Page 3 - Bottoms Manufacturers

Here are 67 Bottoms, pants, skirt manufacturers and factories.

61 to 67 of 67

  • Tainan Enterprises | 台南企業股份有限公司 Tainan Enterprises | 台南企業股份有限公司

    【Bottoms in Taiwan】

    Tainan Enterprises Co., Ltd. is a premier apparel manufacturer

    Tainan Enterprises Co., Ltd. is a premier apparel manufacturer that has powered the growth of world’s leading brands in the past half century, with its agile management, innovative R&D, flexible globa

  • Sewing Asahi Sewing Asahi

    【Bottoms in Japan】

    OEM of women's apparel

    Sewing Asahi is a sewing factory located in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture. We deal in ladies' apparel, mainly formal items such as suits, dresses, and coats.


    【Bottoms in Japan】

    Manufacture of women's slacks and skirts

    ompany located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The company manufactures women's slacks and skirts and has its own brand.

  • Tachibana dress Co. Tachibana dress Co.

    【Bottoms in Japan】

    Apparel OEM with superior design and functionality

    Tachibana dress Co. is a sewing company specializing in ladies' apparel. High-precision digital measurements enable us to achieve not only designs but also beautiful silhouettes and comfortable fit.

  • Urban Nawachi Co. Urban Nawachi Co.

    【Bottoms in Japan】

    Sewing of ladies' bottoms and cut-and-sew garments

    Ltd. is a sewing factory located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. We mainly produce ladies' bottoms and cut-and-sew garments in a wide variety, in small lots, and with short delivery times.

  • Hanazono Hifuku Co.,Ltd. Hanazono Hifuku Co.,Ltd.

    【Bottoms in Japan】

    Sewing of men's bottoms, women's bottoms, etc.

    . is a sewing factory located in Kuma-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture. The company sews men's and women's bottoms, mostly pants, but also some skirts.


    【Bottoms in Japan】

    Sewing and processing of women's bottoms in general (pants and skirts)

    UNITY, located in Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture, sews and processes all types of women's bottoms (pants, skirts, and others (uniforms, shirts, dresses).

Latest bulk of Asks that include “bottoms”

  • メンズウェアのOEM生産のご相談

    メンズウエア生産の相談 初めまして。 ****の**と申します。 私たちは東京の渋谷区を拠点にアパレルoem事業を行っております。 月間で中国500枚 日本国内300枚程度生産を行っております。 この度メンズウエアブランドの生産を請け負うことになり、中国、ベトナムの縫製工場様にご相談できないかと思い連絡させていただきました。 クライアントのブランドはメンズのミリタリーデッドストックをメインとした商材を扱うブランドで、ミリタリーカジュアルやカットソーなどのアイテムをオリジナルで展開しています。 御社にはミリタリー風のアウターやボトムスを生産していただきたく連絡しました。 ベトナムでの生産は初めてで、生地や付属品等の情報を教えていただきながら生産を進めたいと思っています。もし宜しければコストやロット等についてお話したいと思っております。 ご返信お待ちしております。 該当ブランドURL↓ コンタクト後に送信いたします。 Nice to meet you. My name is Shimada from Maya Design Systems Co., Ltd. We are based in Shibuya, Tokyo, and run an apparel OEM business. We produce around 500 pieces per month in China and 300 pieces in Japan. We have recently taken on the production of a men's wear brand, and I am reaching out to see if we can consult with your company. The brand is called "Fifth General Store," which primarily deals with men's military deadstock items. We offer original items such as military casual wear and cut-and-sew pieces. We are contacting you to request the production of military-style outerwear and bottoms. This is our first time producing in Vietnam, and we would like to proceed with production while learning about the fabrics and accessories from you. If possible, we would like to discuss costs, lot sizes, and other details. We look forward to your reply. The brand's URL is below: I send you about specification after contact me. Shimada Maya design systems Inc 1-1-11,Nakameguro,Meguroku,Tokyo

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