83% have experienced “Have you ever failed to wear a garment you purchased?” Survey


83% have experienced “Have you ever failed to wear a garment you purchased?” Survey (2024/10/04)

urvey Summary

This time, we conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s~50s nationwide, asking the question, “Have you ever not worn a garment you purchased?” We are pleased to introduce the results of the survey.

People surveyed Men and women in their 20s to 50s nationwide
Number of answers 100
study period 2024/09/30〜2024/10/01
method of investigation Internet survey

Respondent Attributes





83% of respondents have experienced

Have you ever failed to wear a garment you purchased?

often: 4
occasionally: 63
very little: 16
No experience: 17

  • I often make the mistake of purchasing items by mail order and finding that they are not what I imagined. (20s / Female / Osaka / Housewife)
  • They are satisfied with what they bought and forget to wear it. When I come home from shopping, I leave the clothes in the bag, and this keeps happening every time, so I don't even remember what I bought, and I miss the time to wear it. (30s / Female / Osaka / Housewife)
  • Often purchased clothes at first sight and never worn. I am satisfied with the purchase. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I often forget that I bought it. Even if I remember, I don't wear it if the design is too difficult to coordinate. (30s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)

  • The clothes I purchased on the Internet were different in image from what I received on the sales site. (40s / Male / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • There are things that I saw on the Internet and really liked, but when I actually try them on, they make me look abnormally fat or my style looks bad anyway, so I don't wear them. (40s / Female / Niigata / Dispatched worker, contract worker)
  • There have been several times when I have put a piece of clothing in the back of a drawer because I thought it would be a waste to wear it immediately after buying it, and before I knew it, I had forgotten about it and never wore it again. I would notice it years later and wear it later. There was also a time when I threw it away because it had a hole in it after not wearing it once. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I bought the clothes during the pre-season sales, but when it came time to wear them, I felt that the design of the clothes was somehow uncool, so I didn't wear them as they were. (30s / Male / Akita / Full-time employee)
  • There have been times when I bought a dress from a picture on the Internet without trying it on, and when I tried it on and it didn't fit well, I didn't even try it on. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Part-time job)
  • Sometimes I buy an item I like online instead of in a physical store, and when I receive it, I don't wear it because the color, texture, size, etc. is not what I expected. In many cases, the item is a bargain item, and I can't return it, so I give up and get rid of it. (50s / Female / Hyogo / Housewife)
  • There have been times when I have purchased items online because I thought they looked cute in the pictures, but when I saw them in person, I thought they didn't fit me, so I didn't wear them. Also, there are clothes that I bought because they looked cute on the mannequin in the store, but I didn't know which outfit to wear with them, so I didn't wear them. (30s / Female / Overseas / Unemployed)
  • Clothes that I buy on impulse because I think they are cheap and good for some reason do not fit well when I go home and try them on, and I sometimes end up not having a chance to wear them. (40s / Female / Chiba / Full-time employee)
  • There are times when I don't wear items from Internet or catalog sales because the image is different from what I expected, it is difficult to wear, or the size doesn't fit slightly. (50s / Female / Hiroshima / Others)
  • Sometimes I don't wear the clothes I am currently wearing until they are no longer good enough to use. (50s / Male / Okayama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • Sometimes I buy something on the spur of the moment, only to realize later that I don't wear it at all. (40s / Male / Nara / Housewife)
  • I bought it because it looked easy to coordinate in general, and it didn't match my wardrobe (50s / Female / Tokyo / Temporary staff, Contract Worker)
  • I thought it was nice on the Internet, but when I saw it in person, it was different from what I expected (20s / Male / Shizuoka / Student)
  • When I tried it on, I felt it didn't fit me as well as when I saw it in the store. (30s / Female / Mie / Housewife)
  • There are times when I do not wear an item because it does not match my image, or because I try it on at home and it looks different, even though I tried it on at the store. Also, if it is difficult to coordinate with the clothes I have on hand, I may not wear it. (20s / Female / Osaka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • Sometimes I don't wear it because it doesn't coordinate well with the clothes I already have. (40s / Male / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • When I buy something at a bargain price, I sometimes forget that I bought it. (40s / Female / Hyogo / Self-employed, freelance)
  • When I buy online, there are size differences, and if I can't get the right size, I stop wearing it halfway through. (20s / Female / Miyagi / Public employee)
  • There are times when I don't wear things I bought on impulse at bargains because I have a lot of concerns about them. (40s / Female / Tottori / Part-time job)
  • I bought it on the Internet, but when I received it, it was different from what I had imagined. (30s / Male / Fukuoka / Full-time employee)
  • It was not as comfortable as I thought it would be. I missed the season. (30s / Female / Hyogo / Full-time employee)
  • Because I have bought them thinking I will wear them someday. If it's a flashy dress or something like that, I think it's not the right time and pass it up. (20s / Female / Aichi / Part-time job)
  • There have been times when I have purchased clothes on the Internet, but when I actually received them, I did not wear them because the image, size, or color was different from what the model was wearing. (30s / Female / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • It didn't suit me when I actually tried it on (40s / Female / Osaka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • If it doesn't feel good on the skin or the size doesn't fit, I don't wear it. (50s / Male / Aichi / Full-time employee)
  • I bought a skirt with a design I liked, but I didn't have any clothes to match the top, and if I had left it as it was, the season would have changed and I would not have worn it after all. (30s / Female / Aichi / Dispatched worker, contract worker)
  • When I bought it because my wife recommended it, but when I tried it on, I felt it was different. (40s / Male / Aichi / Full-time employee)
  • Sometimes I don't wear it because it was more childish than I expected, it was difficult to put on, or the size was a little different. (30s / Female / Fukuoka / Housewife)
  • I sometimes bought them on impulse after seeing them in stores, but never had a chance to wear them. (50s / Male / Aichi / Unemployed)
  • I once bought a dress at a clothing store because I thought it looked good on me, but when I tried it on at home, I honestly felt it was too subtle and it ended up in the folder of my wardrobe. (40s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I bought it online, but it was different from my image, and the size didn't fit me a bit. (The length was too long.) (40s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • The impression of what I saw and what I actually wore were different, I didn't know how to match them, etc. (30s / Female / Fukuoka / Housewife)
  • When I was young, I was influenced by a TV drama in which an actor wore a red shirt and I thought it looked cool, so when I found a similar shirt, I bought it without thinking. (30s / Male / Shizuoka / Full-time employee)
  • The size was different and I was not satisfied with the comfort. (50s / Male / Oita / Self-employed, freelance)
  • When I bought it, I thought it would be easy to wear, but when I tried it on once, it just didn't feel right, and I couldn't wear it anymore. (40s / Female / Miyazaki / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I have purchased similar items in case my current clothes were ruined, but since they didn't get ruined and I didn't have to wear them, I put them away without ever wearing them. I have also bought items that were on sale and I thought they were a good deal, but when I got home and tried them on, I found that they didn't suit me very well, so I put them away. (50s / Male / Ibaraki / Full-time employee)
  • I thought it didn't suit me when I went home and tried it on (30's / Male / Chiba / Full-time employee)
  • Sometimes I put the clothes in the chest of drawers thinking that I will wear them later because I want to wear them on such-and-such occasion, and then I put other clothes on top of them and forget about them because they are out of sight, and sometimes I realize that I haven't worn them after many years. (40s / Male / Osaka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • There are several items of clothing that I have purchased from online retailers and have not worn because the size, color, or material is completely different from what I had imagined. In some cases, the return policy is supposed to be easy, but the return conditions are so strict and the actual process of sending them back is so troublesome that I sometimes give up and leave them as they are if they are inexpensive products. (50s / Male / Nagasaki / Full-time employee)
  • It was different from what I expected when I bought it online (20s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • The fabric is thin, the size doesn't fit, it doesn't suit me, etc. (30s / Male / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • I sometimes buy something because I think it looks cute in the store or on the Internet, but when I actually try it on, I think it's different. (30s / Female / Gunma / Housewife)
  • When I tried it on at home, it didn't suit me at all, which was unexpected. (30s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • When I tried to match it with the clothes I had on hand, it didn't feel right somehow (40s / Female / Osaka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • When I went home and tried it on myself, it didn't feel right. (30s / Female / Tokyo / Part-time job)
  • For reasons such as the product was different from what I expected when I purchased it by mail order. (20s / Female / Miyagi / Part-time job)
  • I bought it for going out, but sometimes the size became too tight before I wore it. (50s / Female / Aichi / Housewife)
  • Sometimes I buy something because I really liked it and wanted it so much when I saw it in the store, but as soon as I bring it home, my enthusiasm cools and I don't care about it anymore. Sometimes the clothes are left in the paper bag for several days, perhaps because I was satisfied with my purchase. (50s / Female / Aichi / Part-time job)
  • I checked the size carefully and bought it, but when I tried it on, it was too tight and snug, so I threw it away after wearing it only once. (50s / Male / Hokkaido / Self-employed, freelance)
  • There was a time when I left clothes purchased by mail order behind and never got a chance to wear them. (20s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I buy items because I think they are “cute” or “ideal design” in stores or on the Internet, but when I try to match them with clothes I already have, I sometimes find that the new clothes don't look good or don't fit in with my existing outfits. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • When I saw it at the store, the clerk cajoled me into buying it, but when I went home and looked at it objectively, I felt that it did not suit me, and I lost interest in wearing it. (40s / Male / Fukuoka / Self-employed, freelance)
  • It changes my mood and makes me feel old-fashioned (40s / Female / Fukushima / Full-time employee)
  • Since the clothes were not to be worn in the season they were purchased, they were left in the wardrobe and several years have passed. (40s / Male / Nagasaki / Self-employed, freelance)
  • There are clothes that I bought on sale at a low price, but when I tried them on at home, I found they didn't suit me very well, so I don't wear them anymore. (40s / Female / Kanagawa / Full-time employee)
  • I once bought an outerwear but forgot that I had put it on a hanger and sold it without wearing it. (30s / Male / Aichi / Full-time employee)
  • I buy most of my clothes online, so I do not try them on. Sometimes I don't wear the clothes I receive because they are too small, too tight, too open around the neck, or the length is different from what I imagined, because the model wearing them has a good style or is petite and slender. Other times, the clothes look good in the pictures, but when I actually try them on, they don't match my image, or I don't have clothes to match them. I don't return them because I don't buy expensive clothes and it's too much trouble. (40s / Female / Tokyo / Housewife)
  • When I found it difficult to wear with other clothes (40s / Male / Yamagata / Full-time employee)
  • Purchased online and did not wear it because what I received was not what I imagined (50s / Male / Kagoshima / Full-time employee)
  • Because the effects of lighting and mirrors make it look different from how it looks in the store. (30s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • Because I didn't try on the clothes, they didn't give me the ideal silhouette I wanted, and I regret leaving them as they were. (40s / Female / Hyogo / Part-time job)
  • When I actually tried it on, the size and transparency were different from what I expected. (30s / Female / Tochigi / Full-time employee)
  • Because I bought it online and the size didn't fit (30's / Male / Hiroshima / Full-time employee)

《very little》
  • Organic cotton T-shirts, for example, that I bought on the Internet were tighter around the torso than I had imagined, and I only tried them on once. (40s / Female / Kagawa / Housewife)
  • Brand-name clothes were discounted so much that I didn't hesitate to buy them, but I felt they didn't suit me, and I took too good care of them and didn't wear them after all. (40s / Male / Tochigi / Full-time employee)
  • I buy items at the end-of-season sale thinking I might wear them next year, but rarely do I wear them as they are. (40s / Male / Saitama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • When I buy something, I have a purpose for wearing it and I think carefully before choosing it, so it is almost impossible for me not to wear it. There was a time when I bought something on the Internet and didn't wear it because the image was different when I saw it in the mail. (40s / Female / Tottori Prefecture / Self-employed, freelance)
  • It is not often that I have purchased clothes that I never wore, but in rare cases, when I buy used clothes, I never wear them. In the case of second-hand clothes, there were times when I thought the clothes looked the best among them and thought they were a good buy, but when I looked at them again after I got home, I thought they were not so good, and in that case I did not wear them afterwards. (40s / Male / Fukushima Prefecture / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I make sure to check the size and color before purchasing so that I don't make any mistakes, so I almost never fail to wear a garment. I have only once ended up not wearing a skirt I ordered online because the color was different from my image. (30s / Female / Miyagi / Housewife)
  • We try it on for at least a few days and then use it as loungewear if we don't like the outfit. If I don't feel comfortable wearing it, I often transfer it to a friend or other person. On the other hand, there have been times when I have purchased an item at a discount price during a sale, etc., but did not wear it, thinking that I might wear it someday. (30s / Male / Hokkaido / Part-time job)
  • I know what clothes look good on me, so I often buy them without being adventurous and wear them most of the time. However, there are skirts that I bought on impulse because I thought they were “cute” when I saw them, but I still don't wear them because I don't think they suit me. (30s / Female / Hokkaido / Part-time job)
  • I don't have a lot of money to spare, and I don't buy clothes I may never wear. (40s / Female / Chiba / Housewife)
  • I bought it, put it in the wardrobe, forgot about it, and left it there. (40s / Male / Ibaraki / Self-employed, freelance)
  • There are some clothes that I regret after buying them, but I wear them basically. (40s / Male / Hyogo / Full-time employee)
  • There have been times when I could not wear a product I purchased on the Internet because the size was inevitably too small. (30s / Female / Fukuoka / Part-time job)
  • One time I threw away a jacket that was too small (50s / Male / Kagoshima / Unemployed)
  • The only time I did not wear the clothes I purchased was when I realized I had the wrong size, and that only happened once. (50s / Male / Kanagawa / Self-employed, freelance)
  • Because I have fewer opportunities to go out than in the past, I buy them less often. (50s / Female / Tokyo / Housewife)

《No experience》
  • First of all, I think about it many times before I buy it, try it on, etc. Even then, there are times when I don't like an item after I buy it, but in my mind I think, “It would be a shame if I didn't wear it! In my mind, I never say that I did not wear the clothes I bought because I think about things like, “It would be a waste if I don't wear it! (50s / Male / Mie / Full-time employee)
  • Because I choose it after careful examination (50's / Male / Hokkaido / Full-time employee)
  • I basically try not to buy things I don't wear (30s / Male / Hokkaido / Self-employed, freelance)
  • Basically, when I buy clothes, I buy them on the assumption that I will wear them, so I have never failed to wear them. (40s / Male / Osaka / Full-time employee)
  • I think carefully about my purchases and never fail to wear them (40s / Male / Shizuoka / Full-time employee)
  • When I purchase a garment, I try it on as much as possible and if I like it, I wear it after purchase. Sometimes I don't feel comfortable wearing them after purchase, but I do wear them, although not as often as I would like. I wear it as a loungewear if it can be used as loungewear. (30s / Female / Okinawa / Unemployed)
  • I always try on a garment once or look at the size before buying it. It would be a waste if I don't wear it once when I buy it. (20s / Male / Miyazaki / Full-time employee)
  • I only buy clothes I want to wear, so I have never not worn them. (30s / Female / Kanagawa / Part-time job)
  • I only buy what I really need (20s / Female / Tokyo / Part-time job)
  • I rarely make impulse purchases, and I think about what occasions I will wear before buying. (30s / Female / Aomori / Part-time job)
  • I buy only what I need and rarely make impulse purchases, so it is rare that I never wear it. (30s / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I check it thoroughly before I buy it, so I never buy it and never don't wear it. (40s / Male / Saitama / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I don't want to waste money by not wearing what I bought (20's / Male / Tokyo / Full-time employee)
  • I always try on clothes in stores before purchasing (30s / Male / Kanagawa / Full-time employee)
  • Basically, I try not to buy clothes I don't wear. I try on clothes before I buy them, so there is no chance that they won't fit (40s / Female / Hyogo / Unemployed).
  • I have never failed to wear clothes at all, because I purchase clothes after checking them well in advance (30's / Male / Tokyo / Self-employed, freelance)
  • I want to wear what I bought, so I wear it even if it doesn't suit me (20s / Female / Hokkaido / Temporary staff, Contract employee)


In response to the question, “Have you ever failed to wear a garment you purchased?” The survey revealed that 83% of the respondents had experienced a failure in purchasing clothing at least once in the past, with 4% saying “often”, 63% saying “sometimes”, and 16% saying “almost never”. Many of the failures occurred with online purchases, with many respondents stating that the garment was “different from the image” or “the size or texture was wrong.

《Citation and Reproduction of Survey Results》

Copyright of this report is owned by Normalism, Inc. When quoting or reprinting this report, please link to "Apparel OEM Search" (https://apparel-oem.com/en) and indicate the source of the report. Quoting or reproducing the survey in whole or in part with modification is prohibited.