Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong デニム in Kanto

21 apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong デニム, ジーンズ, ジーパン in Kanto. A free bulk ask is useful to get a lump-sum quote from デニム, ジーンズ, ジーパン OEM companies.

Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers specializing in デニム, ジーンズ, ジーパン in Kanto.

1 to 20 of 21

  • BBS Co.,Ltd.

    641-6 Hachijo, Yashio City, Saitama, Japan

    • apparel
    • denim
    • casual

    Denim-focused fashion for careers in their 30s to 50s

    We have been operating an office and sewing factory in Guangzhou for more than 10 years. We can handle all fabrics and accessories as long as they are made in Guangzhou. Currently, we receive many orders for denim-related materials, such as denim bonding coats, denim-lined pants, jackets, and chemically treated tiered skirts. Our customers range from mid-range to high-end products (specialty stores and department stores). Price We can handle small, medium, and production lots. We can also make three-dimensional and flat patterns according to your instructions. All products are imported with third-party inspection.  Please feel free to contact us.

    • グラデーション加工
    • ハンドピンタック
    • ニットデニムケミカル加工
  • 株式会社NKD


    • デニム
    • 小ロット
    • 国内生産


    弊社はメンズデニム、レディース布帛を中心としたOEM生産会社になります。 メンズデニムは0番ステッチ、00番ステッチも対応可能、企業様の大ロット〜個人のインフルエンサー様の小ロット、サンプル作成も対応可能です。 また上記以外でもカットソー、製品加工、プリント等も対応可能ですのでぜひ一度ご連絡お待ちしております。

  • CRAFTSHIPS, inc.

    1-2-6, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • 財布
    • 雑貨
    • レザー

    CraftShips is a place for connecting Japanese craftsmanship with the world. Making Japanese craftsmanship sustainable.

    CraftShips is a 'making platform' that harnesses the expertise of Japanese craftsmanship to enable the creation of original products for your company. We specialize in crafting unique products for shops that seamlessly integrate design, functionality, and sustainability. Our focus is on bringing out the individuality of shops by creating original items. We listen to your requirements and ideas attentively, providing comprehensive support from product planning to mass production. Feel free to consult with us for ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) services.

  • 株式会社ドゥー・カンパニー


    • OEM
    • デニム
    • カジュアル


    弊社は1999年の創業以来、デニム素材を中心としたジーンズやジャケット、カジュアルパンツを中心に様々なブランドの生産に携わってきました。 「デザインのイメージはあるけれど、どこに頼んだらいいか分からない」「ブランドを始めたいけれど、どこに依頼したらいいか分からない」そのようなお悩みがございましたらぜひ一度お聞かせください。国内外の協力工場で小ロット生産からご対応させていただきます。 工場と一緒に培ってきた経験とノウハウで、お客様の想いを形にするお手伝いをいたします。

  • Prop Garments Inc.

    601, 4-2-7 Ryogoku, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • casual
    • denim
    • cutsew

    Apparel OEM production, casual clothing and denim products

    We fully utilize the merits of our two representative bases in China for denim materials and products! Our ability to handle small-lot production and speed in Guangzhou, stable sewing in Shandong Province, combination of high quality materials including those from Hong Kong and Shanghai suburbs, in-house material and subsidiary material allocation, and third-party inspection by a Japanese-affiliated inspection center, all contribute to stable quality, quick response, and low cost. We have realized stable quality, quick response, and low cost. We are also expanding production routes to inland China, Vietnam, and Bangladesh to further lower costs. In addition, by utilizing domestic factories, we aim to improve the product quality of apparel OEM products with reliable production information, information on denim and other materials, and superior pattern arrangements. <Production sites Domestic (Okayama, Hiroshima) Shandong, Guangdong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Hong Kong, China Bangladesh Vietnam <Production lot From about 80 pieces per lot in Japan China: from about 150 pieces per mold Vietnam/Bangladesh: From about 2000 pieces per mold <Production Items General woven items Outerwear, bottoms Shirts, Dresses Cut and sewn Product-washed products

  • M&R inc.

    1-20-4 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • denim
    • sewingfactory
    • casual

    We are your source for denim casual products.

    We are an apparel OEM company with an office in Ebisu, Tokyo. We have our own factory in Vietnam and have been producing denim and other casual products for 30 years. We have integrated management from material proposals to sewing processing, finishing, and shipping. We have been enhancing the quality of materials in Vietnam in recent years, and since we have our own fabric stock, we can offer cost effective products with the same lead time as those in China. We are also good at sewing pants, skirts, jackets, dresses, and other small items. Please leave the manufacturing in the ASEAN background to us.

  • marge inc

    東京都目黒区青葉台4-7-24 セントリリー202

    • ladies
    • mens
    • メンズ


    弊社はコレクションブランドの運営を行なっている豊富な経験を活かし、コレクションブランドをメインに、生地提案から高品質なパターン制作、量産までをワンストップで提供しております。また、スチール・動画撮影・アイテム撮影などのウェブコンテンツ制作やSNSコンテンツ制作まで担っております。 例えばですが、 生産関連  製品の質を上げたい。コストを改善したい。 生産管理担当が社外で欲しいなど。 課題がありましたら、私たちが解決できるかと思いますので、何か少しでも課題などがありましたらお気軽にご連絡いただきますと幸いです。

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  • 株式会社 スターワークス


    • デニム
    • パーカー
    • Tシャツ

    株式会社 スターワークス

    東京・渋谷に事務所があるアパレルOEM企業です。 弊社では、中国自社工場における日本向けアパレル様へのOEMを中心事業として 20年にわたりデニムを中心とした二次加工に特化した、カジュアル商品を生産してきました。  メンズ・レディース・キッズファッションをはじめ、バッグ・ストールなどのアパレル雑貨まで 様々な素材を使った多種多様な商品に対応いたしております。 弊社の中国生産は、素材や加工の提案から生産、製品加工、輸入、検品、納品まで、 製品がお客様の手元に届くまでの一連の業務をサポートします。 現状よりも高度な加工や新しい技術を組み合わせた商品の開発・構成を希望されていたり、 自社ブランドにおける製品の再構築、品質向上、他社との差別化を お考えになられてはいないでしょうか? 「イメージはあるけれど、どこに頼んだらいいか分からない・どこに依頼したらいいか分からない」 そのようなお悩みがございましたらぜひ一度お聞かせください。 ご検討の程お願い致します。

  • キシユニバース株式会社

    中央区東日本橋1-6-5 東日本橋佐藤ビル4階

    • レディース
    • メンズ
    • デニム


    ジーニングカジュアルをメインとした布帛・カットソーのOEM事業。 ご要望に合わせて商品開発から生産まで一元管理し、高品質な商品をスピーディーに提供します。 また、地球環境に配慮した取り組みとして、サスティナビリティー(持続可能性)を素材開発から生産行程において強く意識し商品開発を行っています。 中国、バングラデシュに複数の協力背景を持ち 要望に合わせて最適な生産スキームを御提案致します。 中国生産においては駐在スタッフが逐一工場での品質管理を行っています。 複数の中国大手紡績企業との長年に渡る協力関係を活かし 機能素材をはじめ、糸から織り方、染料まで独自に選定し オリジナル生地の開発を行っています。 その他、ご要望に合わせて生地提案も可能です。 中国、バングラデシュに複数の協力工場を持ち、商品やロットのご要望に合わせて最適な縫製工場を選定致します。また、工場内に刺繍機を持つ工場も多くスピーディーな生産が可能です。 デニム加工に特化した技術力の高い加工場で生産を行っています。 また、縫製工場と加工場の両方を持つ一貫工場での生産をメインとしており管理面はもちろんの事、納期面でもスピーディーな対応が可能です。 昨今注目されているサスティナブル(持続可能性)を意識した レーザー加工、オゾンウォッシュ加工、ナノバブル加工などの設備のある 生産背景との協力強化にも力を入れています。

  • ㈱ 

    東京都渋谷区東2-23-14 白鳳堂ビル 5F

    • 社内パタンナー
    • 中国生産
    • ベトナム生産


    信頼関係ある縫製工場様や加工工場様の協力のもと、アイテムごとに特化した工場背景を選択し、依頼頂いた商品やターゲットに対し、メリットのある選択をさせて頂いております。 数あるOEM・ODM企業から弊社を選択して頂いているお客様に対し、誠心誠意対応し、依頼頂いた案件をただ作るのではなく、社内在中のパタンナー・企画営業・生産管理の力も借りより一層喜ばれる服作りを意識し対応することでメリットを感じてもらい、実際に購入し着用して頂くお客様に喜んで頂きたいと思っております。


    2-33-5 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • oem
    • denim
    • mens

    Denim production OEM company, committed to Japanese manufacturing, small-lot consultations available.

    Established in 1998, the owner, who is from a certain denim manufacturer, is in charge of product management from fabric proposal, pattern making, sewing to processing and delivery. We deal with all kinds of casual wear for both mens and ladies.


    4F, 4-16-7 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

    • denim
    • casual
    • jeans

    Denim Apparel OEM

    Denim Apparel OEM Business OEM Business for Apparel Retailers OEM business using denim materials for corporate customers OEM of work wear, novelty goods, etc.


    9279-23 Wholesale Honcho, Seya-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa

    • jeans
    • casual
    • aloha

    Apparel manufacturer with strong jeans and Hawaiian (aloha) products

    An apparel manufacturer and OEM company located in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. The company operates its own Hawaiian-style casual wear brand and denim brand, and also handles OEM/ODM.

  • Monburan

    1292-2 Kiemon Shinden, Hanyu City, Saitama

    • denim
    • jeans
    • sewingfactory

    Sewing authentic denim jeans

    A full-scale denim jeans sewing factory located in Hanyu, Saitama. We can arrange materials, make patterns, arrange various accessories, and handle various washing processes. We can make patterns, arrange various accessories, and perform various washing processes, making OEM production possible. In addition, we can make samples for exhibitions and stage costumes on short notice.

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    4F, 1-6-5 Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • apparel
    • denim
    • jeans

    Apparel company focusing on jeaning casual wear

    KISHI UNIVERSE is an apparel OEM company focusing on jeaning casual wear. We have several cooperative factories in China, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Bangladesh, and select the most suitable sewing factory according to product and lot requirements. Production is carried out at a processing plant with high technology specializing in denim processing.


    3-21-19 Oyama, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • denim
    • casual
    • apparel

    OEM and ODM of denim and other items

    GRANGY plans, produces, and sells its own original apparel brands, and also provides OEM and ODM services to other manufacturers. GRANGY's group companies include Okamoto Textile Corporation, a denim factory in Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture.

  • Aurora Trading Co,. LTD.

    Yokohama TH Blbg 705, Chitose Cho 1-2 Naka ku, Yokohama Shi, Kanagawa Ken, Japan

    • knit
    • woven
    • denim

    Trading company specializing in apparel OEM/ODM. Specializes in small lot production made in Japan and Bangladesh.

    Aurora Trading is a trading company specializing in apparel OEM/ODM. We specialize in small lot production made in Japan and Bangladesh. We specialize in knit cuts, woven fabrics, denim, and other materials. We mainly produce kids', ladies', and mens' casual wear and uniforms.

  • Aoki Housei

    4-5-1, Higashi, Hanyu-shi, Saitama, Japan

    • denim
    • casual
    • sewingfactory

    Denim and casual clothing sewing factory in Kanto, Japan

    Aoki Housei in Hanyu, Saitama, is a sewing factory for denim and casual clothing. Our strength is in rolled stitches and thick counts. We can handle ladies', mens', and kids' denim, jeans, skirts, and pants.

  • Jeans Repair GOEMON

    2F, 1-1-34 Chiyoda, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Japan

    • jeans
    • denim
    • remake

    Specializes in jeans and denim repair.

    Specializes in jeans and denim repair. Also specializes in remakes from old clothes and patchwork. The company also operates its own remake brand, FRITTER.

  • TANDEM co.,ltd.

    2F, 1-11-32 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    • denim
    • casual
    • bottoms

    We can produce denim & casual wear with the same quality as major NBs.

    We are a denim and casual OEM company established in 2001, handling products for major trading companies and brands. Due to the downsizing of the domestic factory of a major NB (Japan's largest jeans manufacturer), we are now looking for products to be sewn at the cooperating factory (production capacity of 50,000 pieces per month), which used to be 100% owned by the company. This factory, which can produce not only jeans but also casual pants and G-jans, is a wonderful factory that can be said to be rare in Japan today, with a high level of awareness that has cleared the strict quality standards of a major NB, and is equipped with the latest production facilities. However, since it has been 100% owned by the company for several decades, it has no experience in doing business with other manufacturers. Although our business with a major NB was terminated at the end of 2017, we have no sales ability at all, and we are having a very hard time reading other companies' specifications and even having meetings with them. Not wanting to lose this valuable factory, our president, who is from this NB, has decided to serve as the point of contact and provide support on the sales side. Our company, which has been in business for 17 years, has a system in place to handle the entire manufacturing process, from material proposals, pattern making, sewing, washing, and remaking. If you are looking for a domestic thick goods factory, please let us know.