Page 8 - [For メンズ] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

Here are 328 "メンズ, 紳士服" Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

211 to 240 of 328


    【メンズ in Japan】

    We are a long-established apparel manufacturer established over 70 years ago. We can plan and produce for both mens and ladies.

    We are an apparel manufacturer located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. We will respond to your needs at the lowest possible cost by making use of our long years of overseas production know-how. We also accept small-lot production and our own production for a small quantity.

  • Aman Corporation Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Mens shoes, ladies shoes in general

    A shoe manufacturer located in Suma-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. The company handles men's shoes and ladies' shoes in general. Production bases include Japan, China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Portugal. Total support from shoe design to manufacturing, quality control, and import agency.

  • Aries Co.,Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    custom-made men's clothing

    An apparel manufacturer located in Hirado, Nagasaki. The company specializes in custom-made men's clothing. The company specializes in the production of high-quality wool-core suits and jackets that accommodate a wide range of design variations.

  • ALL WIN Co., Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Specializes in high-end women's clothing

    An apparel manufacturer located in Seki-shi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company's main products are high-end women's apparel, but they also handle woven fabrics, cut and sewn clothing, and mens casual wear. Made in Japan, with integrated production from cutting to sewing, inspection, needle inspection, finishing pressing, and shipping.

  • WEST

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Mens apparel is our specialty.

    An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Seki-shi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company offers a wide range of products, mainly mens apparel, including casual jackets, casual coats, blousons, cut and sewn clothing, and bottoms. The company offers both high-quality domestic production and cost-saving Chinese production.


    【メンズ in Japan】

    OEM with a focus on sales of imported brands is our strength.

    An apparel OEM company located in Nishi-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. The company is engaged in OEM business with a focus on sales of imported and domestic brands. The company also organizes events at various department stores.

  • SEIKO Corporation

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Strong on cut-and-sew and polo shirts

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company manufactures both men's and ladies' clothing, specializing in cut-and-sew and polo shirts. The company handles polo shirts, T-shirts, knit shirts, and knit jackets. The company handles small-lot domestic sewing and large-lot overseas sewing.

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  • Astyle Co.,ltd

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Men's and ladies' wear and fashion accessories

    Apparel manufacturer located in Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo. The company is engaged in OEM and ODM business of mens and ladies wear and fashion accessories.

  • Subroll inc.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    OEM production of ska-jackets, leather jackets, etc., using our own brand know-how

    An apparel manufacturer located in Saitama City. OEM production of ska-jans, bowling shirts, leather jackets, etc., using its own brand experience and know-how. Strong in handling fine embroidery for ska-jans and bowling shirts.

  • chudai-vista CO.,Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Japanese subsidiary of China Zhongbo Group

    An apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. Japanese subsidiary of China Zhongbo Group, a Chinese trading company. OEM and ODM production of apparel products in general and fashion goods (belts, bags, etc.). We also act as an intermediary for transactions with China Zhongbo Group and other Chinese companies.

  • SUNBROS co.,ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    OEM company specializing in menswear and kidswear

    An apparel OEM company located in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. The company is engaged in planning, manufacturing, wholesale, and OEM business of men's fashion and kids' wear, with a focus on menswear. The company constantly creates fashions that respond to the new era in order to respond to the young casual market that is becoming more and more individualized.

  • CO-KEN international Inc.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    80% of our customers continue to do business with us for a long time. OEM company with reliability and peace of mind.

    Apparel OEM company located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company produces O.D.M. and O.E.M. products for menswear, ladies' wear, woven fabrics, and cut-and-sew garments. The company has a high level of customer satisfaction, with a long-term retention rate of over 80%.


    【メンズ in Hongkong】

    OEM production and shipment of shoes at our own factory in China

    LGI FOOTWEAR GROUP (利華鞋服有限公司) is engaged in OEM production of various shoes for Japanese customers. Our Japanese office, TS LINK products., handles the entire production process from sample prototyping to mass production and shipping, minimizing the burden on our customers. Please contact us for more information.

  • KOEI Co. Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    We produce OEM products from mens and ladies business bags to fashion bags.

    We have our own factory in Japan and subcontract factories in Dalian and Guangzhou, China for OEM production. In overseas production, we mainly produce mens business bags and ladies handbags. We have experience in producing a variety of bags, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about bags. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about bags.

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    【メンズ in Japan】

    30 years of experience creating mainly children's clothing, but also menswear, ladies' clothing, and pet clothing

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of OEM production, mainly children's wear, but also menswear, ladies' wear, sportswear, pet wear, masks, eco-bags, and more. The company is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a Japan-China related apparel manufacturer. Efficient operations and high execution capability are its strong selling points.

  • Aquariner Co.,Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    From planning and design to delivery, they're your one-stop shop for OEM/ODM production!

    We provide integrated support from planning to production. Our sales are speedy OEM production, including small-lot, quick delivery, and overseas factory arrangements. Under thorough quality control based on advanced technical guidance, we can always produce quality products that are completely made-to-order and exactly what you want. We can accept orders for original T-shirts and towels for club activities, each club team, etc.

  • 株式会社 カインドオファー

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Pursuing high quality and safety with a focus on domestic production. Cut and sewn clothing for both ladies and mens.

    An apparel OEM company located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The company mainly handles cut and sewn garments, 70% ladies' (tops, dresses, skirts) and 30% mens'. The company is committed to domestic production, producing high-quality, safe, and value-added products. Quick turnaround time is provided consistently from fabric procurement and patterns to sample and mass production.

  • M-First Co., Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Design, manufacture, wholesale and retail of ladies' wear, kids' wear, men's wear and nightwear

    We are a general apparel manufacturer headquartered in Chuo-ku, Osaka. Founded in 1921, the company has 100 years of experience and achievements in the apparel and fashion industry. The company's strength lies in its planning, proposal, and production capabilities.


    【メンズ in Japan】

    OEM/ODM production of all items, whether mens, ladies, or cut and sewn

    ITOCHU MODEPAL Corporation, headquartered in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, is engaged in the OEM business of casual products for mens, womens, Mrs. Adult, Young adult, and Career. All items, whether mens, ladies, or cut and sewn, are possible. The company is strong in OEM and ODM production of high-quality fashion apparel for ladies and mens, known as luxury upper-middle.

  • EDIC Co.,Ltd.

    【メンズ in Japan】

    Ladies' and mens' shoes OEM

    A leather manufacturer located in Nishi-ku, Kobe. The company mainly produces ladies' shoes and mens' shoes on an OEM basis. Also handles bags, pouches, belts, small leather goods, and leather crafts.

  • DopeWizard LLC

    【メンズ in United States】

    Partner CEO

    DopeWizard is an up and coming U.S based local apparel company. We sell underground hip-hop culture related clothing for the niche minded. Thank you. Translation :) 「DopeWizardは、アメリカを拠点とした新進のアパレル会社です。私たちは、ニッチな心を持つ方々のために、アンダーグラウンドヒップホップ文化に関連する衣料品を提供しています。ありがとうございます。」

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  • 株式会社下平 モードウィン事業部

    【メンズ in Japan】


    株式会社下平は自社製品の開発、衣料・雑貨品の企画・製作・販売までを行うOEM会社です。 レディース、メンズアパレルの他に、マスクなどの雑貨の制作実績があります。

  • 丸佐株式会社

    【メンズ in Japan】


    丸佐株式会社は、岐阜県岐阜市に位置する繊維専門商社です。 テキスタイルから縫製品まで一貫した適地生産にて、アパレル・小売店向けOEM、ODM販売を展開しており、生産拠点は国内、中国、ASEAN諸国と幅広く展開しています。

  • エイジェイ株式会社

    【メンズ in Japan】

    レディース、メンズ、キッズカジュアルウェアなどの 企画・製造

    エイジェイ株式会社は東京都新宿区に本社を置くアパレルメーカーです。 中国にグループ工場を持ち、企画・デザイン・製造・供給まで一貫した自社体制を確立しており、日本国内の多くのお客様とのお取引にて、信頼と実績を構築しています。

  • 株式会社ワイズインターナショナル

    【メンズ in Japan】


    株式会社ワイズインターナショナルは愛知県名古屋市に位置する繊維専門商社です。 メンズカジュアルウェアを中心に企画、製造を行っており、名古屋、岐阜、東京、大阪のアパレルメーカー及び量販店、専門店との取引があります。 中国に強靭な生産体制があり、専属契約を結ぶ工場を含め、生産工場が約20社あります。

  • カナヤマソーイング

    【メンズ in Japan】


    サンプル縫製及び小ロット縫製を中心に活動しております。 サンプルは2日~1週間程度、小ロット縫製は2週間~1ヶ月程度です。

  • 日本被服株式会社

    【メンズ in Japan】


    日本被服株式会社は岡山県倉敷市に位置する学生服メーカーです。 デザインから縫製まで一気通貫での対応をしております。

  • 株式会社カイタックファミリー

    【メンズ in Japan】


    株式会社カイタックファミリーは自社ブランドに加え海外の様々な人気ブランドとのライセンス契約を結び、多くの商品開発を行う総合アパレルメーカーです。 メンズ、レディース、キッズのさまざまなジャンルのアイテムを取り扱っております。

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    【メンズ in Japan】

    Apparel sewing factory mainly handling women's knit products

    OKAWA APPAREL, located in Tawaramoto-cho, Isogi-gun, Nara Prefecture, is an apparel sewing factory that mainly handles women's knit products (T-shirts, cut and sewn clothing, etc.). With knit products as its mainstay, OKAWA APPAREL handles a wide range of products including ladies' wear, kids' wear, pet products, and miscellaneous goods.


    【メンズ in Japan】

    Apparel manufacturer that plans and produces children's and women's clothing

    MARUHISA, located in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, is an apparel manufacturer that plans and produces children's and ladies' clothing. The company also plans, produces, and sells men's clothing and underwear.

Latest bulk of Asks that include “メンズ”

  • オリジナルのメンズ下着ブランドの立ち上げを検討しています。

    初めまして。****の**と申します。 代表が主にインスタグラムのインフルエンサーとして活動(SNS総フォロワー数11万人)しているのですが、このたびオリジナルのメンズ下着ブランドを立ち上げたいと考えています。 そこで現在工場を探して見積もりをお願いしている状態なのですが、基本的には2サイズ展開(S、M)で5種類の商品ラインナップ展開を検討しています。 そこで、下記の3パターンの場合、どのようなお見積もりになるか教えて頂きたいです。 (2サイズ各色100枚ずつ)× デザイン5種類 =計1,000枚 (2サイズ各色500枚ずつ)× デザイン5種類 =計5,000枚 (2サイズ各色1,000枚ずつ)× デザイン5種類 =計10,000枚 当方アパレルは未経験で無作法であることをお詫び致しますが、お見積りや打ち合わせ等頂けますと幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 防水のマウンテンジャケット

    弊社は東京都を拠点にアパレルECを運営しているチーム****(個人事業主)です。 今回、メンズ向けのマウンテンジャケットの新商品の開発に伴いましてOEMの企業様を探しております。 オンラインで打ち合わせができればエリアは問いません。ご連絡お待ちしております。 ですが、なるべく日本生のものがいいので把握よろしくお願い致します。 耐水圧20000mm以上のものを作りたいと思っております。 まずはサンプルから作りたいと思っています。 予算 要相談 ロット数 50pc〜70pc サンプル 納期 要相談

  • メンズ、レディースのロンTのトートバッグの開発

    今回、メンズ、レディースのロンTとトートバッグの製作をしたくOEMの企業様を探しております。 これから立ち上げようとしているブランドです。 販売までの行程を一括できる事が理想です。 特に急いでいる訳ではありませんが、作成時期によってロンTではなくTシャツに変更もあります。 よろしくお願い致します。

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