターを展示しています)、韓国市場の生地なども提案いたします。広州市場の生地スワッチ(素材見本)に関しては、大量にスワッチを準備しており、中国の工場とのやり取りなしで、当社のショウルームで生地を選び、すぐに量産に進行することが可能です。

  • DANTOKYO Co,Ltd.

    1-1-11 Nakameguro,Meguroku,Tokyo,Japan

    • メンズ
    • アウター
    • シャツ


    有限会社ダントウキョウ ハイクオリティ&ハイセンスをモットーにお客様の服作りをサポートします。 東京都目黒区中目黒にオフィスを構え アパレルOEM生産を行なっております。 国内はサンプル1枚~量産まで メンズ、レディースアイテム問わず作成可能。 複雑なデザイン、テーラードジャケット、下着等も対応可能です。 中国生産も軽衣料から重衣料まで幅広く対応可能。 その他生地、附属品、梱包資材などのオリジナル作成も可能です。 ミーティングはオンラインでも可能です。

  • 株式会社NKD


    • デニム
    • 小ロット
    • 国内生産


    弊社はメンズデニム、レディース布帛を中心としたOEM生産会社になります。 メンズデニムは0番ステッチ、00番ステッチも対応可能、企業様の大ロット〜個人のインフルエンサー様の小ロット、サンプル作成も対応可能です。 また上記以外でもカットソー、製品加工、プリント等も対応可能ですのでぜひ一度ご連絡お待ちしております。

  • shunya Co.,Ltd.

    1-22-10 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    • apparel
    • consulting
    • ladies

    A fashion business total support company that handles all apparel operations.

    A fashion business total support company located in Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. OEM/ODM production is available from sample production of a single item to mass production of small lots and tens of thousands of units, in the same atelier and mass production factory as famous brands. The company offers a wide range of products such as jackets, tee shirts, hoodies, and knitwear.


    Ginza Otsuka Building 6F, 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

    • oem
    • casual
    • apparel

    Proposal-based apparel OEM company with a strong focus on young casual wear

    An apparel OEM company located in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Strong in young casual wear, the company quickly proposes products of appropriate materials and designs based on its experience in working with brands such as Shibuya-kei and Harajuku-kei. The company produces and delivers high quality products quickly, mainly at its affiliated factories in China.

  • AS'TY, Inc. - Tokyo Head Office

    Tennoz Parkside Building 14F, 5-8, Higashi-Shinagawa 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

    • ladies
    • mens
    • bag

    The company's strength lies in its own factory in Vietnam and its product development and planning capabilities in China and other Asian countries.

    An apparel OEM company located in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. The company has established a presence as an OEM for major apparel makers, taking advantage of its own factory in Vietnam and product development and planning capabilities in China and other Asian countries.

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  • Ogura Meriyasu Seizousyo

    3-12-9 Ishihara, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

    • baby
    • kids
    • sewingfactory

    An apparel OEM company specializing in baby and children's clothing. Also offers ladies', ladies', men's and dock wear.

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company mainly produces baby and children's apparel on an OEM basis, as well as ladies' wear, ladies' wear, men's wear, dock wear, and more. With its own sewing factories in Japan and overseas, the company provides total support through an integrated system from fabric proposals, material arrangements, and production to delivery.

  • S&M Co.,Ltd

    2F, 2-13-8 Narihira, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

    • OEM
    • ODM
    • Womens

    We can offer a wide range of proposals for design, trends, and textiles.

    S&M Co.,Ltd is an apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. We specialize in apparel OEM manufacturing and ODM of a wide range of garments tailored to your needs and specifications, with an emphasis on design and brand concept. The company's flexibility and excellent planning capabilities are attractive.

  • Maruwa Textile Industries Co.,LTD.

    1-8-6 Kamezawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

    • mens
    • ladies
    • sewingfactory

    An OEM company with its own sewing factories in Japan and abroad.

    An apparel OEM company located at Ryogoku Station in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. With its own sewing factories in Japan and overseas, the company offers one-stop service from standardization to production and delivery, and is comfortable with requests for mass production. The company handles a wide range of items, from men's and women's casual wear to sports and golf wear.

  • Partisan

    Keyaki-Bldg 1F, 2-31-2, Kichijoji Hontyo, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan

    • oem
    • ladies
    • レディース

    Ladies, Women's OEM

    1. manufacture and sale of women's clothing and accessories 2. planning, design, production and sales of women's clothing and accessories 3. all business related to all items above

  • KOHWA Co., Ltd.

    362-5 Yajuro, Koshigaya-shi, Saitama, Japan

    • bag
    • goods
    • バッグ

    Bags, Cases, Covers We can meet your needs at our sewing factory.

    We are a sewing processing manufacturer with sewing machines in Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture. Our main business is sewing and processing of special cases, protective covers, bags, etc. We can help you plan and produce products that make storage, storage, and carrying comfortable. We can help you plan and produce products that make storage, storage, and carrying comfortable. If you have any problems with bags, pouches, or other sewing products, please feel free to contact us. Please feel free to contact us.

  • Nihon umou seizou Inc.

    Bushi836-1, Iruma-shi, Saitama-ken

    • 羽毛
    • ダウン
    • パターン

    日本国内 自社工場 高品質の縫製 OEM

    1983年創業。羽毛布団に始まって、その後、 羽毛を入れた衣類や小物の製造にも力を入れてきました。 オリジナルブランド「Jumou」を展開する傍ら、 アパレルOEM工場として様々なブランドを支えています。 小ロットから量産まで、また「パターンのみ」や「ダウンパックのみ」のご依頼、 「デザイン、素材調達から完成まで」一括製造のご注文も、 羽毛以外の縫製品、ターポリンを用いた工業用資材の縫製など 縫製商材の製造なら何でもご相談いただけます。


    1-3-17 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • bag
    • mens
    • ladies

    We have an OEM manufacturing plant for bags, pouches, and wallets.

    We are a bag manufacturer located in Meguro-ku, Tokyo. We have our own factory in Cambodia, which enables us to produce products under centralized control of material procurement, quality control, and delivery management. Ordered products are delivered under our management not only in Japan but also to designated locations overseas. Our sample production office is located near a large market of fabric wholesalers in Guangdong Province, China, so our local staff can research the fabrics you are looking for and order your original materials. We have many years of experience in producing products for major apparel brands in Japan, Europe, and the United States, so we can offer you a balanced service in terms of quality, delivery time, and cost.

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  • 株式会社フラスコ100cc


    • スポーツウェア
    • ユニフォーム
    • Tシャツ


    小ロットの完全オーダーメイドを基軸とした生産体制とスポーツアパレルビジネスのノウハウを活かし、企業向けに企画から製造まで全てをおこなうOEM・ODM生産をおこなっております。デザインの自由度が高い昇華プリントのフルオーダーユニフォームの他、刺繍マーク加工 やラバーシートを用いたプリント加工等幅広く対応可能です。サッカー・フットサル・野球・バスケットボール・バレーボール・陸上・バドミントン・卓球・ラグビー・ラクロスなど、多様なスポーツで制作実績がございます。

  • 株式会社メイクドゥピエロ

    東京都渋谷区本町1-15-12 コーポロードサイド101

    • レディース
    • 布帛全般
    • カットソー


    創立:1982年7月 資本金:10000万円 従業員数:24名 自社工場:宮城県白石市(13名) 主要取引先:伊藤忠モードパル(株)、MNインターファッション(株)、田村駒(株)       東光商事(株)、レリアン 取引銀行:三菱UFJ銀行代々木上原支店、きらぼし銀行幡ヶ谷支店、 取扱いアイテム:コート、ジャケット、ワンピース、ブラウス、スカート、パンツ、カットソー 主力ブランド:トーキョーベース、バーニーズ、ランバンオンブルー、レリアン、SINME 生産体制:サンプルからの量産指示、品質及び納期管理は本社アトリエにて一括で行い、自社工場・協力工場ともに安定した品質と確実な納期で納入できます。 ①本社アトリエ  9名(生産管理4名、縫製(丸縫い)5名  サンプル縫製・小ロット量産・量産工場管理・納期品質調整・修理などに対応 ②自社工場  量産(15名/うち縫直13名)  生産能力:ジャケット、ワンピース1500着/月スカート3000着/月 ③協力工場5社  福島県4社、新潟県1社  生産能力(1社あたり)  ブラウス・ワンピース3000~7000着/月スカート、パン3000着/月

  • Isamiya Co., Ltd.

    2-8 Iwafuchi-cho, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • tshirts
    • sportswear
    • petwear

    High quality sewing and processing technology of domestic production (made in Japan)

    Isamiya Yoso offers product development and OEM products, focusing on high sewing and processing technology made in Japan. We produce a variety of sewing products for medical and sports use in Japan. We have delivered many products to major manufacturers and trading companies. In addition to production requests, those who are interested in product development can request us to conduct research, development, and prototyping. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • SUO

    4F, 1-5-17 Kitamachi, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • apparel
    • mens
    • pattern

    We handle a wide range of items. We are good at small lot production.

    We offer a wide range of services from general apparel to accessories and goods-related items. We can handle collection brand designs, bags, musicians' goods, novelty pouches, exhibition props (leather goods), etc. We can handle a wide variety of items, including collection brand designs, bags, musician's goods, novelty pouches, exhibition props (leather goods), and more. We can complete all processes from patterns to samples in-house, and can respond quickly. We also offer ODM services based on our experience in running our own brand. SUO


    1 Benten-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • Womens
    • mens
    • sewingfactory

    We are a planning and sewing company for men's and women's clothing. We provide integrated production from sample sewing to mass production.

    We plan and sew not only woven and cut-and-sew fabrics, but also special materials such as velvet, down, and leather. We are especially good at producing difficult products such as embroidery, prints, pin tucks, pleats, and stitch work in cooperation with secondary processing factories. We are especially good at producing difficult products such as embroidery, prints, pin tucks, pleats, and stitch work in cooperation with secondary processing factories. We are capable of producing samples for collections of DC brands, OEM production for apparel companies, and small-lot production for select stores. We believe that our accumulated know-how can be fully utilized to meet various customer needs.


    1-93-5 Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • oem
    • knit
    • ニット

    Many years of experience and a proven track record with major companies

    We are an apparel OEM, ODM manufacturing and sales company mainly for Japan. We focus our efforts on ensuring that our products are delivered smoothly to the customer's doorstep after receiving an order, through our integrated production system, from material proposals, sample creation, mass production, to delivery. Having our own factory allows us to keep costs down! Other companies Factory> Local trading company> Japanese manufacturing company> Customer Shoyo Factory (SHOYO) -> SHOYO -> Customer Eliminates intermediate margins! We exhibited at the International Apparel Expo in Tokyo twice a year from 2014 to 2020. We aim to be a company that is permanently trusted by our customers by providing superior quality at an acceptable price.

  • Ragtime Imaginations co.,ltd


    • Sportswear
    • Casual
    • Tshirts

    We also accept inquiries for small lots of functional sportswear for outdoor activities, bags, and carefully selected casual wear.

    We are an OEM that has planning capabilities and a wide range of products, such as casual wear inspired by vintage clothing and graphic design for T-shirts, while specializing in the functional and complex specifications of outdoor apparel and handling functional materials. It's a company. We would like to provide you with the best possible products, such as design, material suggestions, and sewing methods, while consulting with you regarding the products you request. Even if you do not have an approximate product image or design, we will listen to your needs and propose a design. If you have any products that you think are difficult to handle, such as rainwear, down jackets, or mountain parkas, please feel free to contact us. Please feel free to contact us if you are new to apparel products, such as launching a new brand, company uniforms, or T-shirts for club activities.

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  • Craftwork Co., Ltd.

    3-7-9 Minamishinozaki-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Room 302 Arrumizue

    • MadeinTokyo
    • かばん国内生産

    We are an OEM manufacturer of bags in Tokyo. You can do it from planning.

    A manufacturer of bags in Tokyo. If you can see the homepage and Instagram from the homepage, the range of technology is wide I think you can easily see things. Although it is an OEM production, we can also discuss various project proposals.

  • Nankai Pleats

    2472 Kosaka-cho, Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture

    • pleating
    • siroset
    • プリーツ加工

    Specialized in pleating

    A pleating company located in Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The company mainly handles pleating for women's clothing, children's clothing, school uniforms, and interiors (curtains, etc.).

  • CARINO Fair Trade

    2-32-5 Maihama, Urayasu City, Chiba, Japan

    • Womens
    • goods
    • apparel

    Fair trade and sustainable clothing, bags, stoles, etc.

    CARINO produces and sells women's clothing, stoles, bags, and other items of original design and planning CARINO produces and sells women's clothing, stoles, bags, etc., mainly through fair trade. Our products are hand-woven fabrics and natural cotton, linen, and silk women's apparel, stoles, and bags. The products made in India are produced by Fair Trade Forum-India (FTF-I) member companies. Fair Trade Forum-India (FTF-I) member companies. In addition, our fall and winter knitwear is made of 100% yak, camel, and cashmere grown on organic grass in Mongolia. Our autumn and winter knitwear includes sweaters, cardigans, and scarves made of 100% yak, camel, and cashmere grown on organic grass in Mongolia. Representative Products Recycled Indian traditional saris with multiple layers of stitch embroidery (kantha stitch). Cotton jackets and silk scarves Shirts and tops with block prints and hand embroidery on textured cotton, linen and silk fabrics. Handbags made of cotton canvas and cowhide (manufactured at the same factory that also produces HUNTING WORLD products) Sweaters, cardigans, and stoles made of yak, camel, and cashmere without dyeing, organically grown by Mongolian nomads. The knitting process uses Shima Seiki's computerized Jacquard machine.

  • 株式会社 アンナ


    • 水着
    • スクール水着
    • プールキャップ

    株式会社アンナ  生産工場 サザン株式会社宮崎市

    OEM生産窓口を㈱アンナが担当します 生産現場は サザン株式会社:宮崎市月見ヶ丘1-17-3 フラットシーマミシンが大得意な縫製工場になります。 ロックミシンの商品も縫製しますが、新人縫製者がフラットシーマからスタートする工場の為、ロックミシン縫製よりも、フラットシーマ商品歓迎します。 通常スイミングスクール様の指定水着、水泳帽などを縫製しております。 肌着などの薄物ニットのフラットシーマ縫製もしております。 日本人縫製者が多く雇用できている今の日本では珍しい工場かもしれません。 長年製造生産管理一筋 頑固社長 サザン㈱ですが、信用して頂ける商品物づくりができかと思います。 お気軽にお声掛け下さい。


    2F, 2-34-2 Imado, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • shoes
    • ladiesshoes
    • シューズ

    Women's Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. They mainly deal in women's shoes. The company manufactures high-quality, easy-to-wear shoes based on the "Made in Japan" principle. Logos, accessories, and miscellaneous goods production are also available.

  • EASTER co.,LTD


    • レディース
    • メンズ
    • カットソー

    Speed, low cost, 24/7, OEM small lot support

    We are a specialized pattern service company for Japan. Our main business is grading, pattern making, marking, and other contracted services. We also offer services from sample making to mass production. We can also arrange local fabrics and accessories for production if requested. Our Advantages * Speed (Next day delivery for grading, or even ASAP. 3 to 4 hours for order→delivery) * Low cost (only 1/3 of the price of Japanese companies) * Technology (All technicians have more than 10 years of pattern experience) * (Grading is available for rade, mens, and children's wear) * 365Dx24H service (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) * (We have an account with Mitsubishi Bank Japan for convenient remittance) If you can, why not use our grading technology? We will do our best!


    2-15-9 Midori, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

    • knit
    • apparel
    • sewingfactory

    100% made in Japan for small-lot, high-mix, high-quality, quick-delivery production

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. It has its own sewing factory in Iwate Prefecture and handles 100% Japanese-made products. Small-lot, high-mix, high-difficulty, quick-delivery production is also available for consultation.

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  • andu amet Ltd. / atelier andu amet P.L.C.

    Aoyama building 1F, 4-16-12 Jingûmae, Shibuya-ward, Tokyo

    • レザー
    • バッグ
    • 雑貨


    世界最高峰と称される「エチオピアシープスキン」を使い、レザーのバッグ・アパレル・雑貨を、エチオピアにある自社縫製工場で完全ハンドメイドしています。エチオピアシープスキンは非常に柔らかく・軽く・丈夫な羊革。上顧客向けアイテム、特別アイテムなど、高品質・ラグジュアリー・サステナブルかつ今までにないアイテム制作をご検討の企業様、ぜひご連絡ください。デザイン、サンプル制作、小ロット制作もご相談に乗ります。 【過去実績】大手コーヒーチェーンストアや、メディア・企画・雑貨企業とのコラボレーション。大手航空会社のファーストクラス・ビジネスクラスでの機内販売等。 ※自社ブランド品は10年にわたり百貨店販売の実績があります。


    1-4-3 Honjo, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • hat
    • mens
    • ladies

    OEM hat production

    An apparel OEM support company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company specializes in OEM production of hats. Based on design plans requested by brand manufacturers and retailers, it undertakes the entire production process, including the preparation of production instructions, arrangement of fabrics and accessories, sample production, factory production management, inspection, bagging, and shipping, and delivers the finished products.