91 to 120 of 283
New Yoo Co.,Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Sneaker OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The company handles all OEM production of men's and women's shoes, and is particularly strong in sneakers. The company handles everything f
kitajima shoes
【Mens in Japan】
OEM of high-end leather shoes, specializing in men's bridal shoes.
A shoe manufacturer located in Yamatokoriyama City, Nara Prefecture. The company mainly deals in men's shoes, and is especially good at men's bridal shoes. Other products include business shoes, boo
Aman Corporation Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Mens shoes, ladies shoes in general
A shoe manufacturer located in Suma-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. The company handles men's shoes and ladies' shoes in general. Production bases include Japan, China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Po
【Mens in Japan】
Men's Shoes OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. The company offers men's shoes and children's shoes.
Miyagi Kogyo, Inc.
【Mens in Japan】
High quality men's leather shoes, walking shoes, etc.
A shoe manufacturer located in Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of products including men's leather shoes, men's and women's walking shoes, and golf shoes. The compan
RealWorks Inc.
【Mens in Japan】
Men's and women's casual shoes
shoe manufacturer located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. The company offers a wide range of products for both mens and ladies, including casual shoes, boots, sneakers, western boots, business shoes, and sandals
SaraiShoes Co.,Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Made in Japan mens shoes OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Arakawa-ku, Tokyo. They deal in mens shoes, especially business shoes and leather shoes. The company's main theme is "quality & wearability," and it can handle even sm
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SANEI Co., Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Men's shoes, sneakers OEM
A shoe manufacturer located in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company offers a wide range of products, mainly men's shoes, including business shoes, sneakers, casual shoes, western boots, thick soles,
andex co., Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Ladies' and men's shoes OEM
manufacturer located in Nishinari-ku, Osaka. The company offers trendy ladies' shoes and practical mens' shoes on an OEM basis. Depending on the cost, the company can handle both domestic and overse
Aries Co.,Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
custom-made men's clothing
An apparel manufacturer located in Hirado, Nagasaki. The company specializes in custom-made men's clothing. The company specializes in the production of high-quality wool-core suits and jackets that
A.I. Mode Inc.
【Mens in Japan】
Sewing factory where anything is possible, regardless of material or item.
A.I. Mode is a sewing factory that can handle any material and any item. We can handle a wide range of fabrics, from thin fabrics such as chiffon, cashmere, and mouton to thicker fabrics. Supporte
【Mens in Japan】
Men's and ladies' casual products with a focus on denim
An apparel manufacturer located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. They deal in men's and ladies' casual products with a focus on denim. High quality made-in-Japan products.
【Mens in Japan】
total production
logistics, information, and planning, the company handles all kinds of apparel, including ladies', mens', and children's clothing, elegant and casual, and woven and knitted fabrics.
【Mens in Japan】
A company specializing in men's slacks, now in its 65th year of business. The company has the No. 1 share of the domestic market.
An apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. As a company specializing in slacks, it always takes the customer's point of view. The company has the No.1 share of the slacks market in Japan.
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Fine mode
【Mens in Japan】
福井県越前市にあるアパレルメーカー。 レディース、メンズ、子供服、Tシャツ、パーカー、トレーナー、スウェット、ポロシャツと幅広く扱っている。 大手アパレルメーカーや大手スポーツメーカーの製品も数多...
icross co., ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
We can handle a wide range of apparel-related matters, from planning to production.
An apparel OEM company located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. With bases in Japan, Korea, and China, the company's strength lies in its ability to propose production plans tailored to customer needs. Flexibl
alt Co., Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Planning and OEM production of ladies' and mens' apparel such as coats and blouses
a wide range of products for ladies (coats, blousons, dresses, shirts, blouses, pants, skirts) and mens (jackets, shirts, pants).
【Mens in Japan】
They offer a human sensibility that is woven into everyday clothing.
Apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka MADE IN JAPAN quality is their strength. They offer clothing that allows women to express their individuality more freely.
【Mens in Japan】
An OEM company that develops cool. Pursuing high fashion and creativity.
An apparel OEM company located in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. The company's strength lies in its high fashion and creativity, based on the concept of "developing cool and cute". The company covers a wide ra
【Mens in Japan】
Reliability and security of 100% domestic production
An apparel OEM company located in Ryogoku Station, Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company is characterized by the high quality of its 100% domestic production, and many of its main customers are high-end bran
【Mens in Japan】
An OEM/ODM company of mens apparel.
apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, with an office in Tokyo. Focusing on mens apparel, the company can handle material development, item proposals, graphics, and more.
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Fueimasu Oguchi Co., Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
OEM cut and sewn manufacturer with two in-house factories in Japan
h-quality products at high speed. The company offers a wide range of products from ladies' wear to menswear, sportswear, innerwear, and outerwear.
CO-KEN international Inc.
【Mens in Japan】
80% of our customers continue to do business with us for a long time. OEM company with reliability and peace of mind.
pparel OEM company located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company produces O.D.M. and O.E.M. products for menswear, ladies' wear, woven fabrics, and cut-and-sew garments. The company has a high level of cu
【Mens in Japan】
From planning to production. Consistent manufacturing is our commitment.
asaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo. The company handles everything from planning to production of ladies' and mens' apparel. Efficient and stable distribution is achieved through cooperating factories in Vietn
Prophet Factory Co.,Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Various apparel OEM/ODM based on experience with in-house managed mens and accessory brands
An apparel OEM company located in Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. The company operates its own men's apparel and accessory brands and offers various apparel OEM/ODM services.
【Mens in Japan】
A planning and proposal-based OEM company that handles planning, design, pattern making, and sewing for women's and men's cut-and-sew garments.
An apparel OEM company located in Kamezawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo. Handling women's and men's cut and sewn apparel, the company handles the entire process from planning, design, pattern making, and sewing
Garage Industry Co.,Ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Strong sample mass production, pattern making and grading
An apparel OEM company located in Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Specializes in sample mass production, pattern making, and grading. The company has a number of special sewing machines in-house, enablin
GOOD LIFE LABO co., ltd.
【Mens in Japan】
Total production from planning to production
An apparel OEM company located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Total production from pattern making to sample sewing and finished products is possible. Small lot production is also available.
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【Mens in Japan】
Numerous manufacturing facilities in China, providing high value in terms of cost, speed, and quality
An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company offers a wide range of products from general apparel (woven fabrics, knits, and knitwear) to small accessories (bags, hats, accessories
C-five. Inc.
【Mens in Japan】
Pride of Made in Japan, pursuit of the finest quality
An apparel OEM company located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company provides OEM apparel garments for men and ladies. The company is committed to "Made in Japan" and pursues high qualit
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Ask for wholesale of Womens wear.
We are a individual doing business in North America. We are looking for wholesale Womens wear. Quantity is Small, budget is ASK, and schedule is ASK. We would like to be contacted by North America companies. We look forward to hearing from you.
Ask for product planning of Womens wear.
We are a individual doing business in North America. We are looking for a consultant for product planning for Womens wear. Quantity is Small, budget is not yet determined, and schedule is not urgent. We would like to be contacted by Any area companies. We look forward to hearing from you.