Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong goods in Fukuoka

2 apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers with strong goods, accessory in Fukuoka. A free bulk ask is useful to get a lump-sum quote from goods, accessory OEM companies.

Apparel OEM companies and Clothing manufacturers specializing in goods, accessory in Fukuoka.

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  • Lic's Planning CO., Ltd.

    4-5-13, Tanotsu, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka

    • goods
    • hat
    • belt

    Hats, belts, stoles, etc.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The company specializes in products such as hats, belts, and stoles targeting young women of the MARUKYU type. Small-lot production and quick delivery are possible.

  • ONE-STEP,Inc.

    4-2-49 Ijiri, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka

    • goods
    • accessory
    • hat

    Various accessories, hats, bags, etc.

    An apparel manufacturer located in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Focusing on accessories and clothing goods, the company can also produce hats, bags, smartphone cases, etc. The company also operates the directly-managed store "TONERY".