
バングラデシュのアパレルOEM企業・ファッション縫製工場 19件を、カテゴリー・ジャンル別におすすめのアパレルOEMメーカーが探せます。


1 - 19 件 / 全 19

  • Sunday Morning Factory株式会社


    • ベビー
    • キッズ
    • 海外生産

    ベビー キッズ Tシャツ アパレルのOEM・ODM。地球にやさしいものづくり。

    福岡市多の津にオフィスを構えております。 今年で7年目を迎え、バングラデッシュ・ダッカにある自社工場でものづくりを行っております。 自社ブランド『Haruulala organic』の商品を6年間作り続けてきた実績がございます。 日本製同様の品質やクオリティには自信があり、日本のお客様を中心にヨーロッパのお客様ともお取引があり、オーガニックコットンを始めとした、エシカル素材の調達も得意です。 日本人がやり取りさせていただくので、初心者の方でも安心してお任せください。 【制作実績】 ベビー:ベビー肌着・カバーオール・ロンパース・トップス・パンツ・スリーパー・ブランケット・サロペット キッズ:カットソー・Tシャツ・チュニック・パンツ・パーカー・スウェット・ワンピース・ニットセーター・カーディガン・デニム メンズ:ポロシャツ、Tシャツ、フーディーなど 【対応言語】 日本語・英語 【最初ロット】 500pcs~ (小ロット〜大量発注にも対応しております。) (Tシャツは100pcs~対応しております。クラスTシャツや企業TシャツのOEM対応化。プリント対応可。) 納期やロット数のご質問など、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 在庫がある生地の場合、ロットが少ない場合がございます。

    • ブランケット
    • ベビースリーパー
    • 布帛チュニック
    • 布帛チュニック
    • 布帛ワンピース
    • 布帛ワンピース
    • トップス
    • トップス
    • トップス
    • パンツ
    • パンツ
    • カバーオール
  • Apparels Idea

    House # 640, Road # 5, Block # G, Bashundhara, Dhaka # 1229

    • 海外生産
    • Tシャツ
    • デニム


    首都ダッカに拠点を置くアパレル商材代理店になります。 100社以上の現地縫製工場とパートナーシップを結んでおり、生産・開発・調達・物流までのサポートを実施しております。 最低ロット1000からご相談可能となります。 実績写真を掲載しているのでご確認いただき、イメージに合うようでしたら下記情報をご連絡ください。 ※生地をすでにお持ちで縫製のみ等も対応可能です。 お送りいただきました条件に見合うパートナー先へと連携させていただきます。 特注対応も受け付けておりますのでお気軽にご相談くださいませ。 ・製品仕様書(テクニカルパッケージ) ・製法 ・希望ロット数 ・希望価格(1枚あたり) ・リードタイム ・検査基準 サンプルの送付も可能ですのでお気軽にご連絡ください。

  • Clothing Manufacturers

    House 125 Road 01 Baridhara Dhaka-1212

    • clothing
    • manufacturers
    • fashion

    How to Get Top Quality Clothing Manufacturers

    Clothing Manufacturer SDF Clothing is based in Bangladesh and has offices in London, UK; the Bronx, NY, United States; Turramurra, Australia; Johannesburg, South Africa; Ottawa, Canada; and Rome, Italy. It produces high-quality clothes at an affordable price. The company caters to a wide range of clients, including fashion designers, outlets, stores, brands, private labels, and retailers. SDF Clothing offers a variety of services, including a custom clothing line, private label clothing, and developing and manufacturing your custom clothing. fabrication for both knit and woven garments, and branding services such as print, embroidery, labeling, packaging, and tags. One of the unique features of SDF is its support for startup brands. The company offers a range of branding services that are tailored to the specific needs of each brand for wholesalers, suppliers, distributors, dropshippers, e-commerce startups, and business owners. SDF Clothing provides custom fabrication, lace, and patches that reflect a brand's image and message. This helps startup brands establish their identity and create a unique brand image. SDF Clothing works for top brands in the world such as H&M, Zara, New Look, Next, Entro, Target, Arie, and many more. SDF Clothing's commitment to quality is evident in its production processes. The company uses modern technology and equipment to produce clothes that are not only stylish but also durable. Despite the low labor costs in Bangladesh, SDF Clothing never compromises on the quality of its products. The company's ability to produce high-quality clothes at an affordable price makes it a reliable partner for businesses looking to establish a strong brand image and succeed in a competitive market that can be bet with China, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, India, Vietnam, Italy, Germany, and United States garment manufacturers. SDF cloth ensures every product's quality. It also focuses on sustainability, recycling, and organic products.

  • アフィックスユニバース限定。

    Holding # 11/4, Paity, Demra, Dhaka-1360, Bangladesh.

    • leather
    • goods
    • bangladesh

    OEM with a high reputation in the leather industry of Bangladesh.

    Affix universe limitedは、バングラデシュの皮革産業で高い評価を得ているOEM(相手先ブランドによる生産)企業です。私達は特定の条件を理解することによって私達の顧客とのあらゆる取り引きを注意深く調整します。私たちは、高度な技術を持ち、やる気のある従業員で構成されたグループを備えています。皮革産業は機械で100%自動化されているわけではなく、専門家の手が必要です。アフィックスでは、常に作業員の経験と熟練を大切にしています。作業員の他にも、工場には最新の機械が導入されています。

  • Brandix Lanka Ltd.

    No. 25, Rheinland Place, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.

    • sportswear
    • activewear
    • tshirt


    私たちは、インティメイト、アクティブ、ラウンジ、スイムウェア、織物のトップス/ボトムスなど、アパレル製品の世界的なブランドと仕事をしています。 私たちのサービスは製造にとどまらず、コンセプトの初期化、デザインと革新、原材料とカラーアソートの最終決定など、ブランドと協力しながら進めています。私たちのデザイン、開発、生産の拠点は、世界中のさまざまな地域で多様なビジネスモデルに対応するための設備が整っています。

  • Adroit Linkers

    House # 134, Road # 01, Baridhara D.O.H.S, Dhaka -1206 ; Bangladesh.

    • knit
    • woven
    • sweater


    Adroit Linkersは、バングラデシュを拠点とする調達・供給会社で、海外バイヤーに代わって必要な検査と品質保証を行っています。私たちは、Tシャツ、ポロシャツ、タンクトップ、スウェットシャツ、スウェットジャケット、フリース、セータープルオーバー、デニムジーンズ(基本ロングパンツ、ショートパンツ)ツイルパンツ、シャツ、ジャケット(デニム、パッド)&カーディガンなどのニットウェア、織物とセーターの項目を専門としています。 アドロイトリンカーズは、広範な調達ネットワークと非常に効率的な運営に支えられ、常に高品質のサービスと製品を競争力のある価格としてお客様にお届けしています。


    House-103, Northern Road, Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206

    • tshirts
    • polo
    • sweats


    AUKO-TEX GROUPは、2002年に設立された100%輸出志向のニット複合衣料品製造コングロマリットです。 製品は以下の通りです: Tシャツ、ポロシャツ、タンクトップ、スウェットシャツ、ショーツ、レギンスなどを、S/J、ライクラジャージー、ドロップニードルS/J、プレーンリブ、デザインリブ、インターロック、ピケ、ラコステ、テリー、フリース、Y/Dストライプなどの様々な種類のニット生地で製造しています。

  • アパレルOEM企業が見つかる!

    Mehnaz Monsur Tower (7th Floor), House # 11/A, Road # 130, Gulshan-1, Dhaka.

    • ladies
    • mens
    • kids

    Mitali Groupは、バングラデシュの高級衣料品製造会社です。

    ミタリグループは、バングラデシュの衣料品製造会社で、優れた品質、優れた管理、プロフェッショナルなチームによって、ミタリは他の会社とは一線を画しています。2000年に設立されたMitali Groupは、ニットやフリース製品に特化しており、将来的には布帛やジーンズ製品にも参入する予定です。 衣料品部門は20年以上前からバングラデシュからの輸出が盛んで、バングラデシュは常に世界の輸出国トップ10にランクインしています。Mitaliは、ヨーロッパの多くのトップアパレルブランドと友好的なビジネス関係を築いています。ALDI、Walmart、Lidl、Amerella、Dresscue、Kappa、mangoなどのブランドは、ミタリを常にトップベンダーリストに位置づけています。 ミタリの工場は、バングラデシュでも数少ない、ニット、染色、仕上げ、プリント、刺繍、パッケージングを同じ工場で行っており、ミタリが品質と監督をしっかり保つことを可能にしています。ミタリグループとバングラデシュの主な価値提案は、品質と費用対効果です。 ミタリグループは2000年に設立され、急速にバングラデシュの既製服の主要サプライヤーとなりました。 今日、Mitaliの成功は、最新鋭の設備と、経営陣から工場に至るまで経験豊かな人材がもたらしたものです。このような質の高いチームによって、Mitaliは非常に効率的で競争力のある生産部門を運営することができ、業界の継続的に増加する基準や要求に応えることができるようになりました。

  • Pacific Jeans

    Plot # 14-19,Sector #5,CEPZ,Chittagong-4223,Bangladesh

    • jeans
    • denim
    • pants

    A world class casual wear manufacturing company

    Pacific Jeans Limited is a world class casual wear manufacturing company known for its state of the art production facility, extensive and unique research and development center and high skilled human resources. At present Pacific Jeans Limited is one of the premium jeans manufacturers exporting to over 50 countries. With continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards maintaining safe and healthy workplace for the workers and strict adherence to customers compliance requirements, this group has become one of the most preferred suppliers of the leading global fashion retailers.

  • AKH Group

    133-134, Hemayetpur, Savar Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh

    • tshirts
    • casual
    • apparel

    One stop source for quality readymade garments form Bangladesh

    AKH was established in the year 1997. Just about 15 kilometers to the North from the country’s National Parliament in Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, and just by on the Dhaka-Aricha highway, the Corporate Headquarters of AKH group is situated. Its other premises are located at Hemayetpur and Tatuljhra in Savar, and Dhamrai in Dhaka. Public amenities and utilities as well as availability of workforce necessary for textiles and garment industry are in the best shapes by country standards in and around those areas. Adding all of these advantages to its own expertise and other strengths, AKH has now successfully evolved into a highly integrated leading group in apparel manufacturing and exporting from Bangladesh. The entire operations of AKH are carried out from four of its own premises that are designed with the most modern and futuristic factory specifications. On the verge of embarking upon producing woven fabrics very soon, now it has got 14 successful going concerns to independently engage itself in knitting, dyeing, printing, embroidering, sewing, accessory manufacturing, packaging, washing, clearing & forwarding, and logistics. AKH Group is housed on an aggregate floor space of about 2 million square feet in buildings successfully rated GREEN for structural excellence by ACCORD, and satisfactorily appraised by Grey Gabriel Associates, at present, every month AKH produces about 2.2 million pieces of woven apparel, about 3 million pieces of knitwear, and about 500,000 pieces of fleece garments.

  • Apex Footwear Limited

    House # 06, Road # 137, Block # SE(D), Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. Bangladesh.

    • shoes
    • footwear
    • leather

    Apex has established its dominance in all parts of Bangladesh with stylish designs, quality shoe-making and immaculate service.

    Apex Footwear Limited started its journey as an OEM factory which then evolved into ODM. With global location advantage in Europe’s fashion hub Italy, Apex creates amazingly beautiful products which is then engineered to perfection in Bangladesh. With more than 130 buyers worldwide, Apex has cemented its global presence in the international footwear industry by exporting over 5m prs of shoes every year.

  • Panam Group.

    Navana Pristine Pavilion, Level 10th & 11th 128 Gulshan AVE, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

    • ladies
    • mens
    • apparel

    Ane of the industry leaders in composite knitwear manufacturing sector.

    Panam Group’s beginning started in 1987 as a trading business named KB Traders. Later, in August of 2000 Panam Group started its journey as a house of Readymade Garments (RMG), with our first knit composite manufacturing plant in Narayangonj, Bangladesh. Since then, the business has rapidly expanded to include multiple apparel manufacturing plants with our own textiles manufacturing, All Over Printing, Washing and Embroidery and Logistics facilities. Over the time our group has expanded to over 20,000 employees and has established itself as one of the industry leaders in composite knitwear manufacturing sector. Panam Group provide a wide range of Knit Apparels products including the following: Polo Shirts, T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Trousers, Hooded Jacket & Cardigans, Athleisure Wear, lounge Wear, Men’s & Ladies Fashions Wear, Kids Wear, etc.

  • M & J Group

    Red Crescent Concord Tower (8th, 9th, 10th, 12th & 13th Floors) 17, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

    • jeans
    • denim
    • bottoms

    M&J Group is producing a wide range of top-quality denim bottoms

    M&J Group is one of the biggest and the most reliable apparel manufacturer providing high quality garments to the leading fashion brands like American Eagle, C&A, GAP, H&M and Old Navy in the US, EU and Canadian markets. The group is producing a wide range of top-quality denim bottoms including some garment dye products.

  • Pioneer Group

    37, Hemayetpur, Savar Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh

    • jeans
    • denim
    • bottoms

    PIONEER GROUP is one of the most successful textile manufacturers in Bangladesh.

    Pioneer Group is one of the most successful textile manufacturers in Bangladesh. The company produces most fashionable garment products and denim & woven fabrics and owns one of the most comprehensive and resourceful manufacturing facilities in Bangladesh. Pioneer Group today is working with some of the biggest fashion brands in the world. The company has a rich history of almost 20 years in the garment business. It has arduously re-engineered each step of its value-chain to match the dynamism of the fashion market. Pioneer Group has expanded its capacity, developed a skilled workforce and introduced integrated technologies, to remain globally up-to-date. It is truly an organization with a glorious past and a bright future.

  • アパレルOEM企業が見つかる!
  • PICARD Bangladesh Limited


    • leather
    • goods
    • nonleather

    Leather Goods Manufacturer

    Picard Bangladesh Limited is a Bangladesh – Germany Joint Venture company formed in 1997. The company manufactures mid to high-end leather/non leather goods for international brands. Picard Bangladesh is one of the pioneers of leather goods manufacturing in the country. The company was formed with the view to combine the technical expertise of German manufacturing, along with the advantages of ample source of raw materials and competitive labour force. In addition to manufacturing for the PICARD brand, the factory is also involved in production for other brands based in Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan and Singapore. The organisational objective is to manufacture and export high quality leather/non leather products at the best possible price, while providing an integrated sourcing solution.



    • outerwear
    • sportswear
    • workwear

    Snowtex supplying quality apparels across the world to the best of the retailers and the biggest brands of the fashion industry.

    Dhaka-based Snowtex Outerwear Ltd. is the partner factory from Bangladesh for Decathlon – one of the most successful. The company has been maintaining the scheduled time frame for each shipment and has been full filling customers with their every need. Now Snowtex is exporting all types of Jackets, Casual wear, Sportswear and bottom for USA, Canada, UK, Europe and France market.


    phone visit Concord IK Tower, Level 4 North Avenue, Gulshan 2 Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

    • knit
    • lingerie
    • apparel

    One of the finest manufacturer of knitwear in Bangladesh

    Having lived in the pinnacle as one of the finest manufacturer of knitwear in Bangladesh, SQ has made successful forays into lingerie and now shirt. Knitwear, Lingerie, Shirt, Retail, Yarn Dyeing, Piece Dyeing, Fabric Making, Print, Elastic, Bra Cup

  • Urmi Group

    Sam Tower, Level- 2,3,4 & 5 House-4, Road-22, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

    • ladies
    • mens
    • apparel

    Leading RMG Manufacturer

    Urmi Group, one of the leading readymade garments manufacturers in Bangladesh that is actively redefining the industry standards of production performance, innovation and growth.


    House # 5/A, Road # 94, Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh.

    • ladies
    • mens
    • apparel

    A manufacturer and exporter of readymade garments in Bangladesh.

    Pretty Group make all types of Bottoms and Tops (Sweaters, Dress Pant, Blazer, Fashion Trousers, Jackets, Ladies Dress, Overall Shorts, Romper, Shirts and more) due to excellent in house facility and high standard, washing plant and Grinding Capacity. We are highly specialized in Sweater Manufacturing. Nevertheless, we can also handle any kind of cotton, Twill, Canvas, Corduroy, Poplin, and any stretch fabric. Our yearly capacity is 24 Million pcs Sweaters and 8 Million pcs of Shirts. Buyers are: Okaidi, Springfield, Pimkle, Jules, Auchan, JC Penny, Kohls, Walmart, Tesco, Target, Soriana, GU, Carter’s, Celio, Akermans, Brice, Cotton on, Debenhams, H & M, Mr.Price, Uniqlo, Zara, S.Oliver, C & A and so on.

