【Genderless Lingerie OEM】Interview with REBIS


【Genderless Lingerie OEM】Interview with REBIS (2024/05/14)

Impressions on using Apparel OEM Search

At first, we searched on search sites and consulted with companies through their inquiry forms, but we were not able to produce samples, partly because the item was not a major item.

With “Apparel OEM Search,” we were approached by several companies, and among them we were able to find a company that was willing to manufacture samples for us.

What were the deciding factors in hiring Prime Developments Co., Ltd.?

The most important reason was that they agreed with our brand concept and the enthusiasm we had for it.

Prime Developments Co., Ltd. had no experience in genderless lingerie production like the other companies we approached, but they understood our enthusiasm and worked with us to create samples. Thanks to their efforts, we were able to create samples that were satisfactory in terms of both design and functionality.

Item Concept

REBIS offers designs traditionally considered “for women” for all genders. The genderless lingerie created for this project is highly aesthetically pleasing, with lace on the bralette and panties.

Panties are designed to conform to the male form and are comfortable without being constrictive due to their stretchy material and curved design. Bralettes are designed with removable or additional padding. This allows them to meet a wide variety of needs.

REBIS's vision for the future

REBIS is a brand that transcends gender boundaries and is close to you in your pursuit of free fashion. As an apparel brand, we are currently in the sample stage and are working toward mass production.

Eventually, we aim to promote values that are not bound by social or cultural gender, age, or body type through a variety of mediums, from lingerie stores to lifestyle support, events, and media creation.

OEM contractor: REBIS OEM entrusted company: Prime Developments Co., Ltd.