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Hirose Co.
【シューズ in Miyagi】
General trading company of shoes
A general trading company of shoes located in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of products from men's shoes, women's shoes (chemical shoes, leather shoes), children's s
【シューズ in Akita】
OEM of men's leather shoes, women's leather shoes (pumps, etc.) and sneakers
UEI, located in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, manufactures a wide range of shoes on an OEM basis, including men's leather shoes, women's leather shoes (pumps and others), sneakers (other than vulcani
Miyagi Kogyo, Inc.
【シューズ in Yamagata】
High quality men's leather shoes, walking shoes, etc.
A shoe manufacturer located in Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of products including men's leather shoes, men's and women's walking shoes, and golf shoes. The compan
【シューズ in Fukushima】
株式会社あぶくま縫製は福島県郡山市にある縫製工場です。 各種サポーター(腰、ひざ、背中、首、足首など)、マタニティー商品、救命胴衣などの製造実績があります。また、ミシンを50台以上保有し、あらゆる製品...