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### 「アパレルOEM検索」ご利用の感想 以前は別の工場にバイクウェアの製造を依頼していましたが、量産段階でのデザインミスなど問題が多く、うまくいかないことがありました。そこで、別の工場を探す必要があ...
調査概要 冬のアウターはファッションアイテムとしてだけでなく、防寒対策などの機能面も求められることが多いと思います。定番のダウンからビジネスシーンでは欠かせないチェスターコートなど、皆さんはどの...
平素より、アパレルOEMのマッチングサービス『アパレルOEM検索』をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 『アパレルOEM検索』では下記の期間を年末年始休業とさせていただきます。 年末年始休業期間:...
調査概要 冬のアウターはファッションアイテムとしてだけでなく、防寒対策などの機能面も求められることが多いと思います。定番のダウンからビジネスシーンでは欠かせないチェスターコートなど、皆さんはどの...
調査概要 今回は、全国の20~50代の男女を対象に、「アパレル販売員に勧められた商品を購入したことがありますか?」のアンケート調査を実施いたしましたのでご紹介いたします。 調査対象 全国の20~5...
調査概要 今回は、全国の20~50代の男女を対象に、「アパレル販売員に勧められた商品を購入したことがありますか?」のアンケート調査を実施いたしましたのでご紹介いたします。 調査対象 全国の20~5...
調査概要 「服の保管スペースがない」「お金をかけずにいろいろなファッションを楽しみたい」そんなときに利用できる洋服のレンタルサービス、皆さんは使ったことはありますか? 今回は、全国の20~50代の男...
調査概要 「服の保管スペースがない」「お金をかけずにいろいろなファッションを楽しみたい」そんなときに利用できる洋服のレンタルサービス、皆さんは使ったことはありますか? 今回は、全国の20~50代の男...
70% of respondents spend less than 50,000 yen “How much do you spend on clothes in a year?” Survey
urvey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s~50s nationwide, asking “How much do you spend on clothes in a year?” We are pleased to introduce the results of this ...
83% have experienced “Have you ever failed to wear a garment you purchased?” Survey
urvey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s~50s nationwide, asking the question, “Have you ever not worn a garment you purchased?” We are pleased to introduce th...
The majority of respondents purchase clothes once every two to three months! How often do you buy clothes?” Questionnaire Survey
Survey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s to 50s across Japan, asking “How often do you buy clothes?” We are pleased to introduce the results of this survey. ...
Majority dispose of as combustible trash “How do you dispose of your unwanted clothing?” Questionnaire survey
Survey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 10s to 50s across Japan, asking “What are the decisive factors when purchasing a T-shirt?” We are pleased to introduce t...
Many respondents place importance on fabric and material! “What are the deciding factors when purchasing a T-shirt?” Questionnaire survey
Survey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 10s to 50s across Japan, asking “What are the decisive factors when purchasing a T-shirt?” We are pleased to introduce t...
Slightly more people feel resistance!? Do you feel resistance to secondhand clothing?" Questionnaire survey
Survey Summary This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s~50s nationwide, asking the question, "Do you have any resistance to secondhand clothing?" We would like to introduce...
【Original bag OEM】Interview with Cle'one Bag
### Impressions on using Apparel OEM Search The reason I started using “Apparel OEM Search” was when I was looking for an OEM partner for school bags and backpacks for elementary school students...
【OEM of wheelchair covers and tops】Interview with Lia Fur COLLECTION
### Impressions on using Apparel OEM Search This time, our client requested us to manufacture wheelchair covers and tops. I used to use another apparel OEM information site, but I did not hav...
【OEM Aprons】Interview with the café 2022
### Impressions on using Apparel OEM Search We used to outsource apron production to another company, but due to fabric procurement However, we were unable to manufacture aprons to our satisfac...
【Genderless Lingerie OEM】Interview with REBIS
### Impressions on using Apparel OEM Search At first, we searched on search sites and consulted with companies through their inquiry forms, but we were not able to produce samples, partly becaus...
Women purchase pants (shorts) mostly at stores! A survey on women's pants (shorts) purchases.
Survey Summary Where do women buy their pants (shorts)? For this year's survey, we targeted women in their teens to 50s nationwide,「Where do you buy your pants (shorts)?" We are pleased to i...
Many women buy bras at “stores”! A survey asking, "For women, where do you buy bras?"
Survey Summary Where do women buy bras? This time, we conducted a survey of women in their teens to 50s from all over the country asking, ``Where do you buy bras?'' People surveyed ...