91 - 92 件 / 全 92 件
熊本県八代市の有限会社熊本アイエムソーイングは、ポロシャツからブラウス・制服まで製造する縫製工場です。 裁断から縫製・全ての工程を国内の工場で行っています。
滋賀県彦根市の株式会社ファイバーは、無縫製技術に強い縫製工場です。 主にスポーツウェア(サイクルジャージ、ヨガウェア、水着等)の製造を行っています。 その他、Tシャツ、カットソー等ニット製品製造や...
Clothes, all types, and even designing new ones
We are looking for a manufacturer to develop a new line of sweatshirts hoodies, and other clothes. Any area is acceptable as long as we can have online meetings. We are looking forward to hearing from you. I would like to discuss, things such as budget, quantity, stage of production, availability of samples, and delivery date.
all clothes
We are looking for a manufacturer to develop a new line of sweatshirts hoodies, and other clothes. Any area is acceptable as long as we can have online meetings. We are looking forward to hearing from you. I would like to discuss, things such as budget, quantity, stage of production, availability of samples, and delivery date.
Ask for OEM production of casual menswear
We are developing a casual mens apparel brand targeting men in their 20s to 30s on our e-commerce site and physical retail stores. We are looking for an OEM company to develop a new line of t-shirts, pants, shorts, sweatshirts, hoodies, button down and more. We are looking for small lots and high quality. We are based in Tokyo and New York, but any area is acceptable as long as we can have online meetings. Look forward to hearing from you!