Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong ユニフォーム in Vietnam

2 apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong ユニフォーム, 制服, ワークウェア, 作業服 in Vietnam. A free bulk ask is useful to get a lump-sum quote from ユニフォーム, 制服, ワークウェア, 作業服 OEM companies.

Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers specializing in ユニフォーム, 制服, ワークウェア, 作業服 in Vietnam.

ユニフォーム ×

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  • Ekets Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    39A Street No.2, Thao Dien, Thu Duc, HCMC, VIETNAM

    • レディース
    • ユニフォーム
    • ノベルティ

    アパレル・雑貨 OEM  サンプル1枚からノベルティ製品コンテナ配送まで各種お取り扱い 

    ホーチミンに事務所を置く、OEMを中心にお受けしている生産管理会社です。アパレル(ほぼ全アイテム)・雑貨(縫製品以外も可能)など多品目をお取り扱いしています。 ベトナム全土に協力工場を多数持ち、各案件のアイテム、数量、お客様のニーズに合わせた工場を選び全生産管理を行います。 小ロット案件や、デザインの込み入った難しい案件、展示会サンプルなどについては、縫製経験20年以上の熟練者数名を集めた自社スタジオにて生産しています。 やり取りは全て日本人が担当し、輸入手配・決済は日本国内で対応可能です(有限会社エケッツインターナショナル) お客様との丁寧なコミュニケーションを大切に、ご希望により近い「ものつくり」をモットーとしております


    Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    • 帽子
    • 雑貨
    • バッグ

    Cap,Hats, Apparel goods, Apparel, Uniforms, OEM, Brand launch support, etc... Japanese staff will be happy to assist you.

    Cap,Hats, apparel goods, Apparel, Uniforms, OEM, brand launch support, etc. Japanese staff will be happy to assist you. We produce a wide range of products, from hats and other apparel goods to uniforms, T-shirts, sweatshirts, woven fabrics, eco-bags, and more, We can handle a wide range of products from small lot 30 to mass production. We can also handle secondary processing such as embroidery, printing, and washing. We also provide support for purchasing in the rapidly growing Vietnamese apparel market (tagging, inspection, packaging), We also provide full support for launching a brand. We can also provide original goods (sandals, key chains, stickers, ballpoint pens, etc.). We work closely with an experienced team of onsite factory staff, Our mainly handle products is the Japanese market and including the United States, Europe, and other Asian countries. but we also work with retailers, brands, and importers from all over the world, We also produce and export to retailers, brands, importers, and other customers. We have a proven track record of exporting products (OEM/ODM). We also have a strong supply chain infrastructure. Our team is committed to the development, design, and quality control of our products, We are a company that strives to produce products from all over the world. Our Japanese staff will be happy to assist you.