Page 2 - [For キッズ] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

Here are 85 "キッズ, 子供服" Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

31 to 60 of 85

  • アンドー株式会社

    【キッズ in Japan】


    アンドー株式会社は栃木県佐野市に本社を置く繊維メーカーです。 織布製造、繊維加工、医療機器製造のかたわら婦人子供服、下着の製造も行っております。

  • 株式会社ベルデ

    【キッズ in Japan】


    株式会社ベルデはメンズ・レディースウェアの企画・製造会社です。 国内外の生産拠点にて製造をしており、新規ブランドの立ち上げや卸仕入れ、海外生地探し・調達なども行っております。

  • 南通開源国際貿易有限公司

    【キッズ in China】


    南通開源国際貿易有限公司は 2013年に設立されたキッズウエアのメーカーであり、年産能力は200万着、プリントや刺繍、特殊加工を施した製品が得意です。 主な取り扱い商品の生産比率は、レディース50%、キッズ40%、メンズ10%で、製品はいずれも日本向けに販売しております。

  • zee-max

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Dancewear is specialty.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Sakado City, Saitama Prefecture. The company produces a wide range of products from dancewear to ladies' young casual wear and children's clothing and accessories. With its own factory in China, the company is able to reduce costs through mass production.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    OEM of baby and children's clothing utilizing 60 years of know-how

    Narahara Knit is an apparel OEM company located in Koto-ku, Tokyo. The company offers comfortable and safe clothing production based on its 60 years of expertise in the business. In baby and children's clothing, the company has an established reputation for creating three-dimensional clothing that matches the body's movements by utilizing a large number of fitting data.

  • RaiseLab Co.,Ltd.

    【キッズ in Japan】

    One-stop service for brand growth from planning and design to production

    An apparel OEM company located in Kyoto, Japan. We provide OEM services for men's, women's, and children's apparel. They provide one-stop support for your production needs, such as "We want to review costs as production volume increases," "We want to stabilize quality," and "We want to produce special-order fabrics. They can deliver not only in finished products, but also handle requests for processing only (sewing and secondary processing), and also with regard to trade such as processing trade and product imports.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    OEM production for ladies, mens and kids

    Located in Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo, this apparel OEM-supporting company picks up from among more than 1,000 samples it holds for OEM production, allowing customers to actually hold the product in their hands while getting it to match their image. They carefully produce one by one.

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    【キッズ in Japan】

    Sells its own brand "mille-ferme" mainly lactation wear.

    An apparel OEM company located in Iwade City, Wakayama Prefecture. The company mainly sells fashionable and cute maternity and nursing clothes.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    Ladies' shoes, kids' shoes, wedding shoes, etc.

    A shoe manufacturer located in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company offers ladies' shoes, kids' shoes, wedding shoes, etc. Depending on cost and delivery time, the company can produce both domestically and overseas. The company also offers its own brand.

  • Mind matsui

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Organic Clothing OEM

    An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. They produce mainly ladies' suits, skirts, pants, jackets, blouses, dresses, etc. They can also handle small-lot sewing from one piece.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    Specialized manufacturer of school uniforms and children's clothing and uniforms

    An apparel manufacturer located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. Specializing in school uniforms, children's clothing, and uniforms, the company also handles sailor uniforms, pleated skirts, and working wear. The company is particularly strong in sailor uniforms. The company provides safe, secure, high-quality products at reasonable prices at its own sewing factory.

  • Yamazaki Hifuku Kougyou

    【キッズ in Japan】

    A manufacturer specializing in mens bottoms and kids bottoms with low cost advantage

    An apparel OEM company located in Hanyu, Saitama. An apparel manufacturer specializing in mens bottoms and kids' bottoms, featuring low-cost production in Myanmar and China. The company also accepts orders for the same industry.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    Baby Clothing Manufacturer

    An apparel manufacturer located in Konan City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Specializing in baby clothing, the company offers jinbei, jinbei rompas, omiyazari dresses, underwear, yukata, mama coats, pajamas, coveralls, rompas, suits, dresses, yukata dresses, afghans, and more. The company pays particular attention to quality, offering products that are safe and secure for babies.

  • SUNBROS co.,ltd.

    【キッズ in Japan】

    OEM company specializing in menswear and kidswear

    An apparel OEM company located in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. The company is engaged in planning, manufacturing, wholesale, and OEM business of men's fashion and kids' wear, with a focus on menswear. The company constantly creates fashions that respond to the new era in order to respond to the young casual market that is becoming more and more individualized.

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  • Maruta Fuhaku Co., Ltd.

    【キッズ in Japan】

    OEM/ODM of children's and baby clothes

    Headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka, Malta Fuhaku Co., Ltd. is a producer and wholesaler of children's and baby clothes. We have over 50 years of experience in the production of children's and baby clothes, and we utilize this experience to provide OEM and ODM services for children's and baby clothes. - Items available for production -. Hooded hoodies/trainers, T-shirts, leggings with appliques, jinbei/Happi coats, blousons/windbreakers, culottes/shorts, T-shirts with appliques, pants/sweat pants


    【キッズ in Japan】

    30 years of experience creating mainly children's clothing, but also menswear, ladies' clothing, and pet clothing

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of OEM production, mainly children's wear, but also menswear, ladies' wear, sportswear, pet wear, masks, eco-bags, and more. The company is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a Japan-China related apparel manufacturer. Efficient operations and high execution capability are its strong selling points.

  • Aehwa Co., Ltd.

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Providing original products in small lots

    An apparel OEM company located in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. They produce original products such as popular ladies' socks. They handle many high-quality, low-price products and handle everything from design to production. They can handle a wide range of demands, including the production of corporate logos and novelty items for clients! They produce items that can be used for various occasions such as events, in-house merchandising, promotional items, and even gift items.

  • Bovis

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Denim Products for Kids and Babies

    An apparel manufacturer located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The company specializes in denim products for kids, baby clothes, and menswear. The company manufactures its products at its own factory and cutting facility in Japan.

  • M-First Co., Ltd.

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Design, manufacture, wholesale and retail of ladies' wear, kids' wear, men's wear and nightwear

    We are a general apparel manufacturer headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. Founded in 1921, the company has 100 years of experience and achievements in the apparel and fashion industry. The company's strength lies in its planning, proposal, and production capabilities.

  • ニシキ株式会社

    【キッズ in Japan】


    ニシキ株式会社は福岡県福岡市に本社を置くアパレル企業です。 新生児ドレス・乳児アウターなどのベビー衣料から排泄ケアショーツなどのシニア衣料を取り扱っております。

  • シーマプランニング株式会社

    【キッズ in Japan】


    シーマプランニング株式会社は東京都中央区に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 子供服からレディースまで企画提案~生産~輸入業務までの一連のご対応から、OEMや別注対応まで行っています。

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  • 株式会社 ディーポート

    【キッズ in Japan】


    株式会社 ディーポートは中国を拠点としたアパレル製品の海外生産を行う会社です。 中国大連に自社工場を持っており、クライアントに合わせた柔軟な対応を可能にしております。

  • 株式会社ニケール

    【キッズ in Japan】


    株式会社ニケールは東京都中央区に位置するアパレル会社です。 企画提案からPRに至るまで、アパレル製造の全プロセスを一括しパッケージ提供しています。

  • 母袋産業株式会社

    【キッズ in Japan】


    母袋産業株式会社は幼稚園・ 保育園の園児服を製造販売を行う縫製工場です。 また中高生用の学生服、企業や官公庁の制服、高級ブランドの子供服など、紳士服婦人服問わず、幅広いジャンルの制服を製造しております。

  • 株式会社カイタックファミリー

    【キッズ in Japan】


    株式会社カイタックファミリーは自社ブランドに加え海外の様々な人気ブランドとのライセンス契約を結び、多くの商品開発を行う総合アパレルメーカーです。 メンズ、レディース、キッズのさまざまなジャンルのアイテムを取り扱っております。


    【キッズ in Japan】

    Apparel manufacturer that plans and produces children's and women's clothing

    MARUHISA, located in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, is an apparel manufacturer that plans and produces children's and ladies' clothing. The company also plans, produces, and sells men's clothing and underwear.

  • Noguchi Meriyasu

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Sewing factory for cut and sewn products

    Noguchi Meriyasu is a sewing factory for cut and sewn products. Our products include baby products, children's wear products, ladies' wear, mens' wear, and boxer shorts. We can handle everything from pattern making, cutting, sewing, pressing, and delivery.


    【キッズ in Japan】

    Sewing and processing of women's and children's clothing

    AXE GROUP, located in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, is a sewing manufacturer that sews and processes women's and children's clothing. In recent years, the company has focused on the production of upper-middle class women's wear. The company performs integrated production of all processes in its own factory, and is capable of producing a wide variety of products in small lots and in short cycles.

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    【キッズ in Japan】

    OEM of children's and ladies' apparel

    MATSUO, located in Chuo-ku, Osaka, is a well-established apparel company that has been in business for 83 years and handles everything from ladies' apparel sales to OEM. Specializing in small-lot production, MATSUO is able to respond to individual orders in small lots by placing and managing orders directly with a dyeing machine shop in China.

  • Sugimoto Pleats

    【キッズ in Japan】

    Specializes in pleating mainly for women's and children's clothing

    Sugimoto Pleats is an apparel factory that specializes in pleating, mainly for women's and children's clothing. Since its establishment in 1965, the company has specialized in pleating, and is capable of handling a wide variety of pleating processes.

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  • キッズ、ベビー服の縫製依頼

    個人にてキッズブランドの立ち上げを予定しています。 生地はインドよりオーガニックコットンのオリジナルプリントを手配、生地はこちらから支給になります。 元サンプルはあります。 簡単な仕様のロンパース、パンツのパターン、縫製を1型10枚から請け負っていただける工場を国内外で探しております。 ご対応いただける工場様ございましたらご連絡ください。

  • キッズ&レディースのブランド立ち上げ企画

    子供服ECサイトを運営しています。 キッズ向けのイベントやバースデーに使える特別なお洋服 ①【ロンパース、ブラウス、ブルマ、パンツなど】 ②【ニット】 を扱うブランド立ち上げを企画しています。 特にコットン、リネン、レースやチュール、刺繍などの実績をお待ちの企業様と、小ロットでニット対応可(レディース含む)企業様 いらっしゃいましたら、お声掛けください。 イメージデザイン案ございます。 高品質希望です。 まずは小ロットから制作を考えております。 オンラインで打ち合わせができればエリアは問いません。ご連絡お待ちしております。

  • キッズ向けのニットパンツ

    子供服ECサイトを運営しています。 キッズ向けのニットパンツのオリジナル製作を検討しています。 イメージデザイン案ございます。 オンラインで打ち合わせができればエリアは問いません。 高品質希望です。 ニットが得意なOEMの会社様がおりましたらお声がけください。 ご連絡をお待ちしております。

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