Page 3 - [For シューズ] Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

Here are 144 "シューズ, 靴, スニーカー, サンダル" Apparel & Clothing Manufacturers

61 to 90 of 144

  • pierce

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Shoe company that does OEM of mens and ladies shoes.

    An apparel OEM company located in Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo. It is a "shoe" company that OEMs men's and ladies' shoes and produces its own original brand.

  • MIYATA Co.,Ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    OEM of casual shoes

    We make proposals that incorporate the information we have gathered with the client's needs (product image, timing of product launch, brand concept, etc.). We will carefully respond to your needs up to the commercialization of the product. We plan and develop original brands (Hushed Codes, Lovely Smile, etc.), and we do not only provide products, but also offer proposals for creating sales floors, including in-store POP and sales promotion materials.

  • Kurita

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Geta and Zori

    A shoe manufacturer located in Tennoji-ku, Osaka. They deal in traditional Japanese items such as geta (Japanese clogs) and zori (Japanese sandals). Also, kindergarten shoes, medical care and health-related footwear.

  • Tsuruoka CO.,LTD.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    GUNZE, trading company specializing in apparel with a focus on school products

    An apparel OEM company located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The company handles a diverse range of products, including ladies, outerwear, innerwear, schoolwear, workwear, and gifts, with a focus on school products.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    As a manufacturer of socks, innerwear, neck warmers, etc., we produce a variety of items

    An apparel OEM company located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. In addition to original brands that focus on yarns, materials, and comfort, the company also offers licensed brands that make use of the designs of various famous brands, as well as imported brands that produce items such as socks and innerwear of famous overseas brands.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    General trading company of shoes

    A general trading company of shoes located in Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture. The company provides OEM mainly by arranging combinations of wooden patterns, paper patterns, and materials owned by the company. Quality and price are the company's strengths.

  • PASSO.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Ladies' Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Hyogo Ward, Kobe City. The company mainly deals in ladies' shoes. The company also offers its own brand.

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    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's and children's shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Nagata-ku, Kobe. The company focuses on women's and children's shoes made of natural and man-made leather, with an emphasis on made in Japan. Pumps, ballet shoes, sandals, boots, children's shoes, shoe accessories, etc.

  • MODE NAKAMURA co., ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's shoes OEM.

    A shoe manufacturer located in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. The company's main products are women's shoes and comfort shoes. The company manufactures comfortable and fashionable comfort casual shoes.

  • PIONEER Co., Ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Men's and women's shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Adachi-ku, Tokyo. The company offers men's and women's shoes. The company is particular about leather and creates its own "softest leather-like noumenal leather.

  • Youka Inc.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Dance Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo. The company mainly deals in dance shoes. Elfina's dance shoes, which are manufactured in its own factory, are used by professionals and have earned a high reputation.

  • Ogasawara shoes

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Finest handmade men's shoes

    A shoe manufacturer located in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo. The company manufactures high-end handmade men's shoes. A shoe manufacturer that strongly preserves the traditions and world of old-fashioned handmade shoe craftsmanship.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Ladies' Shoes OEM

    An apparel company located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company manufactures ladies' shoes on an OEM basis at its factory in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.

  • Pivot

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Business shoes OEM, focusing on slip resistance and comfort.

    A shoe manufacturer located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. They mainly deal in business shoes, and are particular about slip resistance and comfort. The company supports various shoe-making methods such as Goodyear, Mackay, stitchdown, and cement.

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  • Asso International

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's Shoes OEM

    An apparel manufacturer located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. The company offers a wide range of women's shoes, including sandals, heels, mules, pumps, sneakers, boots, and health shoes.

  • IKEMOTO Inc.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    OEM production of women's and men's shoes

    A shoe manufacturer located in Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture. The company handles women's and men's shoes. The company also manufactures custom-made products that are shown at fashion shows such as the Paris Collection.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Soft and fluffy shoes made with a special manufacturing process

    A shoe manufacturer located in Ikuno Ward, Osaka City. The company manufactures soft and comfortable shoes using a special manufacturing method.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The company mainly handles leather shoes for men and women. The company has a proven track record with major apparel brands, select stores, and department stores.

  • KOWA International Co.,Ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The company offers a wide range of products from men's business shoes to casual shoes and ladies' shoes. The company produces 2 million pairs of shoes annually.

  • Thunder trading

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Business Shoes, Men's Casual Shoes

    A shoe manufacturer located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company offers men's business shoes and casual shoes. The company uses natural leather, mainly cowhide, to produce high-quality shoes made in Japan.

  • Shiba shoes

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Luxury men's shoes

    A shoe manufacturer located in Adachi-ku, Tokyo. The company handles all types of business shoes and casual shoes made of leather. Own brand 60%, OEM brand 40%.

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  • SHADOW co., ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company mainly deals in women's shoes and manufactures high quality shoes made in Japan.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Suma-ku, Kobe. The company mainly deals in women's shoes. The company offers a wide range of products from casual to elegant, mainly for high school students to career people.

  • Ability Squared

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's shoes and bags OEM

    An apparel company located in Chuo-ku, Osaka. The company's main products are women's shoes and handbags. With its unique framework, the company manufactures stable products that sell fast, cheap, and well.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Nishinari-ku, Osaka City. The company offers a wide range of men's, women's, and children's shoes made in Japan and China. The company features a wide selection of products and reasonable prices.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Women's Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Naniwa-ku, Osaka City. The company manufactures high quality women's shoes made in Japan. The company handles OEM for domestic and international luxury brands.

  • F.A.R.M Co., Ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Sneaker OEM

    An apparel company located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. OEM production of mainly vulcanized sneakers. Small-lot production is also available.


    【シューズ in Japan】

    Sports shoes, casual shoes, etc.

    An apparel company located in Tennoji-ku, Osaka. The company offers a wide range of products including sports shoes, casual shoes, trekking shoes, vulcanized shoes, boots, and business shoes. The company is capable of planning and proposing a diverse range of products from low to high price ranges.

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  • Kawamura Corporation.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    For shoe OEMs in Europe and Asia

    An apparel company located in Taito-ku, Tokyo. The company has cooperating factories in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Laos, and provides total support for complex interactions and processes with overseas factories.

  • Oriental-shoes,Co.,Ltd.

    【シューズ in Japan】

    Shoes OEM

    A shoe manufacturer located in Yamatokoriyama City, Nara Prefecture. They offer a wide range of shoes for men, ladies, and kids. Small lot orders are also available.

Latest bulk of Asks that include “シューズ”

  • シークレットシューズのスニーカーの相談

    私は神奈川県に在住している会社員です。 今回、ストリートファッション向けのシークレットシューズでスニーカーの新商品の開発に伴いましてOEMの企業様を探しております。 オンラインで打ち合わせができればエリアは問いません。ご連絡お待ちしております。 (予算はまず小規模から初めて行きたいと考えています。当方でアパレル経験がなく初の試みのため色々とご指摘していただけると幸いです。)

  • アパレル小物OEM生産のご相談

    新しくアパレル小物のブランドを立ち上げたいと考えております。 主に合皮素材の女性向けけのバッグやボトルケース、シューズケースなどアパレル小物の、 商品開発に伴いましてOEMの企業様を探しております。 イメージデザインはございます。 コストを抑えて作成したいのは勿論ですが、 予算的にも大量の在庫を抱える事ができず、 まずは小ロット(10~30pcs程度)での発注を検討しています。 サンプルにかかるコストや、おおよその単価などのご相談、 またコストを抑えてイメージデザインに近いものを 製作できる方法などアドバイスをいただけると助かります。 オンラインで打ち合わせ可能です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ダンス専用のシューズの制作について

    この度、ダンスシューズの開発を進めており製造の相談でご連絡いたしました。 10代~20代前半のダンサーをターゲットとした、機能性を追求したダンスシューズです 上記に関して、何点かお問合せしたいことがあります。 ①以下を機能としては考えておりますが技術的に可能なものでしょうか 軽さ: 軽量素材を使用することで、長時間踊っても疲れにくい クッション性: 衝撃を吸収し、快適な履き心地 ソールの曲がりやすさ: 柔軟なソールで足に自然にフィットし、スムーズな動きをサポート 滑りにくさ: 滑りにくいアウトソールを使用することで、ダンスフロアでの安全性を確保 足首回りの可動性: 足首回りを柔軟に設計することで、怪我を防ぎ、自由な動きを可能に つま先の可動性: つま先部分を広く設計することで、ステップやターンがしやすくなる 通気性: 通気性の良い素材を使用することで、足を涼しく快適に保つ ➁デザインは弊社で行おうと考えており、シューズの型のみ(デザインが全くない状態の靴)を作っていただくことは可能でしょうか ➂デザインが完成した段階で、同様なものをOEM生産をお願いすることは可能でしょうか 制作自体が初めてなもので、拙い質問かもしれないことをご容赦ください。 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

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