751 to 780 of 2,037
Mind matsui
18-11, Furuichiba, Gifu City, Gifu
- ladies
- kids
- baby
Organic Clothing OEM
An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. They produce mainly ladies' suits, skirts, pants, jackets, blouses, dresses, etc. They can also handle small-lot sewing f...
大阪府和泉市テクノステージ3丁目4-1 広光印刷ビル2F
- 刺繍
- ワッペン
- エンブレム
ゴーダEMB株式会社は大阪府和泉市に本社を置き、創業80年以上の歴史をもつ老舗刺繍業者です。 アパレル刺繍以外にも会社のロゴ刺繍、販促用の刺繍グッズ、キャラクターグッズの刺繍など、さまざまな実績がありま...
474-10 Kamikawate, Gifu City, Gifu
- mens
- casual
- apparel
Casual young men's apparel manufacturer
An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture. The company offers a wide range of apparel, including shirts, blousons, coats, and pants, with a focus on men's apparel targeting...
GFT Enterprise co.,ltd.
204-2, Ikitsu, Mizuho-shi, Gifu
- mens
- ladies
- outerwear
Strong in mens and ladies outerwear
An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Mizuho City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company specializes in men's and ladies' outerwear. With its own factories and a network of group companies in Japa...
SUN ACE Co .Ltd.,
4-14-3 Shikishima-cho, Gifu City, Gifu
- mens
- apparel
- smalllot
General mens apparel with unique design and functionality
An apparel OEM manufacturer in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Focusing on menswear, the company offers a wide range of products from suits, outerwear, jackets, pants, knits, cuts, and shoes. ...
2-21 Hayata-cho, Gifu City, Gifu
- mrs
- ladies
- apparel
Planning, manufacturing and sales of ladies' wear Formal wear, jackets, coats, etc.
An apparel OEM manufacturer located in Gifu, Gifu Prefecture. They deal in formal wear, jackets, and coats, focusing on ladies' and women's apparel. The company provides total support through an ...
8-5-1 Nagasumi-cho, Gifu City, Gifu
- apparel
- cutsew
- ladies
OEM production of apparel products
An apparel OEM company located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company plans and produces apparel products on an OEM basis in Japan and overseas.
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658-1 Inazato, Mizuho-shi, Gifu
- sewingfactory
- ladies
- mens
Ladies', mens' and children's clothing
A sewing factory located in Mizuho City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The company handles everything from cutting to pressing and shipping of ladies', mens', and children's clothing. Chinese staff me...
5-50 Hitotsuyama, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi
- cutsew
- sewingfactory
- カットソー
cutsew specialty
Sewing factory located in Nagoya, Aichi. Specializing in cut-and-sew garments, the company offers samples, fabrics, patterns, and secondary processing.
3-909, Koryu, Meito-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
- uniform
- workwear
- 作業服
Office Clothes, Work Clothes, Uniforms
Apparel manufacturer located in Nagoya, Aichi. Specializes in office wear, work wear, and uniforms.
FASIC Co.,Ltd.
63-1 Gonishi, Sanjo, Ichinomiya City, Aichi
- suits
- mens
- ladies
Private brand manufacturer of mens suits and ladies suits
An apparel manufacturer located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. It plans and manufactures private brand suits, coats, jackets, etc. for retailers. The company always stands on the side of r...
86-1 Minamide-cho, Ichinomiya City, Aichi
- ladies
- mrs
- apparel
Ladies' Apparel Manufacturer
An apparel manufacturer located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. The company specializes in women's fashion (coats, jackets, suits, blouses, cut-and-sewns, etc.) for women in their 40s and ol...
1-16, Yake-cho, Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
- cutsew
- tshirts
- mens
T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, etc., mainly cut and sewn
An apparel manufacturer located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. The company specializes in cut-and-sew clothing, including sweatshirts, T-shirts, hoodies, pants, and dresses. The company's own ...
6-17 Kinosakidori, Ichinomiya City, Aichi
- kids
- uniforms
- sewingfactory
Specialized manufacturer of school uniforms and children's clothing and uniforms
An apparel manufacturer located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. Specializing in school uniforms, children's clothing, and uniforms, the company also handles sailor uniforms, pleated skirts, ...
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Kunimori Corp
26 Hanazono-cho, Toyohashi-shi, Aichi
- schooluniform
- uniform
- tshirts
School uniforms, gym uniforms, uniforms, etc. Original T-shirts are also available.
An apparel manufacturer located in Toyohashi, Aichi. Specializing in school uniforms, gym uniforms, and uniforms, the company also handles original T-shirts, original polo shirts, and original swe...
88 Higashi Senmaru, Nohaku-cho, Konan City, Aichi
- baby
- kids
- toddler
Baby Clothing Manufacturer
An apparel manufacturer located in Konan City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Specializing in baby clothing, the company offers jinbei, jinbei rompas, omiyazari dresses, underwear, yukata, mama coats, p...
Ability Burn CO.,LTD.
1-155 Namiki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi
- mens
- cutsew
- knit
Specializes in young casual wear. Cut and sewn, knitwear, etc.
An apparel trading company located in Nagoya, Aichi. Focusing on young casual wear, the company handles cut and sewn knit products, baby and toddler outerwear, etc.
FB Co.Ltd.
2-36-2, Toriidori 2-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi
- ladies
- dress
- sewingfactory
Three functions of "sewing factory," "trading company," and "planning and sales" with an excellent sense of balance
An apparel manufacturer located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. The company handles a wide range of products, mainly for ladies, including dresses, suits, blouses, coats, jackets, skirts, and pa...
株式会社 町田
- ユニフォーム
- サービスウェア
- イベントウェア
株式会社 町田は愛知県名古屋市に位置する総合ユニフォームメーカーです。 接客業から販売業、清掃着から作業着にいたるまでさまざまなユニフォームを扱っており、企画・デザイン・生産・販売から管理業務まで、...
485 Ichibaeki-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
- uniform
- workwear
- 作業服
Specialized manufacturer of work clothes
An apparel manufacturer located in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. Specializing in work clothes, working wear, and office wear, the company offers overalls, work shirts, slacks, jumpers, jackets, knits,...
1-16-29 Yoshino, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
- mens
- suits
- coat
Mens apparel. Men's formal wear, men's suits, men's coats, etc.
Apparel manufacturer located in Nagoya, Aichi. Mainly dealing in men's apparel such as men's formal wear, men's suits, men's coats, and formal wear. Total support from planning to materials, desi...
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株式会社 美光
- インナー
- ナイトウェア
- 健康雑貨
株式会社 美光は東京都江戸川区に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 レディースインナーを中心にサポーターなどのメディカルグッズも取り扱っております。
東京都港区芝3-1-14 芝公園阪神ビル 4F
- インナー
- 雑貨
- パターン
株式会社ブルマーレは東京都港区に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 経験豊富な専属デザイナー、パタンナーが多数在籍しており、トレンドを意識した資材企画、製品企画を可能にしております。 商品企画から納品...
株式会社 マルキ
- レディース
- インナー
- ショーツ
株式会社 マルキは東京都江東区に本社を置く、レディースインナーメーカーです。 コットンショーツやサニタリーショーツなどの自社ブランドを展開する傍らOEMも行っております。
- レディース
- メンズ
- 中国工場
レディース、メンズ、キッズカジュアルウェアなどの 企画・製造
エイジェイ株式会社は東京都新宿区に本社を置くアパレルメーカーです。 中国にグループ工場を持ち、企画・デザイン・製造・供給まで一貫した自社体制を確立しており、日本国内の多くのお客様とのお取引にて、信...
東京都墨田区両国4-1-8 タナカビル3F
- レディース
- カジュアル
株式会社ニューズ・トレーディングは東京都墨田区に本社を置くアパレルメーカーです。 OEM・ODMの他にオリジナルブランドも展開しております。
東京都北区赤羽北2-13-9 エスポワール101-1
- デニム
- 布帛
- レザー
株式会社ディセットは東京都北区に位置する縫製会社です。 メンズ、レディース、キッズの全て、素材もデニム、布帛、カットソー、ニット、レザーと幅広いアイテムに対応しております。 有名ブランドへの納品実...
株式会社 ディーポート
- キッズ
- レディース
- カジュアル
株式会社 ディーポートは中国を拠点としたアパレル製品の海外生産を行う会社です。 中国大連に自社工場を持っており、クライアントに合わせた柔軟な対応を可能にしております。
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東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-28-5 コーポ葵504
- デニム
- 中国生産
- 生地開発
株式会社コゼットは東京都渋谷区に位置するアパレルメーカーです。 中国上海に自社の縫製工場、プリントエ場などがある強みを生かして、生地の開発から縫製までを全て自社工場にて生産出来るOEM 生産/ODM...
東京都中央区日本橋久松町11-8 CITY PRIME日本橋 3F
- キッズ
- レディース
- 雑貨
株式会社ニケールは東京都中央区に位置するアパレル会社です。 企画提案からPRに至るまで、アパレル製造の全プロセスを一括しパッケージ提供しています。