hansoll textile ltd

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hansoll textile ltd

Industry Global Leading Fashion Company.

Hansoll Textile Co.,Ltd. Is engaged in textile industry.The company also manufactures and exports of knit apparel.
Hansoll Textile Co.,Ltd operates its subsidiaries overseas including Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Guatemela and Nicaragua, in addition to Korean headquarters and US location.
Hansoll Textile Co.,Ltd has over 40 major clients namely: A&F, Adidas, American Eagle, Aerie, Anthropologie, Belk, Carter's, Chico's, Express, Fanatics, Fila, Free People, Gap, Gapfit, Giordano, Gymboree, Hollister, JCPEnney, J. CREW, Justice and among others.

hansoll textile ltd - Company profile

Company hansoll textile ltd
Address Hansoll Textile Bldg., 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
URL https://www.hansoll.com/_ENG/

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