Smart Shirts

OEM company featuring knit, shirts, apparel

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Smart Shirts

Smart Shirts is a multi-national company in the textile and apparel industry.

Smart Shirts is a multi-national company in the textile and apparel industry.
Our vertical supply chain extends from spinning, fabric making, dyeing, finishing, printing, embroidery, washing to garment making with manufacturing locations including Vietnam, Cambodia and Sri Lanka.
The Smart global business enterprise integrates R&D, design, production, sales and logistics, establishing our status as one of the leaders in the textile and manufacturing industry.
In 2021, our global sales reached USD$809 million, garment sales volume over 57 million pieces with 22 million woven and 35 million knit, woven fabric sales 53 million meters and knit fabric sales 19,200 tons.

Smart Shirts - Company profile

Company Smart Shirts
Address 26/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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